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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. What about fun and easy labs: 1. Create an egg drop pillow (parachute with padding or whatever else they can imagine to keep the egg from breaking when dropped. 2. Criminal Investigations 1: Take everyone's finger prints and compare them. 3. Criminal Investigations 2: Write a "ransom note" for a class mascot, take various pen samples and mark on paper towels, take the paper towels and a sample of the note, hang with edge in some water (we may have mixed vinegar in it too...we did this when I was in jr high) and watch as the water is absorbed. It will separate the colors used in the black ink. You can identify which pen was used to write the note. 4. Orienteering : You can do this inside or outside, it takes some planning but it is so much fun! 5. Make "Oobleck" or slime - 3 parts cornstarch to 1 part water and a little food coloring. If you hit it hard and fast, it acts like a solid. If you pick it up or slowly push on it, it acts more liquid like. It is a lot of fun! A+ has a fun physics experiments for kids book. I picked it up a Target in the $1 aisle last year, I saw it again this year. Or pick up one of Janice Van Cleaves books. There are some fun experiments in there.
  2. :bigear: My son is enjoying the Magic Tree House books. But I would love some other suggestions as well.
  3. Playdough, paint, crayons, dress up, music, tea parties, reading a loud, and singing.
  4. Performance resumes are typically very different from business resumes. For theatre and dance we do not include an objective. You list performance experience - for theatre we list show, role, director or theatre. Here are a few resume samples for pianists that I found in a quick Google search. There were many more, these were just from the first page. For a more specialized resume, it would be good to talk to a pianist or two who have been auditioning and applying for jobs.
  5. I wondered how to do that!! That makes responding to multiple things SOOOO much easier!!!:001_smile: ETA: What is the third buttone....the paper and quill without the word quote?
  6. I would think you could call the teacher or email her and find out the curriculum. I would supplement with Singapore or math mammoth.
  7. I thought I remembered it saying the notebooks started in second grade? We we working our way through the rules, next year we will start the notebook.
  8. My son missed the cutoff for ps kindergarten by 22 days last year. They would have placed him in preschool. At that time, he read at a second grade level, knew addition and subtraction, and understood the concept of multiplication and division. He could sound out and spell very large words and count to 100. He wanted to learn more. He requested to Homeschool last year. There were many days that we skipped bevause he needed a day and I did not do 180 days. I did label him kindergarten. That is the type of work we were doing, and the label let him take a musical theater class he really wanted and put him in Sunday school with his friends. I left him in his preschool dance class, because he had danced with them for two years and he was still that age. This year he is first grade. He will always be labeled a year ahead of where he would be in ps. He is actually doing all second grade work, but for dance, theatre, and Sunday school I want to keep him in first grade. We will not "skip" another grade. We will just do work appropriate for his ability level and label him by age to do activities with his friends. He does have an activity he want to do that is for 3rs grade and up....he asked if we could work really fast to get to third grade :) I said no.
  9. I want one!:thumbup1: That is an awesome deal!
  10. I knew a dance teacher who sent recital packets home with all of her students labeled "Annual Rectal." I always check for that "I" now!!
  11. Get a workbook from Walmart or make up your own math problems to print or write them on a board if you have one. Have your 3rd grader do 4or 5 subtraction problems a day. Then do what ever else is inhospitable 3rd grade curriculum. After a couple of weeks, he should have it down with no problem. Don't drill it to death all day instead of moving through new concepts (assuming he is picking up the new concepts and enjoying it). If you get to something else that needs remediation, do the same thing. You can take a day to just review the concept, but then just throw in a few problems a day until it is mastered.
  12. Phineas and Ferb pencil bucket, dry erase board, journal, pencils, markers and erasers for DS; same kinds of things in My Little Pony for DD. ALL the A+ workbooks and flashcard sets! I think between last year and this year, we do have them all! I had not thought of using the animal ones for sorting and classifying!! We are learning taxonomy in Biology right now and we need to do the sorting lab. The one in the book said to use cotton balls and other house hold items. I would much rather use animal cards! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Target $1 aisle!
  13. We played romantic leads opposite each other in high school. We started dating when the show closed. We dated for 3.5 years, got married a month after I graduated from college. We have been married for 10.5 years now.
  14. 1. He is the 4th of 7 kids. 2. He was home schooled through 10th grade, went to work to help support his family after his mom died of cancer, took the GED and ACT at 20, finished college at 24 (with a GPA above 3.5)! 3. He was the first of his siblings to go to college. 4. He has a great voice. We started dating after I played Peggy Sawyer and he played Julian Marsh in 42nd Street. He sand "Lullaby of Broadway" to me in rehearsal/performances and I fell in love :001_wub: 5. He has a degree in music technology. 6. He owns a window cleaning business. 7. He has built some cool sets and designed some great lights for shows! 8. He has been planning, digging, and redoing his garden beds all summer....we have nothing growing in the garden this year so far... 9. He is an amazing cook!! 10. He is a great husband and father!
  15. I try to get the kids over to their house once a week, sometimes they come to us, but they have the pool :) If we go a couple of weeks, we usually end up spending more time together the next time.
  16. I also have no idea who this person is...so...who is she?
  17. Up to about a year, I always put my babies in the infant seat or the portable swing and set them in the bathroom or at the door while I showered, I had to have my shower! That way I could talk to them while I showered. Once they got a little older, I used the pack and play, a few toys, and a cartoon. That generally bought me about 20 minutes.
  18. We do school work 5 days a week. We have co-op on Wed, but it is 9-12, so we will squeeze in our math and grammar. If we don't, we will have to continue through the semmer to finish everything.
  19. Idecided to make science match. But I am not worrying about history. We do the whole timeline each year, so I am just doing the history I had planned.
  20. It's getting laundry folded that is our problem. I hate to fold laundry. Right now we have a pile on the couch. My 3 year old pulled all the washcloths out and put them away, but that is it.
  21. I have written a couple of plays. I have had one produced, small scale. It was a master's project. I don't have the energy to try to get anything else published.
  22. My dad has asked DS and I both this. "Don't you want to go to real school, with friends?" He has stopped asking for now...
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