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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Mine are too young to really do much. They have been to ground zero (two years ago), but they don't remember. We might talk about it a little, I will also have to consider what to do on April 19th. We did nothing last year for the 15th anniversary of the OKC bombings. We might take him to the memorial downtown. When does everybody start discussing these types of things with their kids? We are doing SOTW, it talks about a lot of wars and things; but being so far removed, it is not as meaningful as something we can go see and talk to people (friends) who lost loved ones.
  2. It really depends on the time of year and my stress level. I have had colds hang on for weeks. I am generally sick for 2-3 days and then have a cough or runny nose for weeks. I remember when I was little, the doctor told my mom it takes a lot of colds 6 weeks to run their course. They may start in your head and then move down through your respiratory system. That is generally the pattern with me. I have a sinus headache, then total congestion, then sore throat, light couch, deepening cough, then it is gone...
  3. I would get a different curriculum. One that is easier to teach. I tried a scripted curriculum for one day and hated it! I don't want to spend that much prep time for 1st grade! We do better with non-scripted, lesson-a-day type curriculum. We went from Shurley English to Rod and Staff Grammar. I have no prep time for anything. Every few days I print out a few worksheets and lap book pieces. All my prep work was in picking my curriculum, laying out my schedule, and entering in the computer this summer. Kindergarten should be fun and easy - for both of you!
  4. Hire my hubby;) DH has a window cleaning business. He uses dish soap and water, a scrubber cloth and squeegee. For screens he used the same thing and a hose. He uses towels to dry the edges. You can't wash the towels with fabric softener, however. Oops:tongue_smilie: I don't wash his towels anymore...he does.
  5. I did property management in MO and own a rental there, we live in OK and the law is the same - a lease must be honored in the sale of a home. Some leases have a 30 day out for new owners. The contract would have a clause that stated something about "in the event of a sale...new owner can give tenant 30 days notice..." Read your lease, check the tenant law in your area, and be prepared.
  6. :iagree: I was a horrible seller in school, I am still not great. I minored in theatre and earned a master's in theatre. I spent many a class working on Standard American dialect. Riding myself of my Oklahoma Yuck dialect helped my spelling tremendously!! I makes sure to clearly pronounce, with correct vowel sounds, all words I ask him to spell. We use this as well. My son is a natural seller, but I am not. We are on lesson/list 8 and I have already learned rules I never knew!! I am sure my spelling will improve as we continue ;) I also have TWRTR and phonics/spelling cards I picked up.
  7. R&S 2 for English Grammar 2nd grade Core Curriculum workbook for Phonics and fun activities RS4K pre-level 1 biology SM 2a&b, Math Mammoth geometry Spelling Plus and Dictation SOTW Vol 1 Daily Assigned reading Copywork that lines up with history for handwriting
  8. Spelling Plus did that this week. We spent 20 minutes on spelling yesterday for that reason. We looked at the homophones, used them in sentences out loud and he pointed to the word used, then wrote correct sentences on the board. Then I wrote sentences where some were wrong. He corrected them. He was pretty solid on them by the end. We will do dictation from that list next week. I will be able to see if he really gets it then. I think introducing them together was best for my son, but he is a natural speller. I don't know about struggling.g sellers and I dont remember how I learned. I am NOT a natural speller!
  9. We just call it school. Sometimes that brings a good reaction, sometimes a bad one.
  10. Someone on this forum suggested this website for making your own pages. You could type out letters, words to repeat, or type a short poem/Bible verse for her to practice. I was very excited and we have played around with it a little bit.
  11. "Here, we ask that you disregard the quality of the text in favor of our books' outer beauty. Home libraries are often more about decorative splendor than they are functionality." REALLY - why spend money on books you will never want to read!! That is crazy!
  12. RS4K books are slim and I believe they are available in paperback.
  13. Real Science 4 Kids is great!! We are doing Pre-level 1 Biology. They recommend pre-level 1 for K-3rd grades. It has a lot of good information in bite size chunks. You can do a book in a semester, but I am spreading it out over a year. We are in 1st grade. We do science 2 days a week. We read a section and discuss each day we do science. Before the summary, we do the lab or a different lab if I feel like it. The next day, we read the summary, review, and take the test. He has retained so much information and it has been painless! Almost as much fun as SOTW :)
  14. I think that a couple of baskets or plastic boxes that can go to the car sound like the best idea. If the kids do all the same level and subjects, have a box for books and a box for manipulatives. If you are mid math lesson, put the books in a box, clear the table into the other box take it to the car. Throw some cookies in the oven first though :) take the cookies out and leave the house. Showing a house is never ideal, no matter your lifestyle. It is inconvenient. You just have to deal with what comes. When we were showing house I grew up in, I was in college. I came home and my stuff would be gone....all off to storage. Or I could not find a pot or pan. We lived with it. All of my belongings were in storage for two years while dh and I tried to sell a house out of state while living in a garage apartment.
  15. Have fun with everything!! Don't stress too much and if you get "behind," you can always catch up later. It's okay to take a day of too ;)
  16. That was super easy, I will have to check out the second link!
  17. We don't have a schedule, but we do everything at one sitting unless we need a lunch break. If we get it all done, the rest of the day is playtime. He likes that. Every now and then we have to finish up before bed. But I try to get it all done earlier.
  18. Okay, I thought it was some special kind of school:001_smile: . If they had an evaluation of any kind, that might work. All of the schools I have had experience with gave grades.
  19. Everyman? It may be too much for your young ones, but there must be some simplified versions of the morality play, or something similar.
  20. I voted yes. I do care. I want them to grow up to do a job they love! I love my work and my husband enjoys what he does. I know so many people who are miserable in their jobs. I do not want that for my kids. That is part of why their education is so important. They need a good education to enjoy that freedom. A good education also introduces them to the many possibilities the world has to offer. I also want them to be good citizens with legal and ethical careers.:001_smile:
  21. So far, I have posted two blogs this week! We have been busy! We made an edible cell and we went to the science museum. Lots of pictures!!
  22. I have no idea what a B&M private school is. I don't know any schools in our area that don't give grades. Some of the programs when I was younger were national (blockbuster free rental, free ice cream at McDonald's, etc). There are some local programs for us as well. You have to take a report card. I don't know if they have exceptions or other documentation you can take in.
  23. I own a performing arts academy. I teach evenings, 4-8 pm. I have a lot of other things I do during the day to run the business. I only have one first grader to HS everyday, and one preschooler who schools by request only. As they get older I can see it being more of an issue; but right now, it is not too bad.
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