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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I have been watching it on Netflix too. It makes me want to clean!!!
  2. Some colleges look for honors or AP classes for admission. If it comes down to a few students waiting for the last spot at a selective school, you want the designations, but only if the work was truly at that level. If your student can take, amd pass am AP test, I think you cam safely call the class itself AP.
  3. My oldest knew his alphabet at 18 months. He could recite, identify, and write his letters and numbers. My younger child still won't say her ABCs, she can identify but says "I no no mommy." But she knows "How Much is That Doggie" and "Animal Crackers" she just likes the tunes better!
  4. I would let her try it. My parents sent my sister and I to a small college prep school from 5th grade through high school. I loved it and thrived there. My sister, however, was miserable. She needed the bigger environment. She is an extrovert. She gains her energy from being around people. When she is alone she is just plain gloomy. She is also a performer, our school did not have much for her. She was also not very academic. She received a full ride to a local college for musical theatre. She did not need the rigorous academic environment; she needed something different. She lived in NYC for 5 or6 years and can't wait to move back. Maybe your daughter just needs a different environment. If you are still pushing her to excel at home, she will still get a good education. You can homeschool for the summer; and you never know, she may hate it an want to come back home. I think you need to have an agreement about coming home again. Does she have to stick it out for a year, a semester? If she looses a little time, you can make it up.
  5. We will also be doing Classical Conversations on our own. I am doing cycle 1 because I really like to start at the begining :D We are doing everything, including the history timeline. I am also throeing in sine extra Bible verses, address and phone numbers, etc. CC is only 24 weeks, so I have room to add more. We memorized poetry from What Your Kindergartener Needs to Know last year and will do the same from the first grade book this year. My three year old will be learning her ABCs. She has not shown much interest until recently, so we are going for full preschool this year! I am using the letter of the day curriculum from Brightly Beaming. We will memorize some poems and vocabulary words.
  6. My son could complete first/second grade level work in one hour or less last year. He was five and would have been in prek by ps standards. When we got to adding/subtracting 2-3 digit numbers, I had him do 4 problems a day. It took less than 10 minutes. I will have to limit HOM this year because I do not want him into algebra too early. He also finishes his other work early. I work him 1-2 years "ahead" but I also try to slow him down. If he is still like this In a few years, 4 hours will have him out of high school too early for me. Is he challenged? Somewhat, but I was never really challenged academically until my master's program. It depends on the student and I would not judge unless I knew the kid.
  7. I have a binder with our math supplement pages, handwriting, lapbook pages, and science tests. Everything else is in a basket.
  8. I have an old dresser that I painted to store supplies in. On top of that, we have black canvass bas?its from Walmart. Each child has one with their school stuff in it. I can grab the basket and go with a child. We have 5-6 bookshelves around the house that I am organizing slowly. I have higher level math and grammar books together, history resources together, beginning readers, my novels, and everything else by subject. I can see what I need and hide the rest. And, we have a cart by the kitchen table for art supplies.
  9. I'm new too. I joined about a month ago. I have learned so much from the boards already!! Have fun!
  10. There is not a good answer for me. My kids are 3 and almost 6. Every now and then we have problem, but it has never been consistent. They have always been good about going to bed for the most part. But....they are not perfect!
  11. I think it would be okay, if you were providing he service as a tutoring service with paper editing. In a college writing lab, you talk through the paper and why things need to be fixed. You could read, make notes and then have a phone meeting to discuss issues infuriated writing.
  12. Give him the placement tests from their website. That will be the best way to judge. You can see if there is one concept that is weak, then review that concept before moving on.
  13. The biggest hits at are house are: Grilled Steak, grilled chopped veggies, baked potatoes or Grilled Salmon, brussel sprouts, and rice We also eat grilled chicken 5-7 times a week for lunch or dinner (tonight it is grilled chicken with basil pesto tortellini!).
  14. 2 cups granulated sugar 3/4 cup vegetable oil 1 cup Hershey's cocoa 4 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla 2 1/3 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt Mix sugar and oil, add cocoa, beat until well blended. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Stir together flour,baking powder, and salt. Gradually add to cocoa mixture. Cover and refrigerate until dough is firm (at least 6 hours). Preheat oven to 350. Lightly grease cookie sheet. Shape dough into 1 inch balls and roll in powdered sugar. Place 2 inches apart and bake 10-12 minutes. I have put the dough in the freezer when I needed to make them faster. They have turned out perfect every time. The recipe is delicious! I don't grease the cookie sheet either, but I use stonewear. Have fun! Now I may need to go bake :D
  15. Neither of our vehicles have A/C at this moment! We drove 30 minutes to a party and my parents house yesterday. I took water bottles, a towel to wear in my shirt until we got there (I did not want sweat spots at the party!!) and an ice pack to keep cool! It rained for 6 hours last night and the temps stayed under 100 all day today! We will be having tortellini and grilled chicken. We have been grilling A LOT! Keep the heat outside!
  16. I would get your insurance company to come look at it. Our rental is getting reroofed with insurance paying a good portion. My parents house was $20,000 to roof! It was ALL covered by insurance. There were companies here that dropped some of the big houses in neighborhoods that required shake shingles. They are the most expensive and most easily damaged. We had a HUGE hail storm (hail pelted straight through roofs and into houses, put holes in siding, and went through car roofs!!) After that the companies dropped the more expensive houses; but it was due to the neighborhood covenants, not just filing a claim.
  17. The recipie I use is very different. It uses oil and no milk. I will post it when I get home.
  18. Find a church that does Angel Food. My SIL tried it once or twice. You can get a lot of food for fairly cheap.
  19. Cheers Wings Scrubs Busytown Mysteries :) Blue Clues :) Monk Glee Make it or Break It (incredibly cheese, but I love watching the gymnastics!!) And a few that my ds5 has added because they look fun!
  20. Mexico and the Mayan or Aztec ruins. In the US you can go west and see the cliff dwellings or Northern Plains for the mounds.
  21. I found my second desk on Craigslist today. I bought an older school desk with attached chair for $25. Now I have two that match.
  22. We don't Homeschool for religious reasons. It is to provide the best education possible for our children. We are Christians. I include Bible and Christian history in our studies. We use classical conversations. But I also use secular materials - Real Science 4 Kids, SITE, and Core Knowledge lit.
  23. Here are some links to free printable pages with Ancient Civilizations. This page has other activities on Egypt. This page does detailed searches for ancient civilizations. There are a lot more to look at if you want to take the time to find some free stuff. Did you see the thread on this lapbook? She also has a lot of other resources listed.
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