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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. We cover it in olive Eli and cracked black pepper and grill. We do it without foil and it works great. We serve with lemon and capers. The kids love it.
  2. Contact your state Homeschool association. Oklahoma's stayed org keeps a list of support groups on their site. The support groups run co-ops or know of all of them.
  3. Cajun pork tenderloin green beans and left over lunch - Lentil soup...Yummy!
  4. If you just want exposure, set up a Pandora account with the composer you are atudying and let it play while you work. When you get to a piece you love, look at the composer info and look it up, start a new station and listen some more.
  5. Definitely the Singapore CPW and IP. Do a placement test for the curriculum and get just the extra books for the level at which she tests.
  6. I loved Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. Once we finished that, I started to pick up books from the easy reader section of the library. I read every other word with DS. It was a fun game for him and helped with his speed amd fluency. After a couple of weeks I had him do a page, then I would do a page. We worked up to him reading it all aloud. At that point he started reading silently and narrating. From beginning to silent reading was about 8 months. 1 year later, at 5, he was reading Magic Treehouse books and telling me what happened.
  7. My daughter changes clothes like that, too! She is almost 4 and is starting to outgrow this stage. We are down to 2-3 outfits a day!
  8. I found this movie on Netflix tonight. It was beautiful. It was great for DH and I, and....the kids could be in the room the whole time, but it was not a kid movie. That is really a rare find with recent movies. :glare: If you have not watched it, do. I loved it.
  9. I will have to try this next time I bake bread! The recipie makes 3-4 loaves and there are 4 of us. That is a lot of bread.
  10. I love the book. I think it is a beautiful story with a good lesson for kids.
  11. We have Fiestaware, we have used it for 11 years and have broken 3 pieces. I love it. We have 2 settings in each of 10 colors. We have a few scratches, but it is not bad. I would buy them again.
  12. :iagree:I made less when I started teaching dance than I do now. I made more as a babysitter as I got older, had more experience, and was "in demand" so to speak. I had multiple people wanting me to babysit on the same night for a while. They paid more for the sitter their kids really wanted. Plus, I don't have 12-13 year olds late at night, I don't go farther than the studio (10 minutes away) with them that young. Plus, they don't drive. Sometimes I have to pick the babysitter up and usually take them home. A 16 year drives to my house and generally cooks. They also clean more than a 12 year old. My gas money, they get less; their gas money, they get more.
  13. We do SOTW as out main history study, but we are using the VP cards to memorize a history timeline (as listed by CC for Foundations). My son is loving all of history. We have a lot of fun with it.
  14. We own a house In MO and live in OK. We have had the house on the market for 4 years, rented for 2. We got a contract on the house today!!!! We close in 6 weeks!!! We are praying that it all goes smoothly.......we had a contract before that fell through.
  15. $10 is high! I pay $5 for a 13 year old. I pay 16 year olds a little more if they clean up and cook. As a worker in a daycare center, I was paid minimum wage for 4 infants or up to 12 - 2 year olds. With babysitting, no taxes are taken out of the check, and generally no taxes are ever reported. The lower pay per hour is fine. I pay above minimum wage when they are old enough to get a job at minimum wage but continue to babysit instead.
  16. They have made some changes then, my ACT and SAT gave my highest composite to the colleges I selected. I never made a 30 on the ACT at one sitting. My SAT equivalent was a 30 and my highest scores on ACT combined was a 30. I saw my admittance papers in my adviser's office while I was enrolling and it said my ACT was a 30....nice surprise :)
  17. I know they used to take your best score on each section and submit that way. Do they still do that? For example: you take the test the first time and score 750 on math and 600 on verbal; second time you get 720 and 650. They take the 750 and the 650 to give you the highest possible composite score. They did this when I was in high school...that was a while ago....
  18. I would find another studio. This is not right. You are not paying for a rehearsal. If the class was listed as a rehearsal/performance class, that would be different. But this is a technique class. Your daughter did sit out, she was not allowed to dance. Just email the teacher back and tell her that you will be unable to continue lessons. You pay for technique classes, not rehearsal classes. :iagree:We are pretty close to that here in OK. We are mid-range on out prices and 3 hours is a little over $100 a month.
  19. First let me say that I am sorry your DD is so disappointed. As a dance teacher, we hate to do that do kids; but it happens. We were working until 3 am last night casting a show (musical) knowing that no matter what we did, someone would be disappointed. Second, your daughter just started pointe this year, right? Did the rest of the class just start pointe, or have they done pointe before this year? This is really important to take into consideration. If I had students start pointe in September, I would NOT be having them dance on pointe in a December production. They would likely still be working at the barre. I know pre-pro schools that don't let students dance en pointe in the end of year recital their first year. If this is the case, just discuss with her that she needs more time in class to be ready to perform en pointe. Honestly, I don't even consider girls for pointe until they are 12 anyway. Some school still move kids up sooner, but waiting until 12 and progressing slowly the first year is much safer and less damaging to the feet. Most kids bones are not 75% ossified until they are 12 or 13 and according to the most recent studies, pointe work should not begin until they reach that stage, regardless of strength and technical ability. I have seen dancers with severe physical limitations go on to perform professionally. One acquaintance from high school has scoliosis, one hip is higher than the other by quite a bit. She has danced professionally with both a ballet and modern company. She now teaches. I think you should talk with her about sticking with it. She may find that the character dance is a lot more fun than the beginning pointe dance. I know she is disappointed; but my experience with casting is that if the kids stick with the part they are given, they generally have a blast and forget about the initial disappointment.
  20. My son turns 6 in 2 weeks. He would be in K by OK standards. He is currently in 2nd-3rd grade curriculum. I pieced my curriculum together last year and this year. I picked what fit his abilities best. I finally just settled on second grade work, we were in a mixture of first and second. We call him a first grader so he can be with his friends at church and dance/theatre class.
  21. Midnight here and the kids have been asleep for an hour. I did the dishes and am relaxing and unwinding. I should be in bed by 1 am.
  22. Technique class is for technique, not rehearsals. You are payongfor instruction in ballet, not choreography. I don't even let my teachers spend the whole class preparing for recital in the apring. Technique work must happen first. If they are getting good training, the Saturday rehearsals will ne more than enough. Do they warm up at all before rehearsals? If not, run fast. Things sound bad already. As someone else said, they will injure themselves if they do nothing but rehearse. How many classes a week do you get for the $120. That seems high if it is just one class. The fundraising is crazy too. We do fundraising for our small competition team. It is voluntary. They know what they owe if they don't want to fundraise. No one should have to fundraise on top of tuition payments, it should be to cover tuition payments. I could say more, but opinions on dance studios that pull stuff like this is low amd it put me in a bad mood....:glare:
  23. I've been getting it, too! And just now I got a "the server is busy message." I think that is the sign that I need to get off and head to dance class :)
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