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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I selected 5 and under....but as of Friday he will be 6! He would be in Kindergarten this year. He is working at a 2nd grade level in English, and a 2nd-3rd grade level in math. Spelling is second grade and in reading he is fluent at a 3rd grade level and can read at a 6th grade level (he really just does not have the attention span for higher level books yet.) His retention for history and science is amazing! History is what he seems to love!
  2. Okay, I have been hearing a lot about this bar model or method for solving problems in SM. We are only in 2A, and we have not started the CWP book. We have worked in the IP book. What problems require the bar method and what is it? When I get to the point of needing it is it explained well? I am good at math, but higher algebra and calculus are what I am better at....
  3. High today was 86, it is currently 68 (10:40 PM). The next few days will be 88, 81, 79, and 83...we have some rain in the forecast as well! We are however still under a burn ban, even with all the rain we have had in the last two weeks.
  4. This is a good idea, there have been a few posts that have made me question my ability to hs through high school. I don't know if that is what we will do, but if it is best for my kids, we will. I have an advanced degree and have taught at the university level (humanities/la type class). I have taken 2 years of calc, statistics, finance and plenty of accounting. I love higher level math. I struggle with science, even though I love it. I know I can do this. If I look at my resume, I know I can make it; I just need to stop doubting myself. As encouragement to other new hsers....I have seen amazing things in my son in the last 2 years. He knows more history at almost 6 than I knew as a college freshman. With the method we use, he is retaining a lot! If I can get this much out of a little one, what can I do with him when he is older and more mature;)!.
  5. My kids have ample exposure to entrepreneurs. We own two businesses, my dad owned a business, and several other family members own their own small businesses that they run from home. We have several firemen, paramedics, and farmers in our immediate family. My mom is a CPA and DH's dad is a minister/missionary. That is who they are exposed to regularly.
  6. My oldest is only in first grade, so we have a while. I would like to pay for anything not covered by scholarships and grants. If we had a kid in college right now, we would not be paying anything.... I would want them to have at least a small part time job to help with some of their basic expenses, but I also don't want them stressed about bills when they should be studying...KWIM?
  7. We don't get them. The last time I got a flu shot was when I was pregnant with my now three year old. I did not get the flu. But prior to that, the only years that I got REALLY sick were the years I had the shot. I don't see the point. My kids had the flu last year. They were miserable for a few days and it hung on as a minor pain for a week. Their immune systems got a little workout and are now a little stronger. We try not to over medicate or over vaccinate. We only do the main child hood vaccinations.
  8. I always pull mine back in a ponytail or twist. I only notice the length when I want to leave it down for a different look. I wish I could donate mine, bit it does not grow long enough before it gets frizzy.
  9. I need less than 50 for my next name change....now I am one closer :)
  10. This... And this.... At 4, if I got out the manipulatives to demo a problem my son would say "no, no, no!" And quickly give me the answer. He want to proveer he already knew it.
  11. I use Edu-Track. I downloaded the lesson plans for Singapore Math and Rod and Staff English from the website and uploaded them to my program. I then added spelling, science, SOTW, penmanship, and reading manually. There is a repeating activity button that works great! I could set penmanship daily with a few clicks, spelling was entered with an automatic change to the list number. And science and history took about 30 minutes each to enter with the repeating tool. Do we follow it exactly? No, but it takes a few clicks to bump lessons up and down. I can sort the lessons by day or subject. If we move faster than expected, I highlight the subject and bump everything up a few days. If we miss a day and we plan to make the work up, I just bump it forward a day. I click a check box and add any notes or grades as we work through assignments each day. If it's done, it is a different color. I can print off a list of assignments for the week or day if I desire. As DS gets older, this will be great for sending him to work independently for a few assignments. You just need the right tool, test out some computer programs or try a written planner. It is not too hard (I am not really an organized person.)
  12. We were not big fans either. My kids never requested it a second time...I was glad
  13. I am the worst about taking time for myself outside of the house. I take plenty of me time, just generally at home. I need to get my hair cut....it has been over a year!! I generally get my haircut once a year. I get it cut to my chin and let it grow out to the middle of my back. So....how often do you get your hair cut???
  14. If you can't afford to hire someone to help out a few hours a day, check with your Moms group, or your church. A church might have some sort of after care ministry or a senior women's group that just likes to help out. The church I grew up in had a group of older women who would sit in your house during a funeral and make sure there was warm food ready when you returned. I am sure they would have happily sat with a new mom to help after surgery/childbirth. It is a much happier reason for being in someone else's home. Get some new toys. Wal-Mart generally has a large selection of $5 toys and Target's $1 section is amazing. Invest in new coloring books, crayons, watercolors, playdough...yes, it may be messy...but DH can clean the mess up ;) Get some new movies or computer games. Anything that will allow your older child to play independently for a while. I don't know how old your child is, but my 3 year old can play with playdough or color for HOURS!!
  15. In general, most programs have a back up option. Find that and back up to a flash drive. Take the flash drive to the new computer and restore it to the new computer. Look for those kinds of options in the program. I don't have TY, but I have done this with numerous programs.
  16. Lilly is 3.5 years old. We do Brightly Beaming letter of the week preparatory curriculum. She colors the letter, number, shape, and them for the week. We practice counting to the number and then I send her to find that many ponies, legos, or blocks. I also have a letter recognition worksheet we do each Friday and we are making a letter lapbook. I found some free template pieces, then I print clip art pictures to glue to them. She loves that part of the week. We go through all of the letters amd numbers a few times each week. I also have some preschool thinking skills books and flashcards. She loves to circle what is different! In Feb, when she turns 4, we will try 100 EL. If she is not ready we will wait; but she really wants to read like bubby :D
  17. We always just called them articles. I can see how they could br classified as a special adjective, that makes sense to me; but I never learned it that way.
  18. I am sorry you have to go through this, I don't know specifically after a miscarriage; but it rook a year to get back to any normal cycle after both of my kids.
  19. Shirley Temple songs are great for her age. "An Old Straw Hat" is a great choice. It is upbeat, simple and fun to perform. I hope her audition went well. It is definitely better to go with a song from a musical. But I know it is easier to go with a song you know. Next time, you have some suggestions to look at before the audition. :001_smile:
  20. Here is ours. It is mainly pictures of our animal adventures :001_smile:
  21. If I get a good deal. I have R&S English for next year. I bought this year and next year, together, used. It was less than buying this year new. I did the same thing with Singapore math. I found the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade "What your......needs to know" books at Borders going out of business sale. I got all three for less than the price of one normally. So, I have some stuff, but did not spend excessively.
  22. Have you seen Corinna, Corinna? It is a great movie.
  23. $125 for 2 cells, 1 with data and both with text plans, also includes home internet $8 for Netflix
  24. The state requires 180 days. Oklahoma recently changed the law to 1080 hours: 6 hours a day for 180 days. They do hours so they can make up snow days by adding 15 minutes to the day in the spring. It is ridiculous, you can't add in misses leasins in 2 minutes a day per subject! Most hsers still count 180 days. I will do 180, or until the end of our curriculum. Which ever comes first. If we finish a year of math in 160 days, we may do some drill, but I won't start a new program.
  25. Popular is actually a very diffucult song, and should not be aung by a 13 year old for an audition. What is the show she is auditions for. It is good to match the style of song for the audition with the show. There are a lot of great songs for her. Does she want/need and upbeat or ballad? I teach and direct musical theatre and have an MA in theatre. I can help you out with a little more info :)
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