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Everything posted by Coffeemama

  1. Thanks! My kids watch the video of the day on our iPads and occasionly watch other free videos from the app. Is there really that much more content to warrant paying for a subscription?
  2. I second the idea of going to a walk-in clinic. UTIs can get significantly more painful in a short amount of time. Last spring, i went from, oh no I think I have a UTI to screaming in pain within four hours. It would be terrible to wake up like that in the middle of the night.
  3. Hugs. I've had a few stretches with the same situation this year. In my house it seems that my youngest can set off a bad day for everyone. Im requiring more of her this year and it's just complaint after complaint with a few tantrums thrown in. If she has a good day, everyone seems to get more done. When she has a bad day/week, it throws everyone off and my other two children complain and act out more. One thing that has helped is separating the children to work in different rooms for their independent subjects. Then at least I'm usually dealing with one difficult child intead of three. Hope that helps!
  4. I'd say anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on how much (or how little) housework i decide to do. :)
  5. Mon-Wed at 9 and thurs-Fri at 10 Like other have said limited hours due to budget cuts.
  6. I started out trying to learn Latin alongside my DD11, but like you I just don't feel that is the best use of my time right now. My DD is now learning from the First Form DVDs on her own. It seems to be working well for her. She is almost done with FF and will be starting Second Form in February. I let her take the pace down a bit. She will end up completing FF and SF in 3 years (grades 5-7) instead of two years. Fine with me, since it is a high school level program. When we begin planning grade 8, I'll let her decide whether or not to continue Latin while we begin a living language. If you have not tried the DVDs and have a child who might learn well that way, I highly recommend buying or borrowing them.
  7. I believe you can do this on Shutterfly. I made calendars for gifts on their site last year. I ordered those myself, but since it allows you to share albums in a way for others to purchase, I'm guessing there is a good chance you can do the same with their calendars. plus the options they had for calendars were great for the price.
  8. I wish we could stay home today too, but I have two writing classes to teach at co-op. We need to get as much done as possible this week and next before we head to Florida for a vacation before Christmas. I'm not too happy about traveling in December, but the fall just became too busy for my DH to take time off from work.
  9. It's called a package store in the Boston area...also referred to as a "Packie"
  10. I struggle with finding the optimal level of busyness for my life. I love waking up on a lightly scheduled or non-busy day, but the procrastinator in me gets nothing done. I seem to be much more productive with a busy schedule. Oh the conflict! ;)
  11. For what it's worth the the time schedules in WTM in the section "The Grammar Stage at a Glance" are pretty close to the numbers your state requires, especially if you add in 30 min a day of P.E. I'm glad that I do not have to submit a broken-down report of how each hour is spent, but I am confident that we go beyond the required amount.
  12. Wish i had logged on before playing a gme of suduko...im trying to figure out what to do with th time i used to spend reading news.
  13. Here too! They each completed three subjects before 9:00am in order to get a piece of candy!:D
  14. I just went for a brisk walk with my daughters before we are cooped up for a few days...it certainly smells like a storm and the winds are picking up here in MA.
  15. My 9 yo DS is half way through Level 4 and his sister (7 1/2 strong reader) is just starting level 4 this week. This is the beginning of our third year using the program. Full disclosure-we slacked off for a few months in the first year and were not as consistent as we are now. Now we do AAS Tuesday - Friday. Hope that helps.:)
  16. Thank you for the glowing recommendation! I just put the audio book on hold since I feel a bit overwhelmed with everything we're trying to read right now...perfect for the car.
  17. We start CWP after finishing the A book. My DD7 is starting 2B this month and will start CWP 2 shortly after.
  18. I know there are quite a few of us working on chemistry this year so I Just wanted to share that I found a TV series on the Science Channel about chemistry and the elements. It's a three part series under the Unlocking the Universe show. All three parts air tonight: Mysteries of the Earth, The Hidden Order, and Unleashing the Elements. I have not seen them, so I obviously don't know how educational it is, but I'm hoping it will enhance our chemistry plan.:001_smile:
  19. Looks fabulous! I think i'll try it this weekend.
  20. Just wanted to share that I found a TV series on the Science Channel about chemistry and the elements. It's a three part series under the Unlocking the Universe show. All three parts air tonight: Mysteries of the Earth, The Hidden Order, and Unleashing the Elements. I have not seen them, so I obviously don't know how educational it is, but I'm hoping it will enhance our chemistry plan.:001_smile:
  21. My DD8 has an account set up so that she can only receive emails from people listed in her address book.
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