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Everything posted by Coffeemama

  1. Thank you! That makes much more sense than the instructions I was reading. I didn't know it was just an image with a link. Now I need to compose my week 2 post before week 3 starts tomorrow. Reading, easy...blogging, not so much!
  2. Ditto! The quality of the troop revolves around the parent volunteers and the mix of girls. We have a great Brownie troop and it is very girl-led. My older DD is at the Cadette level and participates in Council activities when she sees ones that interest her, otherwise she works on badges with a couple of friends at sleepovers. As they get older it is harder to fit weekly meetings into their schedules. I like that my girls get to meet others in our town through GS. At other activities such as sports and dance, it is harder to form friendships. For my DDs the friendships are a big part of GS.
  3. I have been trying to add a button(?) to my new blogger blog. It's actually the 52 books in 52 weeks Mr. linky button. Ive read a few different ways online and tried, but they are complicated and I must be doing something wrong, because it's not working. I know how to insert a regular link to something in the text of my post, but can't figure out how to add a button link in the sidebar. Can anyone help or point me in the direction of a clear step by step solution? Thanks.
  4. We've been in our home ten years (chose the colors when it was being built) and have repainted every room except the master bedroom and laundry room. The kitchen has been repainted twice and the half bath on the main floor three times (one of the colors barely lasted a year-it was hideous!) My bedroom really needs to be done, but I want to change the color, which will mean new bedding and curtains, hence the putting off...
  5. Finally! I finally posted my review of Switch (from week 1) to my virgin blog. I'm going to have to learn not to agonize over the wording and just hit publish. At least I managed to write it before week 2 is officially over. This week I read (almost done) In the Beginning...A Catholic Understanding of the story of Creation and the Fall. I have decided on 3 of the 5 categories I'd like to include in the 5/5/5 mini-challenge: books on Catholicism, Classics and Agatha Christie novels. The only one of hers I've read in the recent past is Ten Little Indians. My neighborhood book club is meeting at my house tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to seeing what is chosen...most of the books have been pretty light so far. Technical question: How do I add a picture of Mr. Linky onto the sidebar of my blog like I've seen on others?
  6. Are the Little House on the Prairie books on that list? My second grade DD is on the 4th book and really enjoying them.
  7. We do. I debated taking the train in this morning. It would have been fine going in, but coming home around 1:30 would have been difficult. Less commuter rail trains run in the off hours and my DD had dance at 3:30 and didn't want to miss it. I'll have to pay closer attention to the train schedule next time we go in without having any hard deadlines. Drive time this morning (7:30) was 1 hour 40 minutes. Coming home at 1:15 took only 45 minutes. Traffic can be ridiculous. But yes, we are fortunate to have access to some wonderful places.
  8. Exactly! I vac the corners when necessary, otherwise it will just get repainted when it's that room's turn to be redone. Oh and I do all my own painting, except for ceilings....my dad or DH does that part.
  9. Some hotels have airport shuttles. Worth looking into.
  10. I would definately get the two day pass. We went last month and bought the two day passes even with a high threat of rain for our only available second day. It was about $17 or $18 more. Luckily it only sprinkled on us in the afternoon.
  11. Hi! I'm relaxing with a cup of coffee and a box of Girl Scout cookies...plenty to share. We are down to 16 boxes left out of the 114 we started with. I brought my daughter into Boston for a free chemisty class at MIT today and went over to the Museum of Science with my younger two while we waited. Fabulous temporary exhibit on mammoths! We had a great day, but I hate driving in the city, so now my neck and shoulders are sore from the stress. I'm hoping more cookies will help.
  12. My DD got this bracelet maker from her aunt for Christmas and loves it. It gives friendship bracelets a different look. She already made a bunch. http://www.amazon.com/Loopdedoo-Kit-Making-Twisted-Accessories/dp/B0060LLICC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1357479233&sr=8-1&keywords=loopy+bracelet+maker It's very quick and easy to use.
  13. My younger two LOVE the elementary series. And my older daughter used LOF Fractions. We have used it as a supplement up until now. My oldest wants to use just LOF for pre-algebra. Since she has a solid foundation, but isnt quite ready to go on to algebra yet. We're going to try using just Fred for 7th grade next year. If you like using living books, this would be a good addition to your curriculum.
  14. Thanks! I like the idea of having her do the final bridge in decimals. I have two youngers who adore Fred, so it will eventually get used. I'll buy it at the same time as Pre-algebra, with the hope that she can start on pre-algebra right away. I did notice that Fred revisits concepts in the elementary books (we have up to Farming). It's good to know that he does that with the middle school books as well.
  15. Thanks Miss Mousie. She doesn't enjoy math, but thinks LOF is better than SM so she wouldn't be reading Fred for enjoyment. We are going to try using the LOF pre-algebra (and possibly the rest of their high school series) as her primary math once we finish 6B. Did your son read Decimals and Percents? I'm trying to figure out if there is anything in that book necessary for success in the pre-algebra books. Thanks for your input!
  16. My DD finished LOF Fractions and wants to jump over Decimals and Percents and go straight to the LOF Pre -Algebra books. She also just finished Singapore 5B and says she is sick of decimals and percents and has already "mastered" them. Is there anything important she'll miss if she skips ahead? I know Fred sprinkles all kinds of other concepts, so if you're familiar with Decimals and Percents and also the pre algebra books, do you think it would be doable? We are also continuing through SM 6A and 6B at an accelerated pace to cover the few chunks of new material. She is certainly a mastery learner and despises too much review. TIA!
  17. Thank you all for theses wonderful suggestions! Lots of new things to try. I think I'll start with the cream of broccoli soup. My kids have never tried hummus, but they've been pretty open to trying new smoothie creations, I hope I can convince them to try it.
  18. A relative brought this soup to my house on Christmas Day and it was such a big hit that I made it on New Year's Day. Italian Wedding Soup Bake or grill chicken (breasts, thighs, whatever you like)Shred it or chop it to small pieces. 1/2 lb. hamburg, salt/pepper, garlic pwdr. 1 egg and 1/2 cup breadcrumbs, parsley, oregano, basil and 1/4 cup parmesan cheese. Mix all together and make small meatballs-1" or so. I usually put on a plate and microwave just enough to get most of the grease out then put them in a colander and run under hot water to get more grease out. Set aside. Saute 1/2 onion, 4 ribs celery, 6-8 carrots in olive oil, season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, basil, parsley and a little oregano. Once they are softened add chicken and meatballs and chopped spinach.Add maybe 2 quarts? chicken broth, enough to cover plus maybe a couple of inches over. Let simmer a couple of hours. In the meantime, cook about 1-1/2 cups orzo(dry measurement), drain then put in fridge until close to serving. (I skipped the orzo, for my DH)
  19. I'm half-way through Switch and am also reading 'In the Beginning' A Catholic understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall by Pope Benedict XVI. I think I'm going to do the 555 challenge, but I've only decided on one category so far, religion. My other goal is to have a reading blog ready for week 2.
  20. My DH gave me a Vitamix for Christmas! So far I've made lots of different smoothies and tonight I made a delicious salsa. We are trying to eat healthier by using whole foods as much as possible. Do any of you have a favorite recipe I can try making in my new toy?
  21. The short answer to your question (for me) is no I don't have any type of schedule for many of those items, though I probably should. I tend to go by how they look. curtains never wash, just vaccuum. I have full length drapes in three room that would cost $$$$ to dryclean throw rug door mats? I just shake out and vaccuum bath mat once a week shower curtain when it starts to look bad (maybe twice a year) shower curtain liner I replace probably 3 or 4 times a year (when it looks bad) mattress pad Once a month (I time it with my cycle) pillow cover* (not a pillowcase, see below for explanation) pillows blanket on bed N/a throw blanket on sofa/chair n/a bedspread/quilt/comforter once a year
  22. YES!!! I bought a Brother P-touch a week before I started processing my many inbox piles and I can honestly say that the label maker is keeping me going. I love the way my file drawer is looking. And b/c it's a new toy and it is so quick and easy to use, I am making a label for every piece of paper I come across. :laugh: It's a bit obnoxious, but it's working. In addition to "normal" file names like auto insurance and medical records (by name), I have files for things like field trip ideas and dance. Even though there is only one piece of paper in the dance file listing days closed and payment info, it's there and filed instead of in one of my important piles. I LOVE my label maker! :thumbup:
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