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Everything posted by Coffeemama

  1. I agree with everything daybreaking posted. We have used theie handwriting for the past three years. I like how the line size gets progressively smaller each year.
  2. Coffeemama


    Ill star anyone reading right now 9:00 ish estern and would love some stars in return. Pretty please!
  3. Good for you!!! I'm in the opposite situation. I have both books to read, but I'm on vaca traveling and reading. I keep thinking about all of things I need to DO and sort through but can't for a week! At least I have a notebook to start making lists.
  4. My choice: IEW Kids' favorite: Story of the World
  5. Thank you for posting the chart! Very helpful as I am waiting for my copy of GTD to be in at the library. I'm going to be proactive and head up to my kitchen island to try to sort through my "piles". :blushing:
  6. Hi I was not part of the social group before, but would love to join when it returns. Adding some of the recommended Catholic books sounds wonderful! I have been feeling for some time now that I need to invest more into growing my faith. I was born and raised Catholic and am active in my parish with children (CCD, VBS, Christmas pageant), but have not done any adult ed. Looking forward to some great discussions.
  7. When I pulled my children out (from private school) three years ago, I informed the teachers and principal in person and in writing. I gave the notice after school on Monday of Thanksgiving week that Wednesday would be their last day. A short notice seemed to work well. That same Monday, I sent a certfied letter to my town about the decision to homeschool.
  8. Jos A Banks has great clothes, most of my DH's wardrobe is from there...just be sure to NEVER buy anything full price in there. They are constantly having half-off sales.
  9. My second grader does "seatwork" 'for about three hours four days a week. She does about an additional hour or so of reading each day plus other non-seatwork educational activities. Her curriculum is in my signature.
  10. Great thread, I relate to so much of it. I'm heading to my library reserve site to look for both books. This is the perfect time of year for taking a break to change and reorganize our routine. I really want to get a new detailed schedule for MY life (not just the kids) like I usually make. I'm hopeful that this can help me carve out actual committed blocks of time for my projects and maybe excercise. I completely agree with the need for accountability. The only times I ever get any scrapbooking done is when I go away to a crop with my good friend twice a year OR when we discuss a neat idea on the phone and she emails me a picture of her completed project and asks to see mine. Maybe we can start some type of accountability thread here where we can show what we are working on?
  11. 69 right now and all day...it is set to go down to 64 at bedtime though.
  12. I have never tried to email them, so I'm no help with that. But I have been using GWG for four years now -- level 1-5 between my three DC. I would recommend looking at the table of contents for each book on their website and choose a level close to grade level, but that introduces at least one or two new topics for your child. My oldest used the grade 5 book last year and it was almost all review of level 4, just a few new things. She's using something different this year. My DD in second grade is using level 2, but I plan to jump her up to level 4 next year b/c the amount of review will really bother in level 3. But my son in 4th grade using level 4, will likely go on to level 5 nextbyear b/c that type of review is good for him. Hope that helps.
  13. I agree. We are working with level 4, and I feel the student pack is necessary for the items other than the green cards. The word banks, suffix tiles, and even things like a "sounds of y" word sort activity. I know it seems like a waste of money in the first level if you fly through it, but once the pace slows down it is worth it. We spent five months and six months on level 3 for my then first and third graders.
  14. I never had one on the old board, but the oddness of the white figure forced me into one...
  15. I own TWSS and believe it was worth every penny. However i had families at my co-op contribute to the price in exchange for teaching their children. A less expensive way to try IEW is to buy the All Things Fun and Fascinating book (perfect for 3rd and 4th graders) and also purchase the parent Overview DVD--it has the program creator explaining the philosophy and the basics.
  16. My DD just read Little Women last month and just finished Freedom Train (an easy biography of Harriet Tubman). She says she doesn't like biographies, which is why I let her read an easier one (RL5) and she liked it. She loved Little Women! I only required part I, but she continued into part II on her own. We have Tom Sawyer lined up for after the Civil War. Sounds like we're on the same page!
  17. Thank you Cosmos! We'll be hitting the Cival War again in 10th grade, so we'll wait on Red Badge of Courage. Anyone have any recommendations for Civil War books for a younger readers 3rd and 4th grade. I think my DD7 would like the books in the Dear America series, but are there any other good ones? ---Sorry for the hijack----
  18. I was just discussing which Civil War book my DD11 will start reading this week. We are trying to decide between Red Badge of Courage, Across Five Aprils and Rifles for Wattie. I'll be listening for opinions. (i'd insert a big ear smiley, but can't figure out how to do it from my ipad on the new forum)
  19. Id love to buy the whole LOF series. The only one I own is Fractions. I've been borrowing the early elementary ones Apples through Dogs, but we'd love to have the whole series.
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