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Everything posted by Coffeemama

  1. :iagree:That's me too! ETA: I LOVE the hand-painted quote idea...thanks.
  2. :bigear:Im doing HO level 2 Modern as well this fall. I just ordered the print version from Rainbow Res. and cant wait to go through it! I'll be modifying it, but not sure how or with what yet. My DD11 will be in sixth grade and i was on the fence between level 1 and 2. I figure it will be easier to modify level 2, then be trying to beef up level 1....oh how I wish I was able to start the 4 year cycle on schedule...:tongue_smilie: I hope someone else posts some suggestions. I will post my schedule at some point this summer, when I plan ours out.
  3. I would say yes, but take it slowly with a 4th grader. My DD11 began First Form with the DVDs this year (5th). She really likes the program, but probably won't finish until August, this is after having one year of Prima Latina in 4th. An older student can start FF with no prior Latin. IMO it moves relatively quickly and covers a lot. HOpe that helps!:001_smile:
  4. :iagree:Im wearing one right now and the holes seem to be clustered right around the spot where the top of my jeans , above the button, sticks out a bit. I've been trying not lean against the counter when doing dishes. Hopefully my new shirts will stay hole-free. I wear jeans almost daily, as does a friend with the same issue.
  5. :iagree:My friend and I have come to the same conclusion...jeans. And for whatit's worth, most of my shirts with belly holes are from LOFT.
  6. My DH's contribution to laundry is to carry the baskets up and down the stairs. This usually only works when the basket is physically blocking the stairway though:tongue_smilie:
  7. My family loves zucchini pasta. I cut the zucchini raw using this spiral slicer. Then I toss it in a pan with olive oil and cut up tomatoes for 2-3 minutes to warm it up. When everyone is seated and ready to eat I add warm tomato sauce on top. If I mix the sauce in too early it tends to get soggy and loose that pasta texture.
  8. My tentative 6th grade plan: Latin:continue First Form, start Second Form Math: Singapore 5B and 6A Grammar: Killgallon's Grammar for Middle School History: a combination of modified History Odyssey Modern level 2 and WTM suggestions. Science: chemistry---not sure which program, maybe the free one online by ACS Literature: Little Women, Tom Sawyer, 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, Edgar Allen Poe poetry, and two more selections. And we'll use Figuratively Speaking to go theough the various literary elements. Writing: IEW Extras: art class, piano lessons, dance class
  9. My DD would like that assignment, tends to get side-tracked, and would most likely take about 30-40 minutes on it....inputting the definitions would bore her and make it take longer than necessary. Not sure why my ipad jumped the smiley up to the top...
  10. Coffemama= ProphecyMist8811 Busy trying to cast spells greater than 102. I guess i'm just not that coordinated!
  11. In addition to wonderfully organized lists, he explains the ease of transitioning into longer, more involved novels with young children. Reading more advanced books than the typical picture books that most parents read aloud is discussed in case study format.
  12. One of the best resources! I had the privilege of seeing jim trelease speak back in 2002, when i only had one baby. I was attending a teacher's conference and remember wishing that the parents of all my students were there. I highly recommended his book to them and had wanted to buy them all copies, but couldn't at the time. So powerful. Like a previous poster mentioned, i also frequently give his book as a gift to new moms.
  13. Less than three hours, good. I can't wait to start exploring. To the poster who asked about multiple accounts on the same email, yes. I set my dd's up first and then mine, both using my email. My name is ProphecyMist8811...impatiently waiting for email #2.:D .
  14. My DS almost 9 loves the Warriors series.
  15. As long as you are planning to stay in Michigan, I'd say go with the state cut-off and list her as first grade. In my area many extra-curricula activities go by grade and some have different age cut-offs as well, so socially it is beneficial (and easier) to have my kids officially listed in whatever grade they would be in if they were in public school.
  16. Hermione and Prof. McGonagall because I identified most closely with them. My youngest is on Book two...This is making me want to reread them all along with her...just wish I could add a few more hours to every day!
  17. I don't like to buy a lot of extras that sit on the shelf either, but I would recommend buying the whole student kit for AAS, based on the fact that you have two young ones to go through the program. There are a few components that we rarely use, but I feel the cost is justified for the tiles, rule cards, and charts in various levels.:001_smile:
  18. My father says it that way...strong Boston accent.
  19. I saw the same man discussing Khan on Fox and Friends this morning. I kept waiting for him to mention something about how well it works for homeschoolers....what was I thinking?
  20. I agree, glad i have it. I used it alot when planning out the year. There are some good demonstrations and deeper explanations. Plus, i don't always keep up with the reading and i like to have when we discuss the questions together.
  21. My third grade DS uses WWW3 and likes it. It usually takes him less than 15 minutes to do. Next year he will be starting IEW in a co-op class that I teach. I may have him continue with WWW in addition to it, but I need to find out if it continues to not be time-consuming at the 4th grade level.
  22. I voted 5, but I have have two DDs the older one has 5 and the younger one has 4 (including a Bitty Baby)....if I include all the AG dolls I've purchased I'd also have to add two more for my nieces...yes I LOVE them probably as much as the girls!:D
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