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Everything posted by mom2jjka

  1. Stay FAR away from "Stone Fox!" (My kids still haven't quite forgiven me for that one. :o)
  2. I tried it ...once. And then I asked my husband, "Hey, how did you make this? Wasn't our bread moldy?" and he said.... "Only a little." :eek: :ack2: ....and I haven't had it since.
  3. I am not adopted, but my parents split up before I was born. I am an only child, and was raised by my mother. She later died, and I'd heard (mistakenly) that my father had died, too. :glare: After I had gotten married, I was doing some genealogy research, and I came across an aunt on my father's side. I contacted her by letter, and unfortunately ( since I assumed my father was dead) I included my phone number. He wasn't dead....and I had opened the biggest can of worms. He was an alcoholic/drug addict and was very mentally unstable. He was also a mooch ( to support his habits, I'm sure.) After several years of stress, and unpleasantness, we moved and changed our phone number and eventually lost contact with him. I am very relieved. But it has left such a bad taste in my mouth, and now I tell anyone who is thinking of contacting long-lost family to first consider hiring a private detective to see if they are truly the type of people you woud WANT to have contact with.
  4. I was originally going for a major in music ed and a minor in child development. My senior year I flip-flopped them. I'd love to go back and complete the music degree some day. Voice was my emphasis, but I also play bassoon, flute and piano.
  5. My kids just love recycled cups and containers. Shampoo bottles, margarine containers, those cheap plastic cups from restaurants. They can dump and pour to their hearts content, and if they get sick of them, we recycle them and get a new batch. You can also use plastic measuring cups and spoons. I learned long ago that I hate any type of bath toy that gets water inside because they get moldy. :tongue_smilie:
  6. Actually, you don't need to get the AG hairbrush - if you have a Sally Beauty supply near you (or a similar store) you can get a 'wig brush'. We got one for around $4 They have wire bristles and look like this: http://www.sallybeauty.com/Steel-Pin-Wig-Brush/SBS-217514,default,pd.html It works beautifully, and is a fraction of the price of the AG brush. (You do want to remind your child not to brush their own hair with it, however, as the oil from their hair can transfer to the doll's hair, and ruin it. ;))
  7. I had a tubal and I greatly regret it. I do think I have many of the 'post tubal syndrome' symptoms, but my biggest regret is not being able to have more children. I was convinced that we were done - but as the years pass, you get to a different time and place in your life and things change. Now I have a hard time even being around a newborn because it tears me up so much emotionally. I'd give anything to undo it.
  8. We dealt with something like this earlier this year. It turned out to be an infected salivary gland, which antibiotics cleared up in a few days. Praying for your DD!
  9. Our neighbors have one. It is very ornery and territorial and growls at my children when they get too close to their property line.
  10. Thanks everyone! I will look into the Gliga and also the others at Shar.
  11. Last year my DS made a really cute pirate ship one using a shoe box and some bamboo skewers.
  12. We are looking for a better violin for my daughter. (This is her second year playing) Currently she has a cheap Chinese violin that we bought off of Craigslist. It has served it's purpose to get her started, but now we would like to get her something a bit better. I know that handmade instruments from a luthier are preferred, but unfortunately we just dont' have a very big budget. A local music store has Yamaha 'premium' student model violins for under $400. How much of a step-up would they be from what she has now? Should she just stick with her current one for now and keep saving? Dh doesn't want to rent, and it could be another year - or more before we could afford a better model. Does anyone know if Yamaha violins are any good?
  13. You could have fluid trapped behind your ear drum and the sounds may be bubbles in the fluid popping. Try a decongestant.
  14. Do not lick the dead bugs off of the front of the van. :tongue_smilie:
  15. We don't have a disposal and our plumbing can't handle greasy liquids - even strained - so I'll usually throw a few paper towels in to 'sop it up' a bit, and then pour it into a walmart bag and toss it in the trash.
  16. Traditional for piano and violin. Personally, I'm not a big fan of Suzuki - but I know it works well for many, so I'm glad it's an option - (just like I'm glad there are so many homeschooling choices for us all.) ;)
  17. Living just 30 minutes from Lambeau Field....you BET I know who's in it. :D
  18. Kitty litter dishwasher soap laundry soap toilet paper paper towels diapers formula
  19. My DD misses popcorn the most. We have found that they make popcorn cakes (similar to rice cakes) and she likes those. For apples we have one of these http://www.amazon.com/Industries-5920-Apple-Peeler-Slicer/dp/B001A6E91E It removes the skin and cuts the apple into thin strips that she can easily eat (It's fun to use, too!)
  20. Unfortunately - once they dislocate their elbow - it makes it very susceptible to that happening over and over again. It could be popping in and out of joint.
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