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Everything posted by mom2jjka

  1. Based on experience: Taking showers within a short time of meals - or multiple showers per day. Taking out trash more often than 'usual' Leaving the house within a short time after eating Frequent cavities or chipped or eroded teeth (a dentist is often the first to discover damage) Frequent toothbrushing or use of mouthwash Frequent sore throats or a raspy/hoarse voice Complaints of heart palpitations and dizziness Obsession with counting calories and exercising Obsession with making/preparing food for others Hiding/hoarding food Wearing extremely baggy clothes to hide weight loss Perfectionist tendencies in other areas of life Weight loss is not always a factor. The person could be a perfectly 'normal' weight and still be suffering from an E.D. I would suggest approaching them in a caring and concerned manner, and if they admit it be supportive. Truthfully - they might be secretly craving attention and just waiting for someone to notice.
  2. No - I skipped it when we did ECC because we thought it was dry and boring. We got several library books based on the regions we were studying and we also read aloud from Rod and Staff's 4th grade text Homelands around the World. (It actually tied in very nicely with the countries being studied in ECC)
  3. Awww - I loved that show! (Although couldn't they have named his dog something other than "Weenie" :tongue_smilie:)
  4. I have the H20 steam mop, and I do really like it, but there are a couple of things that bug me a little. It has a really short cord so I have to keep unplugging it and moving it to an new outlet. Also - we have vinyl floors and I have noticed that, while they are really clean, they have also lost a lot of their gloss/shine since I began using the steam mop.
  5. He is very good about it. I have shown him videos of crash tests of a boostered dummy vs a dummy only in a seat belt. After seeing the dramatic results - he understands why he needs to be in a booster. He is a bit on the small side (He's 4'9", but he only weighs around 60 lbs.) The biggest reason he is still in the booster is because , the lap portion of the seatbelt belt rides up over his abdomen when he does not use it. A few of his friends give him grief about it...just like a few of his friends give him grief about homeschooling. ;) We have told him that, just like homeschooling, mom and dad have decided this is what is best for him - this is just the way our family is. Thankfully, he accepts that without too much of a fuss. :)
  6. My 6 and 8 yr olds are both in 5 pt harnesses, and my 11 yr old is in a booster. I'm a former car seat tech, and my training taught me that every step UP in carseats is a step DOWN in safety.
  7. There are places here in N.E.W that you can get raw milk if you are part of a cow-share co-op. (It is not illegal to drink your own cow's milk, so many people join together to 'buy' a cow. I'm just south of you, and I have several friends locally that do this. I can get the info from them if you would like - just PM me if you're interested :))
  8. Benji - and then Fantasia -(which we had to leave early because the end scene scared me so much.)
  9. Harmony is my favorite, but here are a couple more art blogs that I really like http://www.artprojectsforkids.org/ http://www.thecraftycrow.net/
  10. No play makeup, and no Bratz. We have some Barbies - but not the ones w/ heavy makeup and we prefer the ones with painted on undies - (I hate naked Barbies :tongue_smilie:)
  11. My Dh had a golf outing followed by a BBQ at my SIL/BIL's house.
  12. We have had really good luck with Zenni. My Dh has gotten several pairs for himself, and I have ordered prescription sunglasses.
  13. YES! (I think WI is getting hit hard this year - I have never seen swarms like this)
  14. Just a safety FYI - if you hosed down/saturated the harness straps of the carseat - they will most likely need to be replaced. (Check your owners manual or call the manufacturer to be sure) ;)
  15. Do you have a specific synod that you prefer? (ELCA, LCMS, WELS) Both LCMS and WELS have theri own publishing companies with online book stores that sell Bible curriculum for Lutheran day schools LCMS has Concordia http://www.cph.org/default.aspx and the WELS has Northwestern http://online.nph.net/ I personally have used the WELS Christ Light curriculum, and I thought it was really good. (The price was just a bit too high for us) Here is a free Lutheran Bible study that someone posted awhile back. It looks REALLY good! http://clclutheran.org/godshand.htm
  16. We have a wooden playset with the tower, slide, glider, trapeeze, etc and it hardly ever gets used. On the other hand our basic "A-frame' 3 seater swingset gets used every single day - by ALL of my kids (ages 6-13)
  17. We got each of my daughter's (ages 6,8 and 13) a bracelet for their birthday last year, and we plan to give them a bead every year - relevant to what their interests are.
  18. We use our flat baking stones for just about everything, and I will run our through the dishwasher occasionally if we bake fishsticks/clams/shrimp on them - I just get too icked out at the thought of making 'fishy' tasting cookies. :tongue_smilie: Otherwise I just use the scraper or a nylon brush under warm water.
  19. How are a comma and a cat different? One has the clause before the pause, and the other has the paws before the claws
  20. VBS is free at our church. The only time they have ever charged was one year when they brought in a team of counselors and musicians from an actual Christian camp and ran a 'day camp' - but then it was an all day/8-3 program, not just a couple of hours. I think it was $20 a kid that year.
  21. Sage green - and our bedspread and curtains are tan
  22. I don't have a teacher's planner - but we use the Student Planners from CLE. Aside from school lessons, they have spaces to write in weekly activities and chores - plus a page to Journal. I use one per child and I keep them, as they are a nice written record of our accomplishments for the year.
  23. Thank YOU! I really want to go to the Blue Ridge Parkway - but it's going to depend on how long DH's work day is. We are studying the Civil war right now so that Battlefield sounds interesting, too. My littles would probably love a Children's museum. (And - the gals at CLE know DH by name because I give him a 'shopping list' every time he has to go out there. :lol:)
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