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Everything posted by mom2jjka

  1. I don't know about bedbugs, but our room at All Star Sports was infested with cockroaches. :tongue_smilie:
  2. My DH (an I.T. guy ) won't let me install it. He thinks it is basically glorified spyware, as it keeps track of where you browse. :001_huh:
  3. Mostly just "WHY would you want to do that ...I couldn't stand to be around my kids all day" comments - (although I'm pretty sure that my in-laws who are PS teachers and principals say things behind our backs)
  4. Would *I*choose Hezekiah ...no... but I think that it's a perfectly acceptable name for someone else to use, especially if you already have several children with O.T. names. (and actually, I like Hezekiah better than Douglas)
  5. Wordsmith Apprentice is pretty open and go
  6. If it takes too long - don't be afraid to go back in and make sure they got it right. I did and it turned out that they had reversed the lenses (left lens on the right side and vice versa) They never would have caught it had I not gone back in, and I think I would have been dizzy forever. :tongue_smilie:
  7. Um....my 7th grader still does, as does her 5th grade brother. (and neither are special needs) ;) Not being around other children in a classroom setting, they have not had the opportunity to have their 'bubble burst'. I assume that she will figure it out soon, but right now she still has that childlike innocence, and I'm not going to strip that away from her. I will say though that Santa is not a big part of our Christmas celebration. Santa leaves each of our kids one gift, and we have never really gotten into the mythology of him all that much, as we prefer to focus on the true meaning of Christmas - the birth of Christ. Still the kids mail a letter to Santa each year (which is answered...by local postal workers) and they get their one gift... so the 'magic' stays alive.
  8. DH's parents and step-siblings have all moved away and my mom has passed away, so it's just us. We go to church Christmas eve, and Christmas day we stay home, open gifts, and have a quiet day of enjoying one another's company.
  9. Up through 4th grade we LOVE the Sunrise editions of CLE Bible. (After that my kids have confirmation/catechism work through our church) I'm not sure what we're going to do once we get past that though.
  10. spices, cooking spray, pasta, and boxed caked mixes
  11. "Here I Stand...." wishing you all a Happy Reformation Day! :-)
  12. We got the princess one for my daughter last year and she loved it.
  13. We are WELS Lutheran and we have it on the first and third Sundays of each month.
  14. I think there was a Fallon on Dynasty or Falcon Crest.
  15. I haven't read Twilight, but Esme reminds me of the movie "Babe" because the farmer's wife was Esme Hoggett.
  16. My daughter was 11 before she finally slept in her own room. It was awful. Some things we did to cope... she was allowed to come into our room (or her sister's room) but she was not allowed to wake anyone up. She could bring her sleeping bag or a mat and camp on the floor if she wanted to be near us, but she was not allowed in our bed. Also - watch what she eats/drinks up to 3 hours before bed. No sugary snacks and no caffeine (including chocolate) Melatonin did help our daughter fall asleep, but not stay asleep. We also printed out a list of bible verses that gave her comfort and made them into a booklet. She slept with it under her pillow.
  17. I have this one and I love it! http://www.cuisinart.com/products/tea_kettles/ba-170.html
  18. I haven't had time to read through the whole thread, but I can tell you that when I took "literacy in early childhood classes" in college - we were told to teach children to track words with their fingers because it teaches one-to-one correspondence. One written word equals one spoken word, or one 'thought'. In time the kids were told that they needed to internalize those thoughts, but the basic premise was to teach them that the written symbols on the page = words.
  19. Eeeeew!!! Every year our town hosts an arts and crafts bazaar called "Art in the Park" And every year - guaranteed - pranksters an an "F" to the beginning of the sign. :001_rolleyes:
  20. Yes - a story book to my littles, and a chapter from a a chapter book (or sometimes SOTW) for my older two.
  21. My yorkie uses puppy pads and we place them inside a dog litter box. It keeps the pads off the floor (in case they leak) and gives him a definite boundary of where he is supposed to 'go.' We use one like this http://www.amazon.com/Second-Nature-Dog-Litter-Standard/dp/B001F97FMG but instead of putting in liter we line it with a puppy pad. Cleanup is a breeze. Also - instead of expensive puppy pads we buy a box of Chux/Underpads from Sam's club and cut them in 1/2 (You get twice as many, and it's 1/2 the price of puppy pads!)
  22. We have roller shades in my kids' rooms. There beds are right next to the windows and I didn't want to worry about dangerous entanglement issues. Home Depot has nice shades that they will cut to fit the length of your windows, and you can even get room-darkening shades which are wonderful if you still have little ones that nap.
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