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Everything posted by mom2jjka

  1. Our dentist allows parents to go back because the exam rooms are closed off, but our orthodontist does not because they have an 'open bay' where the chairs are lined up in a row. (Why isn't it a violation for the kids to see each other though?.... I have no clue:confused:)
  2. Bible: CLE 1 Math: CLE 1 Phonics: CLE - Learning to Read, Explode the Code History: Stories of the pilgrims, American Pioneers and Patriots, History Pockets and various read alouds Science: living books, plus Magic School Bus science videos and activity kits Penmanship: HWT 1st grade level (Or possibly Zaner Bloser?)
  3. As a heads up...the word Negro is also a 6th grade spelling word for Rod and Staff. I chalked it up to the fact that maybe because the Amish are so far removed from mainstream society - they don't understand it isn't a PC term. :confused:
  4. Wonderful news!!! Praising God with you!
  5. My 13 yr old believed up until this year. She is such a daydreamer and has a wonderful imagination. She and her sisters would build fairy houses in the backyard every summer. She cried when she found out..
  6. What about Hands-On Essays? (Keniki, I know you've used that before. Didn't you really like that one?) Or does that include grammar? Also Daisy - we'll be ordering Jump In soon hopefully, so I'll let you know if that is heavy on grammar or not.
  7. My DH let my' (then 3 yr old') DD paint his toenails bright sparkly pink' (her favorite color') because it was winter and he thought...I'll have socks and shoes on so no one will know. Unfortunately, he forgot about it later that week when he went on a business trip, and he decided to take advantage of the hotel's pool & hot tub. His co-workers had a field day w/ it. :lol:
  8. I haven't ordered yet either (we're working on the same details;)) Do you know if either place has free shipping if you spend over a certain amount? I know Rainbow does - and they have other Notgrass products, but I didn't see this one listed on their web page.
  9. CLE (Christian Light) CLP (Christian Liberty Press) Rod and Staff Heart of Dakota Winter Promise Notgrass Veritas press My Father's World Christian Book Distributors Vision Forum
  10. If you are considering ordering this curriculum, be aware that the $99 curriculum package at CBD is *not* the same as the $99 package from Notgrass! If you order through Notgrass, the basic curriculum package includes: America the Beautiful Part 1, America the Beautiful Part 2, We the People, Maps of America the Beautiful, Timeline of America the Beautiful, and America the Beautiful Answer Key. Then, they have optional student workbooks which can be ordered separately. The CBD package includes: the two softcover textbooks, the maps book, an answer key, and the spiral bound student workbook and a spiral bound lesson review book - (both of which...according to Notgrass are *optional*) It leaves out the timeline and the "We the People" book of original documents - which seem to be an integral part of the program. (They can be ordered separately, though.) (I called CBD to confirm what was in the package - because the photo on their website shows the "We the People" book and the Timeline book in the package photo.) I just wanted to mention...just incase someone was as confused as I was. ;-)
  11. I would mend it, and then maybe could you sew a bow/flower/embellishment of some sort over that spot?
  12. we love the Rod and Staff ABC series of workbooks.
  13. There is also a 'complete' ( just add water) pancake mix that might be another good choice.
  14. Yes! I live in northern WI and it gets frigid here, but I dress my kids in layers and we warm the car up before we go anywhere. They have never complained about being cold. I took photos and blogged about carseats and coats. You would be shocked at how much slack in the harness there is when your child wears a coat! http://homeschoolblogger.com/cpstblog/628327/
  15. You could ask a local school or daycare if they would like them for classroom pets. We always had fish in the classroom when I taught. The kids loved to have the daily 'job' of feeding them
  16. I sewed DH's Pajama bottoms shut at the cuffs, so I'll have to wait until tonight to see how that one plays out. ;)
  17. I used to, but when I moved my blog from Homeschoolblogger to Blogger, I decided to start over and gave my kids code names. I just didn't want people to be able to Google their names and find out tons of personal stuff about them. People who read my old blog know their real names - but eventually I'm going to either delete my old blog or make it private.
  18. ....because I watched a movie on Netflix and it actually had the word "kerfluffle" in it! Seriously! I actually rewound just to hear it again. :lol: It was a very cute film too - an 'indie' comedy, (based on a true story,) called Stone of Destiny.
  19. Our dental hygenist told my kids if they drink soda that they should use a straw. She said the liquid by-passes most of the teeth that way.
  20. We have found that CLE math is one subject we have to do year round, if we want to complete the entire level. During the summer months, I have my kids start a new level and do do just 2 pages per day. This not only allows us to get a 'head start' on it, but it keeps them from forgetting concepts, and we don't have to do so much review in the fall - like we did when we took the entire summer off.
  21. Has anyone ordered/received this yet? I am pretty certain that it is what we are going to order for history next year for my older two children who will be in 6th and 8th grade. If anyone has this, I have a few questions about the literature portion : - How crucial to the program is the added literature? (I may have my kids do either CLE Reading or Abeka Literature) - What does the literature portion entail? Is it just reading through the chapter books, or are there literary analysis questions/essays/etc. in the guides? - Would it be too much to add Progeny Press lit guides for some of the books? Also - If you bought this, did you buy the student workbook or the lesson review book? Would you recommend them? Thanks for your help, Michelle
  22. Hmmmm... it's hard to explain without going into a lot of detail - LOL. Much of the Bible curricula I have encountered is put out by Baptist/Anabaptist/non-denom or even Reformed or Catholic churches - Lutherans have very distinct doctrinal differences from all of the above. Among other things....We differ in our beliefs on baptism, communion, and end times/the rapture, (Lutherns are traditionally amillenialists.) We also run into problems with the phrase 'accepting Jesus as our Savior' as we believe that makes it sound like we can play a part in our salvation -whereas Lutherans believe it is completely the work of the Holy Spirit. Also, there are major differences between the teachings of the different Lutheran synods. (ELCA, LMS, ELS, WELS) so I can't say that I speak for all Lutherans.
  23. This is incredible! ~ Thank you SO much! As a Lutheran, I often have a hard time with other Bible curricula not lining up with our doctrine/beliefs. This may be just what I was looking for!
  24. Pass the syrup this way, too. HOD, MFW, Notgrass/America the Beautiful, Apologia, CLE, ACE, R&S ..... Too. many. choices.
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