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Everything posted by mom2jjka

  1. 6th grade MFW - Rome to the Reformation (Bible, history, science, art) CLE math CLE language arts (or possibly Growing With Grammar) Drawn Into the Heart of Reading 4th grade MFW - Rome to the Reformation (Bible, history, science, art) CLE math CLE language arts Drawn Into the Heart of Reading 1st grade Little Hearts for His Glory Singapore Math (CLE Learn to Read - Undecided on this one?) 4 yr old - tagging along on LHFHG playing with puzzles & math manipulatives possibly doing some Kumon workbooks or ETC primers
  2. There is an Amish stand at our local farmer's market that sells baked goods. They have lots of pies, cookies and 'friendship' breads. (They also have homegrown popcorn - which is a big hit.)
  3. It isn't so much that we didn't like it, but I will admit that it overwhelmed my DS when he was younger. The lessons are a bit long ( 4-6 pages each) and while that includes grammar, spelling/phonics, and penmanship - plus the instructions for each...all DS saw was a LONG lesson, and it made him want to cry. He did much better when we bought separate work books for each subject. It was still the same amount of work, but it looked like smaller 'bites' to him. Now that he is older, we are actually switching back to CLE - (because it IS a great program.) ;-)
  4. I can't leave Walmart without one of the following - mini Post-it notes - highlighters - white polymer erasers
  5. I would LOVE to find a class like that for my son! I think it would be an amazing opportunity.
  6. I am also trying hard to choose between these two programs (for a different grade level.) I ordered the first few Light Units of CLE, and just the student handbook of GWG so I could get a 'feel' for both programs. Here's what stands out to me: GWG is mostly just fill in the blank exercises and diagramming. CLE mixes things up a bit with crossword puzzles/word searches, etc - so it is a bit less 'boring' than GWG. I don't care for the spelling portion of CLE as much, though. The list appear to be based on 'themes ( EX. - camping, flashlight, lantern, etc.) We are used to phonics/rules based spelling, and so I am a bit worried that CLE spelling would confuse my son. I like that GWG has less lessons per year ( you would only need to do grammar 3-4 days per week vs. CLE where you would need to do grammar 5 days per week to finish all 10 light units in a regular school year.) CLE is more 'portable'. You got your grammar, spelling and penmanship in one handly little workbook if you need to go somewhere. (We often have doctor/therapy appts during the day for my younger DD.) With GWG we would have the bulkier workbook, plus the student manual, PLUS separate spelling and penmanship books. A full backpack!
  7. I would definitely keep him quiet for awhile. Pneumonia is nothing to mess with, and it doesn't take long for someone with pneumonia to 'go downhill' fast. Let your child fully recover before letting him resume 'normal' activities.
  8. She's 6. She has a diagnosis of apraxia, and her neurologist also suspects either mild CP or mild Rett syndrome.
  9. My Dd can't rhyme. She just doesn't seem to hear it at all. Could this be related to her apraxia? Is there any way to teach rhyming?
  10. Yes - (sort of) My DH has his grandfather's 'antique' hunting rifle. It is stored up in the attic, and the kids don't even know we have it. We don't have any ammo for it though.
  11. I would also recommend CLE. If I had to choose an 'umbrella school' I would definitely go with that one! (And I probably will for high school!) I love that their subjects are taught right TO the child in their books. The parent really does not do much 'teaching' at all, and the kids are able to learn work quite independently. If you go with their 'Homeschool Plus' program, they do the grading and record keeping for you, and there is a measure of accountability. A close second for me would be CLASS - run by Christian Liberty Press.
  12. They are reading fluently. I just didn't know if it would be good to have them use something that works on vocabulary/comprehension/character analysis, etc. Up until this point my DS has been reading the Pathways series and using the workbooks that go with it. (He likes the books, but finds the workbooks tedious.) Other than Book Basket and a recommended reading list, I didn't see any reading plans in the MFW schedule, so I didn't know if I should find something and incorporate it as 'language arts.'
  13. We are going to be using MFW's RTR this upcoming fall for my oldest two children, who will be in 4th and 6th grades. (We did SOTW Vol 1 - so we are skipping CTG and going in to the second year of the MFW cycle.) I know that MFW has a 'book basket' where the kids get to choose books for free reading - but is it enough? Do any of you also use a separate reading program/curriculum? I already have tentative choices for grammar, spelling and writing, but I want to make sure that I have everything covered. I was wondering if I should use something like CLE, R&S Pathways or DITHOR? Would any of them be compatible with RTR - or would it just be adding be 'too much' into our day?
  14. Thank you all for the recommendations - I will definitely look into those! We did have her vision tested this past year, and she tested okay - but I will mention that to her other therapists and see if they have noticed anything unusual in that area.
  15. My DD is 6 1/2 and she has global apraxia. (Her neurologist also suspects either mild CP or mild Rett Syndrome.) This is my fist year 'officially' homeschooling her and she is doing well in most areas except phonics/reading. She knows her alphabet and all of her letter sounds - but she cannot put them together. We have tried several different reading programs (Abeka, ETC, 100 Easy Lessons,) but none of them were a good fit. We tried memorizing word families, and she did alright when she was there, in the moment - but if I waited a bit and showed her the words separately she couldn't recall any of them. I'm stumped as to how to help her. Is this just a maturity issue? Should I wait awhile. (I'm afraid to wait TOO long...especially if she needs more help.) Is there a program/curriculum that would be better for her? I welcome any advice you all might have! :-) Thanks!
  16. I love Black Warrior pencils! Our Walmart used to carry them and now they don't anymore. :-( I think you can get them at Staples or Office Max.
  17. Building Spelling Skills by Evan Moor has the little boxes around the letters and words.
  18. I use Homeschoolblogger and I just link my pictures from Photobucket or Flicker. That way, you can put unlimited photos on your blog. I prefer to use HSB because it seems a more 'family friendly' place to blog. There really is a sense of community there.
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