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Everything posted by Hwin

  1. First time for me, and they're probably just getting it in the mail today.
  2. No, if my son's name is shortened it turns into a girl's name. :P
  3. Apostrophe misuse bothers me, too. Apparently, it's genetic. Last year, my son made a Father's Day card that said "Happy Fathr's Day, Grandpa!" He couldn't spell father, but he knew darn well it needed an apostrophe. I certainly would not entrust them with my son's language arts education, but it would not stop me from going on fun field trips :)
  4. Looks like you dodged a bullet. Meetups with flakey wackadoos don't always go well.
  5. He never sleeps past 7, even if he goes to bed at 10. But he averages 10-11 hours of sleep, so I'd say 9:30 would be a good bedtime if my child normally got up at 8:30.
  6. I don't think that being a woman/mother means you have to spend time with kids. I would look for an area that works better for you. I don't know whether your church really needs you to or not - our church always needs more volunteers, so it is really hard for me to say "maybe you could take a break... just a season in your life... etc" because if one of our volunteers did that, we'd have to change what we can offer.
  7. I don't think you are being too sensitive. If you don't separate the kids during church, then the message has to be appropriate for kids...right?! Church should not be the place where they see scary or violent images.
  8. Thanks. I have a lot to think about it and the input really helps. IMO I don't need 40 hours to do my job. Not that I was going to start the conversation that way. I don't want to talk myself into the unemployment line. I would have to spend some time in the office - there would be times of the year when I would probably have to spend half my time in the office, and other times when I could come in for a few hours and be done. I do have backup daycare but am wondering if maybe a mother's helper would be a better solution... maybe a SAHM who could bring her kids along, or a college student going for special ed who could also get some hands on training with autism.
  9. My husband is getting a new job and I would like to approach my boss about working from home. The company has plenty of technology so I don't foresee a problem staying in touch with clients or the office. I think the main concern would be my availability in the office if I was suddenly needed, client confidentiality since it is health insurance, and professionalism since I have loud little boys always screaming in the background. How do you ensure your clients get the same attention they would if you were in the office? How much of a pay cut would you expect? I think it will be a lighter workload just because some of the office things I normally do will fall on someone else.
  10. Verizon used to have a plan like that, not sure if they still do. I believe you paid a flat fee but only on the days you used it. So it would be expensive if you used it every day but quite reasonable if you used it once a week. http://www.verizonwireless.com:80/b2c/prepay/processPrePayRequest.do?type=ppdaily
  11. I wouldn't say anything, but I am not a fan of being out and about with newborns. Besides, mine eat every hour when they are that age. I don't want to be at Six Flags or the beach... I want to be in a really comfortable chair, propped up just so, with a jug of water and a good book.
  12. Our puppy is 5 mos now, and spent the first month sleeping in the guest bed with my husband. The baby had taken my husband's spot in bed (and even peed on it) so I guess I can't complain too much!
  13. I choose B as well. Sorry your mom's feelings were hurt :( Can you really have too many coloring books or stickers?! My MIL lives in Florida and hardly ever sees our kids, so if she wants to buy them ice cream for dinner, it's fine. I laugh and let her spoil him however she likes. My mom lives near to us and brings gifts once a week, and I have tried to gently discourage it. I think my son's growing ungratefulness will probably do the trick, though. :(
  14. I don't think I'd be able to resist answering that letter. However, I am positive that my son (who needs services) is unwanted.
  15. I had two male friends. One of them became our mutual friend. The other, my husband asked me to stop having contact. I thought it was a little bossy of him, but my "friend" called me names when I explained the situation and it was clear that he had feelings for me. Felt a little too much like a breakup! A year later, I received an apologetic email. The other man is still a facebook friend but lives thousands of miles away. So...I'd say that m/f friendships should be okayed by spouses.
  16. Welcome :) If you're on a homeschooling forum asking how to support your wife, then you probably don't need any advice from us! I have a wildly different home situation and, short version, we both give 100% at work and home and school.
  17. When I say it, it's a response so "can you believe xyz!" meaning, okay, if I WAS going to judge, I would probably say something negative, but having done things just as worthy of criticism... I'm not one to judge.
  18. Two months ago, I bought Kawaii and I love them. They are a one size pocket. I have every kind of diaper, but I like these because they have microfiber inserts and they only take 20 minutes in the dryer (and I have an old dryer). If I had more of a budget I would probably get bumgenius. Also, I buy snaps instead of velcro whenever possible because I hate having chains of diapers in the wash, and the velcro doesn't seem to last as long (even on Thirsties and Bummis.).
  19. Same. Although, actually, music and announcements can take longer, but the message is typically 45 minutes.
  20. I work for an ins company during the day :) I am mostly the breadwinner, but if that changes and I don't need to work full time, I will do something part time that reflects my interests (compared to doing something that reflects my need for money). I was not meant to be a SAHM. I don't feel judged, I sometimes feel pitied, though. :confused:
  21. My Kindle Fire does this on emails and I haven't figured out how to edit it yet. I have only sent one email from my Kindle in the three months of owning it, so I probably won't try to edit it. I do use Tapatalk on other forums, and I removed the tagline.
  22. I think costs vary enormously by region. The cost of living around here isn't too bad - we're in the lower Adirondacks. I only stopped using daycare in December and I was paying $30 for a full day.
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