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Everything posted by Hwin

  1. These are Zenni's progressive lens options for kids. I'll probably order him some rx sunglasses (no bifocal/progressive) for playing outside, but I'm not keen on these styles. http://www.zenniopti..._id=2&navused=1
  2. Thanks, you ladies have given me a lot to think about for the future but for now, I don't have buyers' remorse ^_^
  3. If so, why? Three of us wear glasses (I'm sure the baby will, too, he's a ticking time bomb in this family!) and I spent a fortune yesterday. I don't even want to say how much because I feel a little sick in the stomach thinking about it. We purchased our glasses from a very reputable local place. The doctors there know us. We always see the same one. She has lovely framed diplomas on the wall and caught a vision issue of mine only because she was taking a lot of time with me and there was no rush. I am kind of scared of getting Walmart glasses for my 6yo who wouldn't be able to tell me there's a problem (there are certain areas where his communication skills are nonexistent, and this is one area). It's pretty important to get his Rx because he has to wear them all the time and has a special progressive lens. Then there is my husband for whom glasses are extremely important. He wears them every day and is impaired without them. They never come off except bed and showers. He gets the anti glare and transitions. Do you think special shops are overrated, or worth the money? (Assuming you have the money and there's no credit used or having to cut something else to get the better glasses.)
  4. If my husband is up before me, he makes me an egg sandwich. If he gets up before me and runs to the store, I get a bluberry muffin from the bakery. If he sleeps in I get cereal :( and every so often I make pancakes.
  5. As long as they took some time out to say hello and make a little small talk with their parents' guests, I think it's acceptable. Not polite or rude.
  6. It was around five and at a party, and it was only to prove that I wasn't an overprotective mom. Which I am.
  7. We prefer hulu plus but it does have a lot of ads (even though we're paying for it). Some TV shows, it will offer the entire series, others it only keeps the latest few episodes. There are also movies but no new releases (which is about the same as Netflix streaming and Amazon Prime if I recall). Hulu plus is all we have, other than regular free TV (no cable package) and we're happy. Oh and Amazon Prime, but everything I want to watch on it always costs money so I"m not sure that counts.
  8. I'm not that impressed by the free lending library; I'd also love to see what others have enjoyed. Water For Elephants was a good read, but so far that is the only one I've found.
  9. Apparently my hands got really fat during my last pregnancy because my rings still don't fit, though I am the same weight as when I've worn them before. I'm going to give it a few more months and try to get myself smaller so I can wear my solitaire and wedding band. Generally, I wear them most of the time.
  10. My son has high functioning autism and he was late to sit. He also fell down a lot when he started walking (because sitting wasn't really his thing, so he didn't lower himself or plop onto his bottom, he just fell on his head). Occupational therapy and physical therapy evaluations revealed that he has low tone - and he is really floppy, even now. If I help him button a shirt he will be falling down and leaning into me etc.
  11. I wear dressy clothes to church because then I only have to wear them for a couple of hours. Wearing stockings and a skirt for two hours entitles me to hop into my PJs the minute I get home.
  12. My husband is not a reader. He's maybe read one book in our whole marriage, which was the Explosive Child, because we were at our wits' end with our son. HOWEVER. He will clean the house while I have my nose buried in a book and not make a single comment about my uselessness, so I'd say that's better than being married to a reader... we do have long conversations about current events etc.
  13. Depending on the season and the cause, I've had luck with Zyrtec, Benadryl, and Hyland's cold medicine.
  14. I love Pinterest, and I use Facebook on a daily basis to keep in touch with people, especially family.
  15. Wore a cranky 1 year old while making dinner last night, and he dozed off so I wore him while serving and eating dinner as well. I usually don't wear inside the house, but being able to is a lifesaver at times. I'm also not a SAHM so who knows, I might wear him more if I was with him 24/7.
  16. Check the dollar store first! That is where I get the lined paper (if you still use that), scissors, index cards, containers,etc.
  17. I use MM and plan to start WWE next year. We use FLL for grammar. I like the scripts and find it very easy to use. My husband and I alternate lessons, and it's one of those programs where either of can just pick up without any major communication required :)
  18. My husband does the teaching. I would love to get him on TWTM to speak for himself, but I doubt that will happen :) He has had some disappointing experiences trying to connect with other homeschoolers, since they are all moms. Even carrying an infant along. Usually babies are such great conversation starters.
  19. I'm so afraid of doing something the wrong way at other people's houses that I am less helpful than I should be. Especially because when you start asking "which cloth do you use for dishes" and "where do you put the clean bowls" the response is usually "oh no, you sit down blah blah blah." So that just makes it more awkward.
  20. For the most part we have an open kitchen. It *has* hurt our wallet before. My son eats insane amounts of fruit. It really stinks when all the fruit is gone in a day and a half and you can't go shopping until next week. We have instituted an eat-at-the-table rule. If he's really hungry, he can sit down and eat it. The mindless eating tends to happen while he is playing or watching TV. And it also leads to apple cores being shoved in all kinds of delightful places... and of course tummy troubles. I'm sure you can imagine what it's like when a 6 year old eats ten apples in one sitting (this had happened multiple times). Eating at the table has mostly solved our problems.
  21. Yes, we had two weeks of unexpected illness that turned into a sort of Christmas vacation, so we jumped back in this week.
  22. Cold enough to freeze our kitchen sink pipes. :(
  23. Hwin


    We generally buy good shoes even if we have to save up for them (plus, both of the boys have wide, flat feet, so that narrows it down to Stride Rite and similar brands). But the winters have been so mild here that I wouldn't have a problem with used boots.
  24. I think you would need help if you were using the post office. If you used Fed Ex it would be less obvious (because you could put whatever you want as the return address), but they would be able to look up the tracking number and figure out where it originated, if they were that curious.
  25. Depends on the style, there are some dress slacks of mine that reach my navel, but I don't think it's possible to find jeans that go that high, is it??
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