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Everything posted by Hwin

  1. Sure, if it was capitalized. Okay, I'm joking. I rarely see plural possessive used and I wonder if it's a lost cause.
  2. I've rented many places over the years and always wondered why landlords were so picky. NOW I KNOW. I remember one guy being really hesitant about our ONE CAT and I said to him "of course we keep it clean. We don't want to live in a small space that smells like dirty animal." We were so offended. Then we looked at a place that had cat feces on the floor of the spare bedroom, and someone had knocked a hole in the door. The landlord said "look, your cat can go in there to poop and you don't even have to open the door!" It wasn't the first apartment we ever visited that had animal poo on the floor, either. :001_huh:
  3. What was the context of the word biting in a school yearbook? :confused: I'd give partial credit for boys basketball team.
  4. Aw, we have a little friend like that! It doesn't help that my son sees her shyly backing away and responds by talking louder and closer :tongue_smilie: I would agree with activities that can be done side by side. She usually warms up by the end of the playdate :) It's my understanding that she talks about my son like he's one of her best friends, but you wouldn't know it to see them together! I remember being a shy child and wanting to interact with other children, but needing to be drawn in *just so* in order to be comfortable with it.
  5. I almost never click on those ads, but I would rather have a PHP ad on my sidebar than some of that other stuff.
  6. I've been online for 10+ years now and never called my husband "dh." I don't use too many abbreviations, though.
  7. We went from a family plan with my parents, who got a special discount through Dad's job that actually cost a lot more money than what we needed...and switched to Tracfone. We were able to keep our phone numbers, too.
  8. My son was declassified at 5 and we have requested an evaluation this year (he is now 6) because his sensory issues and motor skills are still a concern. He still holds scissors incorrectly, has difficulty buttoning, falls down randomly, can't ride a bike with training wheels, licks things that just shouldnt be licked etc. They called and set us up for the OT, speech, and PT evals... as well as psychological. Is there any benefit to the psych eval? What will they be looking for? My husband is concerned (offended might be a better word) but I'm actually interested in the results. Plus, it's always hilarious when my out-of-the-box kid is evaluated by percentile-oriented people :tongue_smilie:I might even load him up on sugar first.
  9. I purchased mine in March. I committed to buy at 40, but I got the 50%. It didn't hit 50% until the very end. As far as I know, there are minimums to meet, but no maximum.
  10. My husband says "aten." :glare: "I haven't aten breakfast today." It's one of those things where he said it by accident, I pounced and made a big stink, he started saying it constantly to annoy me, and now he doesn't know how to stop. Let me also add - "could of went"
  11. I call attention to word misuse that results in unintentional humor. Bare with me... I balled my eyes out... :tongue_smilie: If I get a really poorly written professional correspondence, it's going on facebook, too. I got one once that said something along the lines of "you too the thing it." :confused:
  12. I had c section followed by a med free vaginal birth. I preferred the vbac in very way.
  13. Apple cider vinegar? I used it to dry up water in my ear, by pouring a little in my ear, and I have prepared it like hot tea so the fumes could clear out my sinuses. (a few tablespoons diluted in hot water.) If it doesn't work, well, at least it's cheap and harmless :)
  14. I posted it on FB with the comment that I prefer fruity tea, and hoped my church friends wouldn't read too much into that >.>
  15. That sounds devastating (although it seems unlikely that the worst case scenario would ever occur), but in my hypothetical situation where I am sending my child to PS, I am going on a fabulous vacation so I'm afraid my answer stands. I suppose my views on this reflect the sort of homeschooler I am. Hmm.
  16. I haven't read it, but I recommend this book :lol: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/551004_10151167274550450_745725165_n.jpg (And if this has already been posted, consider me completely embarrassed - I did a quick search first, but the lingo here can be so insider-oriented.)
  17. yes, they are exactly the same car- I'd get the one that doesn't need any work.
  18. I try to balance things out. "You know your kid is homeschooled when they (something precocious). Oh crap, better get off facebook to remove my pantsless child from neighbor's yard."
  19. I was thinking along the lines of having your church family there, if you had one. Not necessarily in a building. Even though I basically said that :lol:
  20. "For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them." That said, I think baptism is meant to be a public declaration, so I feel it should take place in church for those people whose churches baptize adults (and teens, and older children :tongue_smilie:) But I'm talking ideally and in the spirit of things... not "or it doesn't count." ;)
  21. I hyphenated. I often just go by my husband's last name to make things easier. Of course, it's not just my husband's last name any more, it's our whole family's last name. I am considering a legal name change. Maybe next year if we have some extra money. I do and don't regret it - I love my simple, lovely maiden name but I want our family to share a last name and 11 years into marriage I really don't care whose name it is.
  22. I already had my year roughly planned, and my own dates worked better. My school district didn't care at all. They sent me a letter to confirm, and it stated that they couldn't be held responsible for any deficiencies in my program. :glare: Wow, thanks for the warning.
  23. I have an alter ego, but I'm having trouble pinning down where and when it appears :P I remember giving a coworker a ride somewhere once and he said "you are a different person as soon as you're out of the office!" I was joking and talking about my family - whereas I am all business at work.
  24. I think it's all in that last sentence. :/
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