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Everything posted by Hwin

  1. I saw "She Fly's With Her Own Wings" on a tattoo in, you guessed it, WalMart. It was all the way across the woman's upper back.
  2. It was rude of her to correct you, but I probably wouldn't correct her back. I do use my facebook page to complain freely about funny grammar mistakes, so if this person was my fb friend and made the Hall of Fame, she might find out that way. It would have to be something more interesting than Sensei's, though. Something like "Bare with me well I ball my eyes out." That's funny. That needs to be discussed with 100 of my closest friends. ;)
  3. I would not get an extra scan to check gender if I was getting one in a doctor's office at 20 weeks, but I don't see the harm in an extra five minutes :)
  4. Perhaps you should get a referral to a developmental pediatrician? Some of the behaviors you mention are characteristic of autism, but it really depends on the extent.
  5. If no one is pregnant or postpartum, a week. Sickness actually ups the odds, since we are sitting at home together for long periods of time.
  6. One cart, two weeks' worth of groceries. I feel like we eat a lot, maybe it just comes from smaller packages? :confused:
  7. I've heard of a 7 day delay but it was odd enough that we were all talking about it here at work.
  8. Mushrooms have a nasty, slimy texture to me, and the taste is even worse. Green peppers also are just too pungent - everything they touch tastes like green peppers, so it goes beyond just not liking them. I complain if I have to eat food that was near them. :tongue_smilie: Oh and I'm a vegetarian. It can be a nightmare to order food at a restaurant when you don't eat meat or common vegetables lol
  9. The other day I got to the grocery store, realized I forgotten my wallet. I try to swallow the nasty things I want to say, when I hear my 6yo from the backseat say "Frickety frick frick frick?" as if he is helping out and supplying me with the right words. Because apparently I say that.
  10. When my husband had to wear dress shirts we had the ironing board set up in the hallway and never really took it down, but now that he's got more casual work wear, I only use it a couple times a week... which evidently is still more frequently than most.
  11. I delete a lot. I try too hard to relate to other people's situations and then I worry about looking self-centered/one-uppy.
  12. I picked 4, mostly submissive. It would look egalitarian to the majority of people, though. He has never pulled the "head of the household card." I am the one who says "We can't come to an agreement, so I want you to pray and decide, and I will accept it and respect you and back you 100%." He actually hates it when I do that, because then he feels like has to do the responsible thing, instead of getting me to go along with a bad idea. :lol: ETA I make most of the decisions. I'm not sure how submissive I would be if he exercised his veto power more than once per year...
  13. Agreeing that you must get D'Aulaires Greek Myths This is the version of The Odyssey my 5 yo liked http://www.amazon.com/DK-Classics-Odyssey/dp/0789454556/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1337804400&sr=1-1 We also really liked Gerald McDermott's books (Zomo the Rabbit, Jakata Tales, etc) and Misoso (African folk tales). They were just fun, and we were able to get them from the library.
  14. Yes, good for her for saying no and good for you for backing her up. But I would say it's probably a good idea to find a doctor she's comfortable with so that if she needs to be examined (if something IS wrong), it won't be too traumatic for her.
  15. I get Albany news stations where I live. I can't imagine that anyone who watches the news (or reads the Times Union!!!) would consider attending Albany public schools to be some kind of marvelous privilege that will prepare children for the real world.
  16. My husband is the one home with the kids and we sent his by certified mail, but that was after he talked to someone at the office who really didn't seem to think that a dad staying home was legit and "couldn't promise" he'd be excused. (What does your wife do? Can't she just take the week off? Don't you have a babysitter?)
  17. We have full access to each other's accounts, but we organize things differently. I wouldn't want to share. I love him, I just don't want to share. Nothing personal. He doesn't want to share, either, so it's okay :) When my yahoo mail got hacked, I had to set up another email first, and then I was able to get things straightened out.
  18. I think preparing the formula and keeping the bottles clean would be my biggest concern. I hope your friend finds something closer so you can still go :)
  19. I looked at a lot of houses with "potential" but we picked the one with the nicest kitchen (and bathrooms, and the the nicest floors, and the nicest paint colors) even though it cost more. I fell in love with it and had to have it. Much easier to fall in love with something that you're looking at, than something you are trying to visualize. It's silly and emotional and probably not the best way to buy a house, but there you have it.
  20. My boys are 5 1/2 years apart and I am keeping everything.
  21. I plan to have some some light school work during the summer to keep things fresh, and it will probably just be math. I work out of the home full time and my big chunks of time with the kids are the weekend. The rest of the year, I squeeze in schoolwork, but the summer activities are so numerous that something always takes priority.
  22. My son has loved every single PBS kids show at one time or another. Right now, his can't-miss shows are Wild Kratts and Electric Company. I think Martha Speaks is probably my favorite, though.
  23. Dancing with the Stars is my reality show, if that's what it is :)
  24. I'm sorry; I missed this response. They discharged him without any formal evaluations, as he was finishing up summer services. Yes, he qualified for summer services, because he would have regressed without it, but then didn't qualify in the fall. I am requesting re-testing. I'm thinking maybe there is NOT the same deadline for me, since I'm not actually requesting related services... since he's not getting any?
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