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Everything posted by Hwin

  1. My son's favorite line is "..anybody want a peanut?" Unfortunately, his second favorite line is "I want my father back, you [sob]" :glare: So we might be on a PB hiatus (it was becoming a daily thing.)
  2. I think our thermostat is on 50 (because that is as low as it goes) but it never kicks on, thanks to the pellet stove. The upstairs thermostat is at 68 and it kicks on from time to time. We have a little baby who's usually in a grownup bed, so piling on the comforters isn't an option. We've still got half a tank of oil left from our autumn delivery, though! The weather this season has been great on our budget, although it is freaky to have a snowless winter.
  3. 6-7, but I just use the cutoff date our local schools use when telling people his grade.
  4. You can wear your pants longer, and you can also layer with it (so you can raise your hands without bare belly popping out the bottom of your shirt). I also used it postpartum for a smoother look. A support belt was the must-have item for me. It made a huge difference in back pain.
  5. He always does his loudest yelling when baby is asleep in my arms. So I can either yell back and wake the baby, or wait for the baby to wake from big brother's yelling :glare:
  6. There is a little vest you can buy that might be handy. I'd like to think I'd spring for it if I had a toddler to cart around NY, but it's $100.
  7. ETC doesn't teach anything about how to form letters correctly, but it requires a lot of writing.
  8. My husband is 25% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother was not a full time stay at home mom during his childhood. ----- His mom was a SAHM until her divorce, he was around 13 then. My husband would love to be able to support us on his salary, but that is a few years away. He has worked very hard to make sure i didn't have to worry about money during my 12wk maternity leave, though. :D
  9. NO coyotes aren't cute!!! They chewed up my favorite Care Bear when I left him in the woods... I'm in NY and my dad had to get permission to shoot a porcupine that was hanging out in the apple tree, so no, it's not really allowed when you only live on half an acre. My sibs did have an epic fight over a tv show once that ended in Dad smashing the TV on the front sidewalk, though. It ended the fight and we still laugh about it.
  10. Well, I have a few fb friends that have reposted it along with a "way to go!" sort of comment, but I thought it was over the top. The daughter obviously got her overreaction gene from her dad... Not to mention, he told her in the video that she might not even ever see it (since she's grounded from any opportunity to get on facebook). So what exactly was the point? Humiliating her as thoroughly as possible in front of her friends? On the other hand, she was asking for it. She bashed her parents publicly. I obviously have mixed feelings :tongue_smilie: I have no idea what my own father would have done ... because I never would have spoken about him like that.
  11. ... playdate arguments erupt because your son is only familiar with the book version of certain stories, and his friends are only acquainted with the film versions.
  12. I've seen women refer to men they are divorcing as "dh." It's kind of lost its meaning. Hubby works for me. Can't remember the last time I actually SAID it, though.
  13. We did it this way until my son decided he wanted to do it himself. His score got knocked down a bit because he was still figuring out the typing thing, but now he's doing great.
  14. Mine also did GA as a rule, but since I was pregnant he made an exception and did local. The tooth had come in completely sideways and was partially impacted. It wasn't any more painful/scary than a regular filling. I drove myself back to work with a mouth full of gauze. It was also $250 cheaper I want to add that I only had one tooth removed.
  15. I sneak food into the movies with no remorse. What is the rule about taking stuff from the hospital? :confused: (Like diapers.)
  16. My son is doing well with Math Mammoth but hates the way it's set up.
  17. We always used to walk by the Education Building at my college and my husband would invariably ask, "What do they do in the OTHER buildings?" har har I know that ed majors at my college discussed education theory - it wasn't all Dr. Seuss and bulletin boards - but they were usually the least scholarly students in the class. "I'm an education major, so I can I do my paper on a children's book?" I heard this in several classes - once even to the head of the English department. Best withering look ever. :thumbup1:
  18. I'm educating a 5yo Aspie. Not doing anything too outside-the-box - SOTW, Math Mammoth, a Thinking Skills books, Handwriting Help for Kids, and How To Spell. Right now we are fighting the school for services after he was illegally declassified as a special ed student. I am overwhelmed with behavior issues (that I suspect are mostly sensory) and could really use some professional help.
  19. I let it cook more like 3-3.5 hours and it comes out thicker than if I only cook it the 2.5 hrs that my recipe suggests.
  20. As a child, I learned most everything intuitively, and found the teacher's way of doing things cumbersome - it just slowed me done. So I usually went with my intuition instead of following directions. It was USUALLY right but oh so embarrassing when it was wrong...
  21. Nothing yet, but probably science equipment next year - it depends on what the library has. (Because our library loans science equipment to homeschoolers!!!)
  22. I grew up with both and I really loved the new Muppet movie :) (My son did, too! I was surprised, given other stuff he likes...) But yes, the only place I've seen Muppet Babies is on youtube.
  23. I have it and haven't had a problem. They're not Empire/BCBS, but they are better than Aetna (the main doctor group in our town won't take Aetna, and it's what my husband has.) One of my coworkers had to fight them on his daughter's NICU stay.
  24. I assume you meant you can't ask him to pray about it - and apparently you have to prove you've earned the right to HS :( I'm so sorry. I suppose if you wanted to appease him you could show him all the wonderful social opportunities the children could have. Or you could be not so nice and just not be involved in the PS decision. You know, not get them dressed in the morning or bring them there or pick up the school supplies. Surely if you can homeschool a 10th grader, you can homeschool K'ers.
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