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Everything posted by Hwin

  1. I throw chicken in a crockpot, the mix a can of cream soup with salsa and taco mix. Serve with rice. Everyone raves.
  2. Someone at work patronizingly told me that cheddar cheese does NOT have 7g of protein per ounce. :confused::confused::confused: This is not a matter of opinion...it's... it's... it's on the package. The next morning as I was packing my lunch for work I was so tempted to bring a block of cheese with me, but I decided to be the bigger person :P
  3. fried rice broccoli rice cheese casserole pasta with sauce bean chili quesadillas
  4. I have the Amazon Visa card and I just got an offer to save $20 if I use it to buy Amazon prime.
  5. I have a Kanga XT by Bloo Kangaroo. My baby technically fits in it and it has a stiff (but not too stiff) headrest. It's about as light as I think you can expect a structured carrier to be. And it's freaking gorgeous.
  6. I probably use about half of them. We occasionally use "cross" as well. I wish I could say it's due to travel or even the BBC but, alas, it's probably Thomas the Train.
  7. 31/32 - I did not know about the religious makeup of Indonesia.
  8. Yes, if it's a regular arrangement, that seems pretty typical.
  9. Attorney General, possibly the state insurance department as well, and you should get someone to fix things.
  10. Thanks for all the responses, wow. We sat in the second row and he was able to see the screen from the floor. I am still keeping the standing-on-chair option in my back pocket for particularly crowded services where we get stuck in the back, though ;) (Seeing the screen really is a need - this week we sang two songs that I had never heard before.)
  11. You are in my prayers. :grouphug: I started reading your post and I knew exactly where it was going, because it was so similar to my mom's ovarian cancer experience, nearly twenty years ago. I was 15 and I remember all of the emotions she went though (emotions I didn't really understand at the time, but understand quite well now!)
  12. Is it okay to stand on a chair during the times that everyone stands? What if it is the only way for the child to see the words to the music, which are printed on a big screen at the front? What if it's the type of church where people are clapping their hands and a few are even dancing in the aisles? Most of the other kids his age don't participate but play with handheld games or their parents' phones, but my son 1) doesn't play Mario quietly and 2) gets ramped up from games, so he would be a bear in Children's church. My husband and I are in disagreement. I really just want to participate in church without worrying about my son's behavior. If he wants to participate, fine, if he wants to stretch out on the floor and write all over the bulletin, that's fine, too, as long as he isn't disrupting another churchgoer. Although it sounds lax, I've noticed his behavior improves when I'm not trying to make him act a certain way. My husband just thinks it's wrong to stand on furniture, especially with shoes on.
  13. Second opinion, especially if they are recommending stainless steel crowns, which apparently is how a lot of pediatric dentistry places make money.
  14. I would have said "Shh! Don't tell him!" Just kidding. I've never shushed a librarian... though now I want to.., I love our library! (Well, actually, I regularly go to three libraries, and I love them all.) I just emailed our big library recently and asked them to buy the Life of Fred books, and they emailed me back the next day and said they would look for a vendor. :thumbup:
  15. I know that people have very different expectations of their spouses, but just, in general, how supportive is your spouse of the things you want to do? extremely supportive. Is your spouse willing to put himself (or herself) out in order to help you do something you'd like to do? yes. he basically put his life on hold when he met me and starting putting me through college as soon as we were engaged... and never stopped supporting me. If you wanted to do something like take a trip or go back to school (assuming money is not an issue), would he help you make it happen? Trip, no, it would just be such a ridiculous thing for me to ask to do right now, but if I wanted to go back to school he would support it 110%. Would he rearrange his work schedule or take time off to help you? Yes, he does it all the time. He even took a worse job to accommodate my schedule. Do you think of it as him letting you do something, or do you think of it as you doing something with his support? It's always a joint decision. He probably supports me TOO much. I have recently had to tell him to do things for himself (like take college classes), or tell me no, instead of just enabling me all the time LOL
  16. :iagree: (with bolded) The fact that I have been criticized for nursing a young infant, modestly, in a semi-private room, and even heard complaints that people shouldn't have to see expressed milk in a bottle because "we know what it IS" pretty much solidified my decision to nurse wherever or whenever, at any age. People have some weird hangups and you can't possibly cater to all of them. I have my own standards of modesty and my own comfort level and I will stick to those, not anybody else's. Sometimes that means using a light blanket or stepping out of the room. Editing to add - I nursed in public until around 18 months, but after that we settled into a 2-3 times/day routine and we usually weren't out and about at nursing time.
  17. I would allow them to go as something harmless as a way to compromise. I see dressing up on Halloween being the same as having a Christmas tree ... both are non-Christian in origin, no? Can we co-opt these traditions and/or participate in non-evil ways? I think we can.
  18. He is absolutely miserable, looking for other employment, and signing up for online classes. His job is a convenient store clerk. He gave up a better retail job for the schedule so that one of us would always be home with the kids, but it's breaking him physically (he has symptoms of neuropathy in his feet and carpal tunnel in his wrists).
  19. I've only delivered one vaginally, and he was 10 14. I had a small tear and felt like myself within a couple weeks. First babe was a 10lber, but he was a c-section and that recovery was absolutely miserable for me. I didn't even have any complications... it was just really scary to have unexpected surgery, and my abdomen hurt for a long time.
  20. I would have taken 3 for banana bread, but not the rest, even if it meant them getting tossed. If I know I'm not going to use it, I don't take it.
  21. They are both lovely looking girls. I'm sorry she is dealing with those side effects :(
  22. I am buying less food and paying more in groceries and the cost to commute to my job grows more expensive. I would not care so much about more income if these costs were not rising so much. Also, if my company is charging more and making more profit then of course I would expect that 2-3%.
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