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Everything posted by Hwin

  1. Is the church making money off of the FPU or just hosting it? If the church is making money and offering free childcare, then I think the least they can do it pay for the supplies. I realize they are a small church, but they certainly do not have to offer childcare; parents can always make their own arrangements.
  2. This happened to us but our washer wasn't running. It didn't do a ton of damage though, because we weren't gone long.
  3. I would prefer that my son write the carried number so that I know he understands both the process and arithmetic, but I wouldn't push it if the answers are correct and if I felt confident that he understood the why and how. I don't know if Singapore is like Math Mammoth, but they really spent a lot of time on carrying/borrowing, and I think it was a little too much review by the end for my son - to where he wasn't sitting there like a good little boy doing it by the book and just wanted to rush to the end and be done. He actually got better at adding/subtracting once we stopped doing it every day. I sometimes write with my finger on a surface if I'm carrying numbers ^_^
  4. Bring it home, try and pat it out. Use it for pb&j since my kids only eat half the bread in the sandwich anyway.
  5. Does your health insurance have a nurse line? I think I would want a medical opinion.
  6. I left my comment. It appears from the article that they would be allowed to put ingredients in more than just "diet milk" and that they wouldn't have to label them. That is completely unethical.
  7. Yes, all of our family gets along and it's how we share photos and plan get togethers. I do observe one rule for my husband's side of the family - I will not befriend anyone that is not my husband's FB/whatever friend. Oddly, I've had several of his relatives try to add me as a friend, but not add him. Um, if he doesn't want you to know what's going on in his life, then you're not going to circumvent it through me.
  8. Our cats used to do this after a separation. It was like they had to start from scratch (har har). No, but really, even if they recognized each other it was like they couldn't help it, their noses said "strange new cat" and the hissing would start. However, it eventually went back to normal.
  9. It would make me wonder what inspired her to phrase it that way, but it would certainly not keep me from hiring a good photographer who I could actually afford.
  10. This is what I can do, but I can do it from home and then just place a request for ILL, and the local branch calls me to come pick up my books :) Listen to me. Bragging about how lazy I am :lol:
  11. We've been in our house for 2 1/2 years. Our home loan requires us to stay here for 10 years. We'll probably be ready to leave after that, unless the neighborhood changes (which it could; most of our neighbors are elderly).
  12. I read anything I can get for free from the library.
  13. 20 minutes to buy a gallon of milk would be a bit much for me, 20 minutes from the nearest Target is absolutely fine and dandy, though.
  14. My non-homeschooling coworkers vent about this frequently. Especially the birthday parties where a few hundred dollars are spent and zero kids show up :( :( :(
  15. You might have homeschooled grandchildren some day!
  16. xtramath.org is a website and we also just downloaded mathemagica which is an app, if you're looking for drill and if your kids get excited about screen time (mine does). I feel that practicing addition facts helped my son a lot, but we took a break and didn't "drill" subtraction, as he understood the process and was able to use addition facts to figure everything out fairly quickly. We haven't start multiplication facts yet, but we will probably do drill because, well, isn't that how everyone learns the times tables? ;) ETA that one thing I like about xtramath is that it drills the way the previous poster suggests- starts with 0+, 1+, goes into doubles, and kind of works its way outward. (You've got 5+5 down pat? Good, then you won't have any trouble with 4+5 or 5+6, and once those are solid, it's on to 6+7 and 3+5).
  17. I think it's when you post that magnesium will cure a congenital heart defect that you fall into the kook category. I was the one to bring up GF, and it's only because I have a GF evangelist in my life. ;)
  18. Ah, well, the Kardashians are now using their breast milk to cure it. So there's that.
  19. So, it's not a severe medical issue, but I do feed my aspie son gluten on a daily basis. I've also had it suggested that I just need to moisturize my psoriasis more. Because shedding wet chunks of dead skin is cooler than shedding dry skin. (And yes, skin is healthier when it's moisturized, but coconut oil is not a steroid and, in fact, coconut oil cannot solve all the world's problems.) Sorry you've dealt with this in a more serious venue. I can't imagine offering up advice to someone dealing with a serious medical condition, although I do try to offer types of support to friends and often come up short.
  20. No, not IKEA. It was a local furniture store and we worked with a salesman - the same one who helped us with our last three purchases. He walked with us from the bed to the mattress section to pick out mattresses, talking the whole way! He definitely didn't mention it, and if he had, we would have just added it to our order. Finding out as they are bringing it into our house was a little off-putting. I knew if I asked here everyone would said "well of course you have to buy them separately." I just knew it! :lol:
  21. I read the series and I didn't enjoy this type of writing style, either, but I was able to get into it because a few of the characters were well done. However, by the last book it was just monster battle after monster battle.
  22. Paid for a nice bunk bed, paid for two mattresses, paid to have it delivered and set up... apparently did not pay for SLATS so that the bed can hold the mattress. Do you expect slats/bunkie boards to be included? When my husband said "The floor model had slats and I expect this bed to have them, too" they turned around and provided bunkie boards free of charge. How nice. Am I just ignorant? Are slats for bed typically sold separately?? It really left a bad taste in my mouth and I think it may be my last time shopping at this place - unless this is a thing and I should have known better.
  23. And please let me know if this is not what I believe it is - it wouldn't be the first time I've purchased the wrong thing by accident ;)
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