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Everything posted by Hwin

  1. Last year and the year before, I had every intention of schooling year round, not rigorously by any means, but just to keep up the weekly schedule. Both summers, it felt apart, and instead he played his DS unless kicked outside to dig in the dirt. ;P It seriously can take him months to get into a routine, though. He can't be the only one. Do you find it helps to keep up a routine, do modify it for the summer? I need ideas that I can actually implement...
  2. We are similar. I am the nights/weekends parent, my husband is the weekday parent. He works 5-midnight, but only two days each week (he is enrolled in an online program and we're putting a lot of our eggs in that basket!) I work 8-5 during the week. I do the planning, he does the teaching, I do the cooking, he does the cleaning, he reads the kids stories while I check his college paper for errors - we are always trading off duties!
  3. If you can get it rebound for free, can you get comb or spiral?
  4. I have blessed and been blessed anonymously so I would not be creeped out, although my curiosity would have me up at night narrowing down the list of people who could have done it.
  5. Hmmm, I think we'll wait a bit. He can do the work involved in adding and subtracting large numbers, and understands place value, but he is very reliant on everything being set up vertically and going from ones to tens to hundred. 99 plus 99 isn't 100+100-2 the way I think most of it do it. He also makes a lot of mistakes due to sloppy handwriting and rushing (which I suppose will be an issue with any math program).
  6. Interesting, thanks so much! I had read some of the other threads but was still on the fence re: our own situation. He is working on MM 3A right now and doesn't have his multiplication facts memorized, but he can figure out the answers mentally. He really enjoys multiplying. Some math concepts, he just trudges along, but other areas he can do the whole unit in a day. Maybe I will have him do the placement test and see how easily it comes to him.
  7. If you have used both, where were you in MM when you decided to start BA? Did it work well? What would you recommend?
  8. I have a rear-facing Radian (manufactured less than a year ago) and it's installed in a regular old sedan. I haven't tried to RF an older child in it, since my oldest was past the weight limit when we got it.
  9. My OB office does this for their own file; it's completely digital as far as I know. They used to require a license, but maybe some people had a problem with that. (I never handed mine over.) My eye doctor does a "my first glasses" picture that is also sent to the parents in magnet form so they can pop it right on the fridge. My old orthodontist did it, he had a bulletin board of polaroids. I don't think a picture of me is nearly as delicate as all of the other information they have in my file. There are some things going on in our state/local area that concern me - automatic information sharing kind of stuff.
  10. I haven't yet but it's certainly on the table. He reads well but doesn't always enjoy it.
  11. I saw on a TLC show where they made a case for b/g identical twins (if the egg splits at exactly the right moment...) but I don't consider different genitalia identical.
  12. Agree! In our family, it's sort of a joke. My sister and I were bickering - not really mad but having at each other - and I declared that I was going to get pregnant and steal her baby name (Ephraim, it's a nice one, isn't it?)
  13. Thanks for your assessment. It would be hard for her not to have gaps in her education. She bounced around a lot as a teen. These comments have helped me decide that I would be more helpful to her as a cheerleader and for advice, like "go talk to your professor and take advantage of any tutoring services " :) Unfortunately, any solutions that involve out of pocket expense are unlikely.
  14. She has taken one course already, but it wasn't considered college level. I think this is mostly algebra with a bit of trigonometry at the end.
  15. Practice the rules instead of the words? "How do you know whether 'kick' ends with 'ck' or 'k'" and if he can't answer that, go over the rule? We spend time learning the rules but my son is a natural speller. He has a little trouble with "their" and "friend," so I've finally found a concept that needs practice, 3/4 of the way through first grade. Woo hoo!
  16. If it is a family name I think it's fair game. For example, in our family, if the baby is named "Mary" or "Robert" you can't really accuse the person of stealing. My cousin has a Maggie named after our grandma and, if I were to have a few more babies and they were girls (unlikely) I would consider Margaret but go with a different nickname, such as Meg (you know, like Meg in Little Women).
  17. Posting this here because it sounded like high school course material to me. My sister-in-law is enrolled in a program to become a teaching assistant in preschool and/or Kindergarten classrooms. She will be great in her chosen field and I hate seeing her struggle with subjects that don't have any obvious bearing on her future employment :( As of last week, she dropped math for the second time. She didn't have a great high school education and had to take two semesters of remedial work to even get to the credit-bearing courses. I was hoping the Hive could recommend some resources that might help her get this class out of the way. This is the description: Any suggestions? :bigear:
  18. Every day. In addition to modeling and prompting, we do a lot of prepping and role playing. We do it because we have to.
  19. I bought the light blue curriculum. I'd rather supplement with fun stuff like Life of Fred. I did it last year and it hit 50% right at the end - there was a stampede :D
  20. I loved to make lists and organize things and I especially liked to give my bears unusual names that I thought sounded sophisticated. I also loved writing fantasy stories.
  21. I would do it if my son asked but I hopefully won't feel an uncontrollable urge to chase him around doing it. (And I truly hope that I don't. I am the sort to pop/pick/pull stray hairs instead of just leaving stuff alone.)
  22. Fresh fruits and vegetables every day - I hate when I have to cut fresh produce from my budget and live on pasta and sauce.
  23. No, but I live very close to places that I do feel at home. It's getting better as I try to get involved in the community, but the only interesting people I've met are senior citizens.
  24. This is exactly what I do. When I'm buying books for an older child, it depends on my budget. I'd rather buy 3-4 paperbacks than 1-2 hardcover books. If it's a special book and I wanted to write a message inside, it's going to be a hardcover. As a recipient, I am not picky. Basically, if you give my child books, my response is - Yay! Something that won't be a pile of broken plastic two weeks from now.
  25. I happily buy altered used books and (obviously new) pdfs... I like the flexiblity.
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