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Everything posted by Hwin

  1. This is the activity guide with student pages. Thought I'd pass along the deal. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1933339519/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
  2. I have a sentimental attachment to my rings. I'd like a mother's ring after we're done having children. Darn, I missed that this is an old thread.
  3. I think most of the dresses were gorgeous but those two - eek.
  4. If people are visiting immediately after birth for an extended stay, something has to give. Either make it a short visit and be treated as a guest, or stick around and pitch in. I cannot entertain guests when I am newly postpartum. I am going to be on the couch with my boobs out if you hang around for more than 15 minutes. I think the whole conversation of how a guest is supposed to behave/be treated is completely different where there isn't a newborn in the mix.
  5. Pig Scrolls, Pig Who Saved the World by Paul Shipton
  6. Right around 2000 and it's a good size, but it doesn't have a dining room or any good storage space (no basement, and the attic is the fall-through-the-ceiling kind, so I don't go up there). We'll probably move in the next 10 yrs and I want either a bigger house or a better design.
  7. I buy light unless I have a recipe that calls for dark.
  8. Same! My first thought was, well, I only use ONE program - Math Mammoth. But we do Life of Fred as well. If it wasn't fun, I would stop using it, and likely wouldn't look for another program right away.
  9. I always feel rushed. I end up with everything shoved in my pockets and then I have trouble finding where I put my money/receipt/keys. (Well, I know where the keys are, but I have to pull out a few miles worth of receipts to get to them.) I was at Joann's yesterday and there was a woman wrapping up at the register. She took her sweet time putting her receipt and change exactly where in her purse she wanted it. It took forever (probably all of 15 seconds). :p I was thinking, good for her, I need to take my time, too.
  10. I did not have posterior baby. I was afraid of having a posterior baby, though. I knew he would probably be big (he was) and felt that his position, if not perfect, would be the main impediment to a VBAC. I read up on spinningbabies and also a blog called Natural Birth in Kitsap, which has pictures of exercises and positions. The rule I read somewhere, and which I faithfully observed, was that if there was a laser shooting out of your bellybutton, it would hit the floor in whatever position you're in. So if you're sitting, you're sitting forward. If you're laying down, your torso is rotated toward the ground, even if it's just slightly. You don't plop on the couch with the tablet on your stomach, you sit up straight and hold it forward. I sat on an exercise ball. I propped pillows behind myself while sleeping so that I could be positioned just so. I didn't do a whole lot of the exercises, but I did practice good posture. In the end, that was enough for me. Good luck!
  11. I have a son this age with similar behaviors. He enjoys most educational activities, but I have to fight him to do anything else - putting away the dishes, picking up a mess he's just made, even playing with his little brother. If I could outsource this (the never ending behavior correction) to the public school, I certainly would. All I can offer is my sympathy, as it is exhausting to always be disciplining and never enjoying your child.
  12. I think the boy's parents should know, but I'm not sure I'd end the friendship unless your son starts behaving similarly. Right now, it sounds like his friend's behavior is weighing on his conscience and I believe that's a good thing :) My son is much younger, however.
  13. I actually had a hard time trying to imagine Morgan Freeman saying that. (It was funny once I did.)
  14. There should be bold-tation marks, too! For when you want to "emphasize" something but you're "not" quoting it.
  15. We're starting in September. I'm mostly keeping everything from this year; I've been happy with all but SOTW :/ Language Arts - FLL 2, WWE 1, How to Teach Spelling/How to Spell. Math - 3A (although it may be finished by then since it seems to start with lots of review), 3B Life of Fred, and possibly challenging word problems. Trying to let go and not plan this too much, since he really seems to be in the midst of a math feeding frenzy right now and I know the pace will change. Art - Artistic Pursuits Book 2. We did pretty well this year with 1x/week art. Music - going to get my piano tuned and teach that PE - sports league (soccer in the fall, basketball in the winter, baseball in the spring) Bible - Telling God's Story 2 History - Not just continuing on from last year. I have no idea what to do, though. I am thinking of getting A Living History of our World Vol 1 and doing that along with SOTW 3 for the next two years. Or I may shelf world history completely and focus on US History. His eyes glaze over when SOTW comes out and it's very frustrating. Science - Elemental Science, Biology. This will be a new science program for us. We did McRuffy and it was nice, because it was open and go, talked about things the kid liked, and didn't require him to think very hard. Next year I'm willing to put in a little more work and get a little more out of it (and I'd like to put a little LESS into history, since we aren't getting much out of it).
  16. We'll finish up SOTW 2 this year, but I don't want to continue on with 3 next year, at least not on a full time basis. I was thinking of either doing a year of US history for 2nd or doing US/SOTW 3 together but over a 2-year period. Or maybe a different world history curriculum, although I personally like SOTW. My son has grown to hate narration, so I definitely need to make a change.
  17. My nephew was suspended for a finger gun. I think he's closer to 9, but I didn't understand why a parent-teacher conference wouldn't be just as effective.
  18. My son recently enjoyed The Pig Who Saved the World and The Pig Scrolls. It's okay writing (I having a hard time figuring out what kind of juvenile lit is "good") and there are a lot familiar faces from Greek mythology. Has the kind of humor boys typically enjoy. I'd say it was a similar reading level to the Lightning Thief books.
  19. We haven't had a coffee table since my almost 7-yo started cruising and since he's accident prone and we don't have a huge living room, we never replaced it. Overall, it's pretty casual behavior but acceptable among people who are close. I'd say no to shoes as that could damage the furniture. ETA Even Monk puts his feet up on the coffee table, so it can't be that bad.
  20. I like Simpsons and Futurama. I liked South Park for a little while but stopped watching after the Christmas anti-Christ abortion episode. Do NOT like Beavis and Butthead, Family Guy, and a few others along the same lines. I tolerate American Dad because it has Patrick Stewart in it and because I only want to punch HALF the characters in the face.
  21. We played a game like this but I think it was called Monster Ball. As far as what normal gym class entailed, in my school, if the coach could get kids to run around a little it counted as PE :p I'm sorry he's being singled out, and if others are noticing, then it seems like a big enough problem to address with the coach.
  22. I might create one and just share with people who specifically ask. I had a baby list on Amazon for my second and didn't tell anyone about it, but one person did find it and use it :) It was more of a "keeping track" list for myself and it was very useful.
  23. LOL my husband appears to be pinching stuff out of the air and shaking at me when he talks. And he unknowingly does jazz hands when he's making a point. The funniest thing ever was when he said, "Do you ever notice how [different ethnicity] talk with their hands?" while talking with his hands. He's a 9. I do not talk with my hands, unless it's completely intentional and I'm being silly. So I guess I'd put myself at 1-2.
  24. I doubt you can do SOTW 4 with a five year old, although it sounds interesting. But there are LOTS of fun subjects in Volume 1. Greek and Roman mythology, the Pyramids... and tons of picture books to bring them to life. If really you want it to be fun, I would go through it slowly and spend time on the things she finds interesting. If I could do last year over, I would have done that :)
  25. In our marriage, he'd be more appreciative if I sacrificed my leg hair than my head hair. ETA for a friend, maybe, but I don't really get the connection. I think my friends would prefer hot meals and someone to watch their kids.
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