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Everything posted by Hwin

  1. He was illegally declassified so I am requesting services (even though he isn't getting any right now) but also requesting retesting and a records review. They do not want to provide us with any services, so my concern is not crossing every t or dotting every i and having them give me the old "too bad, so sad."
  2. We pay about $300/month for the two of us (adults) for a high deductible (2400) plan and $30 month to have the kids on state insurance.
  3. I need to secure related services for my son but I can't find the information about deadlines and how to request it. He was declassified last year so he doesn't even HAVE any services, but I believe that a re-evaluation will prove the need for occupational therapy (at the very least). I had all of this information at one point, but I let my LEAH membership lapse... turns out I was using a lot of their info after all.
  4. My quick meal is quesadillas. I just put some cheese and beans between two tortillas. It's almost as easy as just making a grilled cheese sandwich, but it feels more complete with some canned, rinsed black beans. If I have an extra ten minutes I'll saute up some other veggies to throw in with it. Bean chili can be pretty quick - a big can of crushed tomatoes, two regular cans of diced, two cans of beans (not even drained) and some frozen corn, add seasoning, heat and eat. (Again, if you have the extra 5-10 minutes, saute onion and garlic in the pot before adding the crushed tomatoes.) Mini pizzas on pita/tortillas/english muffins are pretty quick. As you can see, a lot of my quick meals require canned beans, which is definitely a processed food. But still better than McDonalds, right? If I have to do fast food, I buy sandwiches from Dunkin Donuts or occasionally a bean burrito from Taco Bell. There are also baked potatoes at Wendy's.
  5. Found mine in my gmail spam this morning... so, if I get a new computer in the next four years, what do I do?:tongue_smilie:
  6. People respond differently. Thank God you were there. *chills* Our local used to have fountains and they filled them in with dirt. They are now planters. There was a brick wall around them to keep kids out, but the kids used to climb up on the wall and run around like it was a balance beam.
  7. Yay! Just got my email. Now hoping for that unlikely 50%....
  8. I'm going to buy it but I'm still holding out. I can't afford it at 20%, and I have to talk to my husband to figure out what % we can commit to. Everyone talks about the big MM sale in March... I thought more people would be signed up.
  9. It makes a good cup of coffee. It would be great for those days when I want decaf and my husband needs his caffeine fix, or for tea, or when we have guests who have flavor preferences... If I was using my own beans, I'd stick with a regular coffee maker, though.
  10. I saw affect/effect mixed up on the local news station. :(
  11. LOL I am on my way to VA tomorrow (from upstate NY) and packing shorts for my son. My cousin, who I am visiting, said that it's not shorts weather... but maybe it will be for us. :tongue_smilie: Of course, I've got breastfeeding hormones running rampant through my body, so it's T-shirt weather for me right now anyway. Before that it was pregnancy hormones... I was wearing sandals (without socks) into December. (except on days it snowed... then I had to wear my white sneakers with my work slacks... there was really no fashion "do" available for me.)
  12. I know a lot of families having that kind of year. We haven't been out all that much, so we haven't been hit with any *terrible* bugs, but my 10 week old baby has already had two colds (the first at 3 weeks).
  13. So glad she has the option to homeschool - I feel bad for the parents who have to suck it up and send their kids anyway :( LOVE your description, btw :lol: I hope she got good and hooked...
  14. I thought that, too, until I watched it. The previews are far more scary than the show - when the weird face shifting stuff is in its proper context :tongue_smilie:
  15. Grimm. I don't even like the other (but I really wanted to!)
  16. i had mmr, polio, and dtp. I think I also got hep B when I was in college. i live in a state where we don't have much choice, and I'm all for parental choice. I won't let a doctor vax my kids unless they let me opt out of the state registry, so it's possible my youngest will never receive any at all (in my perfect world I would choose selective/delayed vaccination.)
  17. :D What an awesome post! So happy for you and your son. He must feel great about himself. And you give me hope... :)
  18. They are 4/box here :confused: I guess idk what I'd do - you should have an advantage since your cookies are cheaper, though. :D
  19. Most women go to the nursery. I usually nurse right outside the nursery where the speakers are, so I can hear. I have nursed my oldest in the sanctuary, when he was two, but that was before there was a "culture." I know that I can nurse anywhere, but I go with the flow for now.
  20. As I posted in the other thread, I plan to give up sarcasm this year for Lent, and I expect it will honor the "love your neighbor as yourself" commandment, which I'm guilty of breaking daily, possibly hourly :( Yes, I do it for spiritual reasons. The Bible does say you aren't supposed to walk around bragging about why you are fasting, but I guess none of you know me. I have talked about it with friends afterward, as a testimonial. Another year, I did forty days of water http://40days.bloodwatermission.com/ where all of the money I would typically spend on coffee or other drinks went to build wells in Africa.
  21. My SIL is a sweet, kind hearted person, but I was brought up short and saddened when she saw me shredding cheese for a salad and said "Oh wow, that's fancy. You can do that at home?" and it took me a minute to realize she meant shredding cheese with a cheese shredder. Now, she is NOT highly educated, and has plenty of experience shredding cheese at fast food chains, but she apparently didn't come from a home where that was done. Maybe there was a perfectly good reason, but in this case I just felt so sad. I really didn't know what to say. I think I went with "Yes, I love my cheese grater" or something similarly ridiculous. I would expect anyone who eats or buys food to know that bread is made from wheat. I'd give anyone a pass on picture book vs children's book, though. I still don't really know what size 6X means in clothing. Is it like husky, or is an inbetween thing? I have NO IDEA.
  22. I am giving up sarcasm. I did it once before, and shutting my trap when I had nothing nice to say led to me saying more genuinely nice and helpful things, which gave me a better attitude overall. It was refreshing.
  23. I've tried the whole "What are you talking about? You look great!" but it usually sounds fake. Not because I think anyone overweight(or whatever else) --I'm just not good at contrived compliments on the fly. I vote for changing the subject, as you did.
  24. Lady Cressida, Dowager Countess of Lower Peover Interesting name :) And my character is Mary :001_huh:
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