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Everything posted by Hwin

  1. I'd drink it if I was broke and out of coffee. Otherwise, I'd chuck it and make a new pot... especially if it's been sitting in stainless steel all night. Kind of a funny taste IMO
  2. Totally unexpected, we have to buy one to replace our old one, probably from Lowe's or Sears. Not happy about having to use credit, but we don't have the money to simply buy a new one with cash. Our other choice is to spend an estimated $4000 in oil heat this winter, so spending the money on the stove, even financed, seems like the better option. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am not an impulse buyer, but we will need to make a decision ASAP. We have everything ready for the hookup, it's a question of knowing whether we should stay away from a particular brand, etc.
  3. I have hated it since day 1 (which was long before I had a child) so it's never been allowed in the house. But I've seen a few episodes. I was in college when it came out and had a few friends who thought it was the best show ever. :glare: I have other stupid shows I like ;)
  4. Yes, I am on it daily and it's how I keep up with my wonderful but busy friends.
  5. Shoebuy.com has a good selection and there are often coupon codes from 15-30% off. (I buy my son's wide width shoes there.) I check on retailmenot.com for the codes. I think you also get a 10% discount the first time you buy, which is on top of any other promos.
  6. Read-alouds that are just for the sake of reading occur at bedtime. I do it even if I'm yawning every other sentence; it's been a routine for about a year now. Read-alouds associated with science or history subjects occur during schooling. (today we read about why leaves change color in the fall, and read a few Egyptian myths.) He also reads to me, either at bedtime, or during the day.
  7. We use Handwriting Help for Kids and are on Learning Letters (book K). It's super cheap and has been a great fit for my son who has decent handwriting, but needs a little practice doing it correctly. (I think it is like $7 for the book, and we bought a little laminated letter board/marker set that goes along with it... another $6 or 7.) It has little stories to go with each letter (I'm sure a lot of programs do, though.)
  8. every 6 mos or sooner if he is in pain. He gets cavities pretty easily :(
  9. Yes, I care. I'm not going to be disappointed if he doesn't go into some spectacular profession, but I definitely care that he is in a career that suits him.
  10. It's not harrassment unless she tells him to stop. Especially if she's saying things like "I was busy." He obviously can't take a hint! Just for the record, I think it's plenty creepy that he's texted her that many times - but if she wants it to stop, she will need to say so.
  11. Far too many factors... right now, at five, he's very (I was going to say hit or miss but that would be terrible wording) unpredictable when it comes to looking both ways. So, I'm not sure when I'd be okay with my son walking to school, but I walked 1/4 mile starting in first grade. We were on the other side of a pond from the school, so my mom had sight of me the whole time.
  12. We both make verbal apologies whenever an apology is appropriate. I am perhaps a little less likely to offer it up, though.
  13. Or maybe... "most kids that are kicked out of school are homeschooled." It seems like there wouldn't be too many other options :tongue_smilie:
  14. Sounds like something that came from the Onion. I can't believe this is for real! (Is it?)
  15. Top-only mascara looks strange on me. But I would reconsider if I actually got raccoon eyes - I thought "raccoon eyes" referred to accidental mascara smudges under the eyes.
  16. I agree with you. Worship is supposed to glorify God. Sometimes the lines are blurry, but when it comes to doing a dance meant to be WATCHED, then that's not blurry. What another poster mentioned about leading others in song but feeling like a performer - that would be a gray area for me. (On the other end of things, we do have a nice fellow in church that waves his arms and yells himself hoarse during praise and worship. It does distract me when I'm trying to get close to God, but I'm quite sure he's genuine.)
  17. I say 5-6 because that is the point where I find myself mentally counting children. ;) As an adult, I do not know anyone with more than 5 kids, and those are acquaintances at church. I grew up as the oldest of four, my parents were from families of 4+ kids, I had friends from larger families.. but in my adult experience, more than 3 is rare.
  18. :lol: Well, we might not have as many as you do, but we do have a few snowman mugs in our rotation.
  19. I used to tutor an El Ed major. Her book reports were on children's books, and she said "fun and interesting" at least fifty times (and we are talking about ONE PAGE book reports!). ex. This is a fun and interesting book! Children will enjoy reading about Sam I Am as he tries to get the other guy to eat green eggs and ham in many interesting ways. The ending is fun! This is an interesting book to read! ... and so forth. She had a 4.0. The kids at the end of Reading Rainbow gave better book reviews... I went to a moderately selective school for a BA and MA... it was always very obvious which students were Ed majors :/
  20. My husband says because it's beveled it might cost a little more. Obviously, you want it to be done well. But definitely get another quote - that sounds high to me, too.
  21. re: the papers ...liability... it's not legal to pierce a minor without parental consent. As far as the angle goes, that's one reason you want an experienced person (and just one person, not two people piercing at once.) even if it means doing the ears separately. Pipe up about the angle! Oh and having worked at a few of these places in my day, the managers tend to work weekday shifts, and should be pretty good at it :)
  22. I would expect to pay around $100 per week... my daycare provider charges $5 hr and provides food so that is my frame of reference.
  23. Yup, I did it with a piece of baby carrot once and I think also a macaroni noodle. I basically had to blow it out my nose. :ack2:
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