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Everything posted by Hwin

  1. I think any age is fine, and I've tried introducing it to my son, but he's not that into it :( Daddy already has him hooked on Transformers. :glare:
  2. I think I would want to hook my heart up to a monitor to rule out anything serious. I had heart palpitations that I swore were getting worse when I upped my cal-mag intake, but I started writing things down and stopped taking it and then started it again... and in the end it was just random. I had some easy tests to rule out a heart problem, and the upshot was that it was connected to my pregnancy.
  3. I would request a refund. If they had transferred the glasses to a provider in the same town then I'd go with the flow, but this? Bizarre is right.
  4. My parents were strict but didn't expect perfection. Sometimes, there was too much yelling, or sometimes, the wrong kid got in trouble (not because of favoritism, just because sometimes they got it wrong). A good mix of protective (TV and movies were heavily monitored) and hands off (letting us ride our bikes down the street). My parents were always very involved in their children's lives, and now are involved in their grandchildren's lives - they probably show up to half of my son's soccer practices, and I think they are the only grandparents who do that. Anyway, the essentials of my parenting style are the same. I am a little more patient than my mom... the flipside is that I can be too laid back. She is way more of a "mother hen" whereas I have to work up sympathy for an injured child - I tend to focus on finding the correct sized bandage rather than issuing hugs and kisses.
  5. For children? To get a biblical message to them in a way that they will understand, in place of a regular service which is geared toward adults. (I've never gone to a church that has SS for adults.)
  6. Depends on what kind of warranty Gamestop offers... it's expensive even used, and game systems aren't exactly immune to glitches.
  7. I would make sure she is excluded from all status updates and photo albums, but I'm not sure what I would say in return. It is certainly an odd request.
  8. I'd get glasses if they recommend it, and he can use them as needed. I am a person who is perfectly functional without glasses but SO glad to have them on certain days.
  9. I call him by his full first name, sometimes "hon."
  10. The Clown of God, by Tomie DePaola. I can't think of too many other picture books that do that to me, thankfully!
  11. I could have written the OP (and I was kind of thinking about it) - we got our first set of c-rods on Monday and it was amazing to see it click for my son. To be honest, it clicked for me as well, "it" being the degree to which my son learns visually. We didn't do any sort of lesson, just played with them, but since he could very quickly tell me that 13-6 = 7 using the c-rods, and since he does not have that fact committed to memory... I'd say they are a fabulous tool.
  12. I've seen a few episodes of WWYD where this type of reaction was anticipated, and the police and 911 dispatchers were in on it.
  13. I wonder if that's why my friend from TX thought New England was its own state... I am a half-hour from the VT border, and would much rather live in Vermont or New Hampshire than New York.
  14. I have always lived in NY and am attached to the Adirondacks where I grew up, but I could happily live anywhere in the northeast where there are mountains.
  15. I'm thinking of getting him Wedgits. He has the same interests as most neurotypical kids, but definitely needs toys to build/fiddle with.
  16. Testing doesn't mean you have to medicate your child. If it is sensory, for example, then there is a lot that can be done without any medication. It is also possible that there are gentler ways of handling ADHD, if that is what he has. I have no experience with ADHD and not nearly as much experience with normal little boy behavior as I expect you do... but you just described my 5yo, whose difficulty sitting still is caused by a need for lots of sensory input. :iagree:I think it's better to use the real terms.
  17. I managed to not see the photos, but a coworker came in saying "whoa, did you see that? They were _________ him and ______________ him in the streets!" He thought the man's final moments were totally awesome to watch.
  18. I have another forum, much smaller and not open to public viewing, where I discuss political/marital stuff.
  19. Yeah, I usually leave it in the car, semi-hidden, with the doors locked, when I am intentional. I can't tell you how many times I've just left it on the seat without locking the doors...by accident, of course, and it's stayed perfectly safe. I don't know anyone whose car has been robbed, although there was a "rummaging through open cars" spree recently.
  20. I'm considering a HDHP this year. I don't think I would be comfortable with 8k max out of pocket. I'm my case, it costs nearly the same for HDHP premium + HSA contribution as it does for a regular plan premium... but there is more flexibility with how to use the HSA amounts (we ALL have bad teeth and bad eyes, and it can be used for dental or vision) I think most people choose traditional insurance plans because the costs are predictable, even if it costs a bit more. I switched (from HDHP to a regular plan) when I started trying to conceive for the predictability factor.
  21. I have been taught to get out of the way so that the procession can stay together. That could mean pulling over.
  22. We ended up with a Summers Heat/New Englander (same brand, as I understand). Haven't had to use it much since it's been really warm this fall, but it seems better than the stove it replaced, which I believe was a very old Harmon. Lights itself, holds several bags of pellets, not terribly noisy. Supposedly it will run on cherry pits and corn kernels as well. :001_huh:
  23. Yes, I would love that, and I can't think of anyone who wouldn't. (Now there has been one handmade gift my older son has received that I could have done without - it was supposed to be an Elmo scarf but it looked like a feather boa. He put it on and said "look mama, I a dancing gail!" It was hilarious, but not what the gift giver had intended...)
  24. No, I usually even pretend not to hear when someone is talking to me and takes a phone call. I can't help but listen to other conversations in that sort of setting, but I find it distracting, not interesting, or a lovely chance to multi-task.
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