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Everything posted by Hwin

  1. Where I live, it is $30 - $40 /day, or $100-$200 week (sometimes more for little babies) Editing to add - actually, I've never heard of more than $150/week for in-home daycare, the bigger numbers are for daycare centers.
  2. I was 10 years old and got to be there at my mom's second VBAC. It was awesome! Quick, med free, big beautiful baby! I had my own vbac 6 1/2 months ago. Also quick, med free, and a BIG beautiful baby :D I think some amount of nerving up is normal for some of us... I tried to relax by reading Birthing From Within and all I got out of it was... "I CAN'T PAINT I'LL NEVER GIVE BIRTH!" Fortunately, the baby still came out :tongue_smilie:
  3. I am sure others will chime in about how you guys will be just fine, but it would be a valid concern for me. My husband and I are both introverts. Thankfully, our extended family has a lot of kids, and I have long friendships with women who have similarly-aged children. This is where my son's friends come from. We have gone to many, many, MANY social events for kids/families over the past 6 years and we have not made a single friend that way. Neither of us is able to start those conversations that lead to friendship. :( Additionally, our son needs a lot of coaching in social situations that we so far haven't been equipped to provide. The socialization issue is a real one for me.
  4. My husband comes home from work around 1AM. There is never a need to shoo anyone out of his chair. :lol: On the rare occasion that the 6yo is allowed to eat food in the living room, he is not allowed to sit in Daddy's chair when he is eating it. That's about it! Yes, it's his spot. My spot is the far-right seat of the couch. We often squish together and share our spots, though. :D ETA we are non-denom, Bible Christians. But we started life together as Lutherans with no furniture but a small, rickety loveseat..
  5. Maybe not, but that's how it works for me. :tongue_smilie: If someone is making it known that they care more about getting a present from me than actually seeing me, it will probably affect my warm, fuzzy, I-want-to-bless-the-happy-couple gifting mojo.
  6. I love Facebook! I put up pictures of my kids for my mom and sisters and aunts. That is pretty much its purpose. Perhaps I am annoying to the people who want to discuss the Affordable Health Care Act ad nauseam, but my baby is really cute. Even if I post 10 pictures in a row of him in the same seat with the same silly grin on his face. HAHAHAHA! Every time someone posts an article about how annoying it is to see babies on FB, I post more :D
  7. My heart is breaking for your son. I'm not sure I'd want to go back to that church (although I know this is not as simple and easy as it looks from my computer screen!)
  8. About 5. Normally, I wear fewer and will wear them twice before washing, but it's summer and hitting 100 degrees and I'm a nursing mom, so they often need to be washed before the day is even through.
  9. Kid: Great! What am I going to get for behaving? Me: You're running errands with me, not daddy. But you can cross out items on the grocery list for me!!! Yeah!!! Fun times!
  10. Wow, way to encourage a love of reading. I was that kind of a kid, and that would've taken a little wind of out my sails, even if I didn't really care about the librarian's opinion. So I get it :( We have two libraries, one does the standard 'read books for prizes' but the other one is doing a new thing with a lot of potential - they are having a campfire, handing out chapter books, and having an adult read the first few chapters. Then, the kid goes home and reads the rest of the book before the next week. The kids get to keep all the chapter books, though. They will have 10 by the end! They spent over $1000 on the books! :D (It's a one room library, in a consolidated school district that graduates about 50 kids/year.)
  11. My son can't figure out how we know he's lying, so he's determined that we have "Information Eyes." It does get him to fess up. "Mom, did you know that with your information eyes?" Shrug. "What do you think?" FWIW, we don't do tooth fairy, santa, etc, although sometimes he wants to pretend, so we do. (ie he wrote the tooth fairy a note to let her know that I accidentally tossed his tooth in the trash, even though he knows I gave him the quarter.)
  12. We dropped it a while ago, mainly for this reason. (Also because my 5yo figured out how to watch it on the sly, getting up early and streaming whatever he wanted.)
  13. At the risk of being too blunt, I'll say I DO think about this. Having at one time been a young 20-something with six cats and two rabbits in a tiny apartment, I learned my lesson about furry little babies turning into furry big babies that make too much poop. Also, I over plan things, and both my kids were planned after a lot of late night discussions and trying to figure out what life would be like when said little one was 5, 10, 15. The kicker is...I never expected all of my kids to be planned :lol: I figured that with our "winging it" style of NFP, there would be a couple of surprises, but nope!
  14. We went from Horizons K-2 to Math Mammoth 2A. I preview the work as I'm assigning it, and just do my best to guess whether he can handle 1, 2, or 3 pages. My lesson plans are constantly being adjusted ;)
  15. I agree you probably had the right of way, but it doesn't matter - you don't get to run people down! You handled it better than my husband would have :tongue_smilie:
  16. The last Narnia book dragged on and on, and was a bit much for a five year old (well, MY five year old). The first six he liked, though. And I'm surprised that people don't love Winnie the Pooh! I had to pace myself because I loved reading it aloud.
  17. Hi, I am a WOHM to two boys. My oldest is high functioning autism (Asperger's) and recently turned six. My little one was born last December - a VBAC the week before Christmas. My husband and I will celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary in several weeks. He is a wonderful guy who stays home caring for the kids, teaching the oldest, and doing housework, then heading out to a night job, so that we can always have a parent at home despite not being a one income family. My husband is kind of amazing, in case you were wondering. We started homeschooling because my son has special needs, all of them sensory/behavior issues, and we weren't able to iron our certain details with the school. I joined WTM because I had heard about it on the little board for Christian moms where I spend a lot of time. I live in the Adirondacks, have never lived that far from home, and will probably never live anywhere else :)
  18. I don't find it chilly, just too big for someone like myself. I am much more comfortable on a smaller board. I have made real friends, talked offline, given and received. I can't imagine that ever happening here, given my personality. I come here mostly for information, or to chime in on topics that interest me. Because I find this board so huge and public, I would never share any identifying information about myself, pictures of my family, etc. so I am of course making it harder to form those connections.
  19. My husband is gifted (har har) when it comes to buying presents. I'm not sure I could pick just one. I have several pieces of gorgeous jewelry, nifty kitchen gadgets, baby carriers, and a Kindle Fire from him...my favorite is probably my Sakura Bloom ring sling. I love carrying my kids, and it's nice to have something that looks pretty :)
  20. I took a month. It means that we still have a week left of school now, but oh well!
  21. My husband can't whistle but he's kinda sorta tone deaf, so I don't think I would enjoy it. My six year old makes that trying-to-whistle-noise right now, which basically sounds like woooooooooo, and I find that adorable...
  22. If at all possible, I answer the original person's question rather than pointing out that a response is wrong (this is pretty easy in an email or facebook scenario, not so much when you are just eavesdropping.)
  23. None of the 4 year old boys in our Children's Church color AT ALL. If forced (strongly encouraged to color a picture for Mommy and Daddy) they will sit at the table and scribble something, then run like mad for the ball/cars/blocks. It's hard to tell if they have the ability, because they had no interest in doing it. One of the 3 year olds scribbled a complete mess all over his paper, then turned it over and drew a perfect "A" on the back (the first letter in his name). One of them stayed within the lines, but he only colored a fraction of his paper (it was Noah's Ark, and he colored in one plank on the side of the ark). I would ask someone a little more objective if they are seeing a big difference in the abilities of your child and the rest of the class. Maybe your mom really is seeing something, or maybe her relationship to him is muddying the waters a bit. I swear that our parents' generation does not remember things right. There is no way we all were potty trained by 12 mos and speaking in complete sentences, including please and thank you, by 18mos, right???
  24. I have had those dreams. I punched the poor guy once while we were both asleep. Incidentally, last night I dreamed *I* was smoking. I have not had a cigarette in... a really, really, really long time. Meaning the 90s, which was high school for me. I was smoking in bed and holding the baby, trying to blow smoke away from him. :confused: Kind of weird to read this post this morning, although maybe smoking is a common theme in dreams. Hope the dream fades so your husband doesn't suffer any repercussions :tongue_smilie:
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