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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. My husband's grandmother was hurt that we weren't going to name ds#2 (before we knew what he was) after her. Both her daughter and her daughter's daughter have her name as a middle name! That isn't enough?! With my 1st pregnancy my father did something manipulative. I told him not to contact me again until I had announced the birth; I did NOT want that stress during my pregnancy. The silence was bliss. Enjoy her not talking to you! And, again, YAY for baby!! I LOVE having a girl after two boys! I'm overdosing on pink and pretty and loving it! :D ETA: And we did end up giving a family name for my daughter's middle name...from MY side. :D
  2. I'm "other" on the ornaments and type of garland because I do a different theme every year. This year is brown balls, pinecones, tulle garland, and paper birds.
  3. In this day and age, 16 year old girls can date 15/16/17 year old boys and that's it. Boy turns 18 and see ya in 2 years. :tongue_smilie: Especially given the current percentage of teenage sex and the laws concerning statutory rape.
  4. Not with my young children, but I have hung out there a few times. I've even done some last-minute-present embroidering in a hotel lobby! It's not my husband's cup of tea, but it can be nice. :)
  5. Does she come from a really small or dysfunctional family? Or is she just an introvert? My Dh comes from a TINY family (at the time I met him he had one grandparent, a father and mother, two sisters and one brother in law.) I come from a HUGE family (oldest of 12, my father is one of 5, one of my aunts had 7 kids who so far have given her 16 grand kids.) It was a big culture shock for Dh and he was very....reserved and similar to how your future-SIL is described. My family is.....let's just say NOT reserved. ;) They all thought he didn't like him and that he was judging them or something. He just needed to get used to it all and it took time to be comfortable with them. Years, in fact, since he only saw most of them every other Thanksgiving.
  6. I never considered myself to be an intorvert or extravert, but after having my very first Thanksgiving in my own home with no guests, I'm thinking I'm an introvert.

    1. Mrs_JWM
    2. lovinmomma


      After having ours with friends instead of family... I'm thinking I might have an introvert side to me. Hidden in there somewhere really really deep. ;)

  7. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I am sorry for your loss.
  8. So in the past month Lady Bug has really filled out and is smiling a ton. No problems or complications from being born a month early (36 weeks.) She is now 11 lbs! (Born 4lb 8 oz.)
  9. :grouphug: You did the right thing and I would have done the same thing. Doesn't make if feel better, though, when you're missing someone. Could you visit them on your own some time? :grouphug:
  10. The Doctor Who fan in me was trying to figure out what was wrong with the "R8X" part.
  11. "In everything give thanks" so I do. That part in The Hidding Place when they thanked God for the fleas, even though they didn't know why and it turned out the supervisor wouldn't go in so they were able to freely share the gospel; I read that at a young age and it stuck with me and I've tried to live that way.
  12. jenbrdsly on her Teaching My Baby to Read blog has some posts and pictures showing using Right Start with her 3 year old. It's definitely doable, as long as you go at the child's pace and don't get stress about not "finishing" lessons. :) We love Right Start and I'm using it with my 4 year old.
  13. Is Molly the doll you always wanted but never received? If so, I say get her! This is coming from someone with two dolls, one who will be given to dd when she's old enough and the other will be MINE until I die. :p And I may or may not occasionally take them out and "prepare" them for dd. Who is 3 months old. ;) ETA: she was a preemie, so I dressed her up in AG clothes and took a picture. :D
  14. They're pretty cheap and easy to make on your own! I made a baby sized one for $4 and Dustybug's blog has instructions. My blog post has a link to instructions on making the tutu pieces faster.
  15. I do a different color theme every year with a different kind of "filler." Year 1 was Gold with gold garland. Year 2 was Red with a large, red ribbon wrapped around the tree and the little red ribbon bows. Year 3 was a deep Blue-Green with gold and silver beaded garland. Year 4 was Purple (my favorite color) with the "snow" fabric in the branches. Year 5 was Chartreuse (Builder Boy's favorite color at the time) with giant gold poinsettias placed perfectly. Year 6 was White & Silver with coffee filter snowflakes and homemade white ornaments. This year will be chocolate brown with either (glitter pinecones and blue and red felt birds) or (gingerbread cookies and candy canes.) I usually plan my theme a year ahead and buy the new ornaments for the next year after Christmas when I can get stuff for 75% off. It only costs about $15 each year.
  16. Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey! (Sorry, ignore the random Doctor Who qutoer....)
  17. My mother is in prison (20 yr sentence) for child abuse. Since she's taken responsibility for her actions, we've been able to have a nice relationship. But I do not consider her my mother in that sense. (My grandmother raised me after the state took me away at age 4.)
  18. My best friend in high school had a fire lizard as an imaginary pet! I discovered Pern in HS and I have maybe 80-90% of the books (NOT counting the new ones written by Todd. I'm not reading those.) I re-read the series every 12-18 months. :) I keep thinking I briefly joined a fandom forum, but I'm thinking that was during a time that I blocked from my memory for other reasons.
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