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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. I am not attracted to men of any age. My wife is roughly the same age as me, FWIW.
  2. Visited a psychometrician (or is it psychometrist?) today to get tested for ADHD-PI. I won't find the results until my follow up next Friday though. I am hopeful/nervous.
  3. Just wanted to see what you are doing to prepare for the retirement years? Do you have some kind of Roth IRA or 401K or something? What brokerage do you use? What is your investing strategy?
  4. Do they ship to Hawaii free? I think it'll be cheaper for us to just go through Amazon for the books anyway.
  5. Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card The Hobbit - Tolkein The Shadow Children - Margaret Haddix
  6. It is creepily identical to my "internal video" in my head when I read the book.
  7. :iagree: I too am a Young Earth Creationist, but it's not a hill I plan to die on.
  8. Downinfront.net is a group of film geeks that make their own movie commentary tracks. Very interesting if the idea of a two hour podcast appeals to you. Its like watching a movie with four of your geekiest friends. They are all in the film industry, and provide a unique insight. The language can get pretty offensive at times though, so I wouldn't recommend it to most people who may consider themselves conservative.
  9. Voting is today in many states. This is a great chance to take your children and show them what voting is all about! I think in most states you should be able to bring your kids into the voting booth with you. :001_smile:
  10. Yeah, I get that it will be hard to find something that agrees with my worldview to teach my kids, but I just want to find the best match. I don't expect to find any elementary level history book that steers away from Lincoln worship, for example. I understand that the vast majority consider him one of the best presidents ever. But, I just want to find whatever matches our views the closest, especially in the younger grades.
  11. It doesn't matter if it is real people or complete fantasy. There is computer generated porn,that doesn't use real people, but it is still porn. If the material (written or visual, or even auditory) is intended to sexually arouse, then I would consider it pornographic.
  12. My oldest used to nevertheless cute, as a baby, but now looks a lot like me. Poor kid.
  13. We found a used Xbox 360 S 250GB with Kinect for only $200. My wonderful wife found someone selling it online. :) I am so excited!
  14. I saw it at the store, so I picked up and flipped through it. That's the only thing I read about. I couldn't say if there was anything else of concern. I hope to still use the first three volumes for 1st through 3rd grade, but not sure what I will do for 4th grade. Truthquest seems great, but I don't know if it wouldn't be too advanced for a 4th grader. Ditto with the Uncle Eric books. I do intend to use those starting in middle school though.
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