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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Hey, I was wondering if anyone here has used any of the online classes for their kiddos. We are looking at 1st/2nd grade level. Veritas Press Academy looks good, but apparently starts at 3rd grade. Any you would recommend? I am not trying to start a discussion on the pros or cons of online or computer based learning in general, but more specifically on which ones are out there. Thanks in advance!
  2. I'm not as certain about this one...I will withhold judgment until I see a trailer.
  3. I am not sure what you would call these, but I have been enjoying these types of books lately...any recommendations for others? Freakonomics - Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner Superfreakonomics - Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner Blink - Malcolm Gladwell Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell Brain Rules - John Medina Predictably Irrational - Dan Ariely The Millionaire Next Door - Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko TIA
  4. Kindle, Vicks VapoRub, Phone and charger, Kleenex box, lamp, booklight.
  5. I thought so as well. If I remember correctly, I could hold one thing at a time in my memory, but I was easily distracted or something like that.
  6. One got caught trying to sneak into Japans Disneyland, not sure about the other. Family embarrassments I think.
  7. Actually, they said my working memory was very good...:confused:
  8. I just saw it for the first time all the way through Friday...for some reason George Bailey reminded me of Don Knotts, and his dad reminded me of David Carradine.
  9. His son was educated in Switzerland, maybe he picked up some Western values.
  10. He seems like a great guy. I almost feel bad that he will lose to the Patriots today.
  11. Most of the people I have talked to prefer either Adderal or Concerta...
  12. I guess I should see which meds Tricare covers.
  13. Well, it's for me, not one of my dds. What websites are good? And thanks everybody, this is really helpful.
  14. At this point in my life both ED and appetite suppression would probably be blessings in disguise, lol!
  15. Yeah, I'm not hyperactive either. Are there any side effects noticed with that Med? Is it a stimulant or a non-stimulant?
  16. We are considering getting this software for dd5 for Christmas. Anyone have any experience with it? The only reviews I have found focus on the math part. Here is their website. http://www.encore.com/p-228-elementary-advantage-2012.aspx
  17. So, I just got "provisional diagnosis" of ADHD-PI, whatever that means. The person who diagnosed me said now I have to go to my primary care provider to get medication prescribed. I have to wait until January to get in to see him, but I have been trying to get all this figured out since July, so what's another few weeks? He mentioned stimulant (Adderal, Concerta) and non-stimulant (Straterra) meds. He said if it works, the results should be noticeable very quickly. Is this a normal process? This is now going to be the 4th person I am seeing about this. Which meds work better in your experience? How long did it take to see improvement after starting meds? How do you quantify improvement? Is there anything I need to know going into my appointment? Thanks...
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