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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. I have to use specific songs. There are lots of artists that would be appropriate, but not all of their material would be. My kids love: Firework - Katy Perry Just the Way you Are - Bruno Mars I believe I can Fly - R. Kelly
  2. Haha, yeah, that is me and a friend. (I am the one who can levitate)...and my wife makes an appearance at the end. I think that was 2004 maybe?
  3. Haha that is awesome! Everyone starts somewhere. :)
  4. We looked at the sample pages online, and this one seemed a little more readable. It also seemed less busy /cluttered as far as the extrabiblical content. And Adam and Eve looked too "white" in the seek and find version.
  5. We decided to get dd5 her very own "real" Bible, as opposed to a Bible Story book. This is because her reading has improved a lot, and she is doing very well with her memory verses in AWANA. We decided on the ESV GROW! Bible, which is intended for ages 8-12. She got very excited when she saw it at our house, and asked if it was a Bible for her. Here she is reading it: I am sure she doesn't understand most of it, but we think it is good that she "hides the Word" in her heart, even if she doesn't fully understand it at this point.
  6. My 3 year old has no trouble with it. She does often have trouble reaching the sink though. So my 5 year old helps her up.
  7. It doesn't have to be the 560 Ti model, but I would definitely choose an nVidia model over a Radeon for your uses. I am still working on planning my system, but I will share the thought I have so far. Actually, check out this build here: http://www.anandtech.com/show/5184/holiday-midrange-system-buyers-guide/4 I would change a few things about that system, but use it for a jumping off point. I would definitely replace the 430W recommended power supply with a good quality 750W or higher one. (PC Power & Cooling, Antec, or Corsair tend to be good choices) I would use Windows 7 Professional x64 rather than Home Premium, but that isn't a huge deal. And as I have mentioned, I would add a graphics card for best results. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121446 is similar to a videocard I would use...but it may be a bit more than what you need (I do a little gaming on mine as well as the video stuff) Other than that, a system like that should do you pretty good. The prices listed in that article aren't current, so, adding a video card and those upgrades I mentioned, you are probably looking at about $1500 or so, maybe less. Keep in mind this doesn't include a monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.
  8. Well, any modern GeForce card will allow you to use DirectX11. My processor is steady at 2.25 GhZ with air-cooling. Stock speed is 1.8GhZ. I am actually currently looking at building a new system this year, mine is from mid-2008 and I am wanting to upgrade due to the aforementioned troubles editing HD video. I am looking at getting an i7-2600K. The i5-2500K is also good, but the 2600K has hyperthreading, which is useful for content creation. I would definitely recommend multiple cores over higher clock speed, since Adobe can use all those cores. I build my own computers (used to do it for a living, before I joined the military), but if you want a DELL, look at the XPS 8300 here: http://configure.us.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?oc=dxdwmn5&c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&model_id=xps-8300
  9. I have seen recently that you can buy 32GB of DDR3 RAM for less than $200... I run CS5 with a dual-core processor (overclocked Pentium E2160) and 6GB of RAM, and it runs pretty good with standard definition video. My 1080p stuff is not real time for playback, and rendering is a pain. I would think any i7 would be powerful enough as far as CPU needs, and would recommend 12-16GB RAM. I would also recommend getting an nVidia DirectX11 videocard that can use CUDA. The Adobe software will offload much of the processing and rendering to the graphics card instead of the CPU/RAM of the computer. You do need to make sure the video card has at least 1GB of RAM though (I would look at a GeForce 560 Ti, if you don't want one of the expensive Quaddro cards.)
  10. She seems to pick things up so much faster from computers and videos than from books and listening to us...she really enjoys using the computer, and it seems to fit well with her learning style.
  11. Looks like a good list for a son, probably not as much for a daughter. FB tends to show an idealized sense of ourselves, and people will mostly post things that make themselves look good (in their opinion). Just look going for a job interview, or meeting someone new, you emphasize the things you are more proud of, and minimize the less desirable aspects. Perfectly normal. I wouldn't worry about it. And besides, most people use New Years to set goals for self-improvement...physical, mental, etc. Sounds like he is doing well with that.
  12. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45839387/ns/health-the_new_york_times/ Has anyone here had any trouble with this?
  13. Hey, I was wondering if anyone here has used any of the online classes for their kiddos. We are looking at 1st/2nd grade level. Veritas Press Academy looks good, but apparently starts at 3rd grade. Any you would recommend? Is the A Beka Academy any good? I am not trying to start a discussion on the pros or cons of online or computer based learning in general, but more specifically on which ones are out there. Also, maybe something like Switched on Schoolhouse, or another computer based curriculum might work for us...could use thoughts on any of those. Thanks in advance!
  14. Well, it turns out the Toyota actually had 171k miles, and the power sliding door didn't work.
  15. I was kind of thinking it is a normal progression. Glad to see several of you agree. Thanks everyone! She does use manipulatives occasionally. She does get the answers mostly right too, so we will probably continue on with 1B, going only as fast as she wants. We started her younger with it, because she could do all the K stuff that MM recommended she knows before starting 1A.
  16. My DD5 is almost complete with Math Mammoth level 1A, and we are considering getting 1B... She says she enjoys doing math. However, dw is concerned that she isn't actually learning math that well. She still adds using her fingers, for example... any ideas?
  17. What appears to be the better deal here? We currently have a 2001 Ford Expedition XLT, 137k miles Which of the following would be a better replacement? 2002 Honda Odyssey, 113k miles, $5500 or 2004 Toyota Sienna CE, 120k miles, $6500 assuming they were both in decent condition.
  18. We had a girl stop by our house in Texas and she sold us a bunch of steaks from a refrigerated trick. They were very inexpensive, and lasted a year. They tasted great. The only reason we bought them was that my wife happened to know the girl selling them, and I was working in door to door sales at the time, so we felt sympethetic toward her.
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