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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. What makes a Baptist history different? Are you talking about US/World History, or Church History? :bigear:
  2. I agree with the thought of the OP. I wish we could discuss politics here, because there is such a varied experience of intelligent people who all think so many different things. Unfortunately, I think many people here (no offense intended) are a bit sensitive and have trouble just letting posts roll off their backs. If I get to a point where I am reacting emotionally to what someone on the Internet posted about their political beliefs, I just back off and don't continue the conversation. That being said, I invite anyone at all to PM me if they ever have an issue they might like to gain a different perspective on. :)
  3. Doesn't bother me at all. I assume a poll is coming still, so I will vote in that when I see it. ETA: I may have just voted wrong. I chose, voted, then realized I may or may not have clicked the wrong one. I can't remember. Oh well. For some reason X-mas doesn't bother me at all, but xtian rubs me a little the wrong way. Not enough to offend me, but enough that I notice it.
  4. We have just finished up MM 1-A, and just downloaded 1-B, we really like it. Seems solid. Plus it is soo inexpensive (even better, I had a coupon code for 20% off!)
  5. Hey everyone, we have been using Math Mammoth 1-A with DD5, and she has just about finished the book. Well, today Home Educating Family Association's FaceBook page mentioned a 20% off coupon code. http://homeschoolconvention.com/reviews/music-review/math-mammoth-light-blue/ Perfect timing! So we just spent $14 for the download book of 1-B. Also, I saw this notice on the Math Mammoth site. So, we won't have to use so much paper and ink! WooHoo!
  6. http://www.amazon.com/Real-Lincoln-Abraham-Agenda-Unnecessary/dp/0761526463/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1327537335&sr=8-1 http://www.amazon.com/Lincoln-Unmasked-Youre-Supposed-Dishonest/dp/0307338428/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1327537335&sr=8-2
  7. I have seen Moneyball, Bridesmaids, and Rio out of all those movies...
  8. I do all the time. But I do in real life as well.
  9. My view is that after the Tribulation, Christ will return with the dead believers who were in heaven, and the living believers will be caught up to meet Him in the air as He comes down to the earth. Then He will reign for 1000 years (unsure if this is literal or just means a long time), after which he will defeat Satan for eternity, then judge the living and the dead.
  10. I follow several hundred people. Some people I know, a lot of news organizations and reporters, a lot of elected officials, a few celebrities, a few comedians, several pastors.
  11. I live in Oahu. I actually do recommend the Polynesian Cultural Center. I think it is very interesting. Also, the Ko Olina lagoons, and maybe the Paradise Cove or Germaine's Luaus.
  12. That looks like a good one, I wonder if I could find it larger somewhere...
  13. 1995ish, 5th grade or so, using Altavista, Lycos, and Dogpile to research Josef Mengele for a Holocaust project.
  14. Could someone point me to an online source that plainly explains Catholic doctrine in regards to the end times? Thanks!
  15. Hmmm, I would prefer one that has the countries individually colored. Thanks for the suggestion though!
  16. Well there are differing views on when/if a rapture occurs. But, as I understand it, those who are raptured then come back and rule with Christ when Christ returns a third time to rule for the millenium. Someone let me know if I am way off base here.
  17. The CIA maps look amazing, but I can't find one that is Pacific centered. Ditto with the UN maps...
  18. LOL. I am thinking of something similar to this, but much larger.
  19. I am looking for a map online that has the following features... World Map Pacific Centered Political borders and names High resolution Up to date Any ideas?
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