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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. That may be a good idea, I will have to think about it... No, she isn't really convinced of TWTM being a great idea. She said kids don't need to learn all that stuff, that it would be boring. :-/ She would prefer to do LifePACS or Switched on Schoolhouse or something like that.
  2. Yeah, I think literature based is what she is trying to stay away from. :)
  3. I agree lol, but that's what dw used when she was homeschooled I think, so that's what she is familiar/comfortable with.
  4. (I posted this in the k-8 forum, and someone suggested I cross-post it over here.) So, dw and I were discussing first grade for our dd, and we need to try to find a compromise solution for history curriculum. I was originally thinking of using SOTW along with Biblioplan, CHOL, or Easy Classical. I showed her, and she is not a fan. Too many books and too much reading and takes too long. It is difficult with having the younger two children to put the time into reading books and doing projects and whatnot. What she would prefer is either a video or computer based curriculum, or something like the Alpha Omega Life PACs, or similar. Some kind of worktext my daughter can read and answer questions about right on the page. I would at least like to continue the Trivium based order of learning, with a 4 year history cycle though. So she would be starting Ancient history in 1st grade, etc. Any ideas???
  5. Meh. Interesting concept, but I would have liked to see the author go into more specific details of putting that into practice.
  6. We are doing most of that for K lol. I am wanting to do Ancient history for 1st grade. I will look at those websites, thanks!
  7. Which issue is it in? Is it the one with the gear shift on the cover?
  8. And could she do the same thing with Mystery of History instead? My dw seems to think that it would be more interesting to my dd...
  9. Hmmm...that may work. We listened to a sample lesson, do 1st graders typically enjoy listening to them? She is worried that the information is over our kiddo's head and that she will get bored listening to them... do you find this to be the case?
  10. (Cross posted from curriculum board) So, dw and I were discussing first grade for our dd, and we need to try to find a compromise solution for history curriculum. I was originally thinking of using SOTW along with Biblioplan, CHOL, or Easy Classical. I showed her, and she is not a fan. Too many books and too much reading and takes too long. It is difficult with having the younger two children to put the time into reading books and doing projects and whatnot. What she would prefer is either a video or computer based curriculum, or something like the Alpha Omega Life PACs, or similar. Some kind of worktext my daughter can read and answer questions about right on the page. I would at least like to continue the Trivium based order of learning, with a 4 year history cycle though. Any ideas???
  11. So, dw and I were discussing first grade for our dd, and we need to try to find a compromise solution for history curriculum. I was originally thinking of using SOTW along with Biblioplan, CHOL, or Easy Classical. I showed her, and she is not a fan. Too many books and too much reading and takes too long. It is difficult with having the younger two children to put the time into reading books and doing projects and whatnot. What she would prefer is either a video or computer based curriculum, or something like the Alpha Omega Life PACs, or similar. Some kind of worktext my daughter can read and answer questions about right on the page. I would at least like to continue the Trivium based order of learning, with a 4 year history cycle though. Any ideas???
  12. Are you involved in a local church? We were able to find marriage counseling through a recommendation from our church.
  13. Check out Covenant Eyes, I have heard good things. To answer your question, is it normal? I would say yes. But that doesn't make it ok. Pornography is extremely destructive. I definitely would say do not ignore it. Talk to him about it, make clear your stance, and set boundaries up, like no Internet unless you or dad are in the room. And it needs to be a public room.
  14. Yeah, pretty much no filter will fully block a determined teenager. The best thing to do is use a filter, if you must, in order to prevent accidental viewing of inappropriate material. Keep the computer in a public room like a living room or family room where anyone can see what is on the screen at any time. Keep up to date with what your kid is doing online. Make sure you know who they are talking to online, what kind of information they are sharing, etc. Do not trust a filter or program to keep them from intentionally viewing things you don't want them to see or read.
  15. I have heard good things about Covenant Eyes. http://www.covenanteyes.com/
  16. As a Texas resident living in Hawaii, I know what you mean. :) That was certainly a part of the controversy, but also his stand against publicly funded education didn't seem to match up with the fact that his family was benefitting from it.
  17. Considering their peers are often talking about sex, and even having sex, earlier and earlier in life (some girls are able to be pregnant as young as 8 or 9!), I feel as parents we should get to them before the world does, IYKWIM.
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