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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Citizens Against Government Waste would be a good place to start. http://www.cagw.org/ http://www.cagw.org/pork/ Club for Growth may have some helpful info as well http://www.clubforgrowth.org/projects/?subSec=14
  2. http://www.amazon.com/Contigo-Autospout-Addison-24-Ounce-Bottle/dp/B0051JQW5W/ref=sr_1_45?ie=UTF8&qid=1328795577&sr=8-45 http://www.amazon.com/Camelbak-Better-0-75L-Bottle-Blue/dp/B0019DA7FU/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1328795607&sr=1-1-catcorr
  3. You may also have the refresh rate too high. Check to see anything that makes it display at 120hz or 240hz ought to be turned off. It makes movies look smooth and eliminates motion blur. It is fine for video games and sports, but movies are supposed to be viewed at 60hz. Our eyes and brains are used to seeing motion blur on films, and without it, a movie looks like cheesy video.
  4. South Carolina would be even worse as far as the political situation goes, unfortunately. Good idea though!
  5. Panasonic for plasmas, LG or Samsung for LCDs. Vizio is a value brand, if you are looking purely for quality.
  6. That sounds reasonable to me as far as the politics part, but I don't know what I would do for a job...what is a city in the area?
  7. If you have an Android smartphone, you could use an alternate keyboard that includes the tilde character.
  8. I lived in eastern North Carolina for many years, it seemed like nothing but hurricanes lol. As far as VA, it would be excellent except it seems very expensive...
  9. I like having differing opinions expressed on Facebook. I would hate to live in a secluded bubble where I would feel like I can't adapt or change and where I would surround myself with opinions that only reinforce the opinions I already hold. People post political things on FB because those things matter to them. If you are their friend, you should probably respect that. Now, if they are offensive, repetitive or just annoying, feel free to hide their status updates.
  10. I had been thinking Colorado Springs, and I still like it, but tonight's caucus results have me leaning away from wanting to live there. :glare: Politics is a big deal since I hope to run for office someday. So, I figured I would seek out the varied experience and wisdom of the hive to see what you all recommend! So, what we are looking for: -Population: 200,000 was a bit too small (Amarillo), and 1 million is too crowded (Honolulu)...so 400,000 to 500,000 would probably do well. -Plenty of ex-military families would be good, so maybe something near a military base, a city with a healthy defense industry connection would be ideal. This would help with me getting a good job. -We are a (relatively) large, young family... so it would be helpful for that to be fairly common-place. We homeschool and my wife stays at home with the kids. However, if we were to live somewhere with good quality schools, we would have no problem putting them in one. -Would like the cost-of-living to be below the national average, and household income to be above the national average. -Weather- prefer it to not be too cold. No harsh winters. Also, would like to stay away from hurricane heavy areas. Also, would prefer a dry heat over humidity. -Religions- would need a place with a lot of healthy churches, lots of evangelical Protestants. Megachurches are great with us, especially if they are Reformed/Calvinist. (an Acts 29 or The Gospel Coalition affiliated church would be great to have!) -Politics - I would LOVE to live in a swing state, so I could feel like my vote matters. We lean very libertarian, so that would be helpful to find. Any ideas?
  11. Seemed weird with a lot of pagan/occult symbology.
  12. Knowing God - J.I. Packer Desiring God - John Piper Mere Christianity - CS Lewis Systematic Theology - Wayne Grudem
  13. Thanks! Everyone else: This is a fascinating conversation to follow, but do you mind steering it back toward curriculum and resources? Thanks!
  14. Thanks everyone, I will keep all these in mind and look further into them. I want to be careful to not select a science curriculum that merely sets up and knocks down straw-men.
  15. Awww, why did you get rid of the quote? I thought it was great. :)
  16. I am not a big fan of speaking in absolutes that way (zero disagreement, no scientists, etc), but thanks for the book recommendation.
  17. This may be an odd question, but I will attempt it anyway. We are Young Earth Creationists, but I want to make sure my kids get a very solid understanding of evolution, being the current, widely accepted, prevalent scientific understanding of things. I was taught science using aBeka, and thought I understood evolution, but it turns out I was completely misinformed about what evolutionists believe or accept. Is there a good science curriculum out there that does a solid job explaining both evolution and Creationism /Intelligent Design? Thanks!
  18. You might check out Foxit Reader also.
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