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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. So, we have some iPod Touches coming our way, and I was wondering what apps you all thought are excellent for it? I especially am looking for educational apps and productivity apps. I am not nearly as interested in games. I have a ton of music and Podcasts to put on there, but any ideas for informative Podcasts available for free on iTunes would be super appreciated as well. Thanks!
  2. This. By all accounts, politics aside, they appear to be sincerely nice people.
  3. Actually, a couple of my best friends are pharmacists. :001_smile: Unfortunately we no longer live near them.:(
  4. Yes, especially since my career requires me to meet certain physical standards. :glare:
  5. Maybe you would be better off with the group with Dr and Lawyers kids? :lol::lol::lol: Sorry you had a rough time. It is frustrating to see other kids that we feel aren't being raised as we would prefer them to be raised.
  6. Well, it mostly occurs when I am working out or running. I will get about 1 lap around a track and just burst into sweat, heart pounding, flushed skin, etc. This wasn't a problem before Concerta, that I know of. Also some days just walking to my car can cause it.
  7. Is the "Dark Side" social group invititation only? I can't figure out how to join it. :)

  8. Has anyone had issues with Concerta causing them to overheat quickly?
  9. Another vote for Ordinary Parent's Guide to teaching reading. My 5 year old daughter has about halfway through it since May, and she is reading at a second grade level now.
  10. Nothing in particular that I am aware of. APEC was in November, I think. But right now, there isn't anything I know about.
  11. I am looking at purchasing a 32GB iPod Touch soon. Besides the Facetime feature, is there any meaningful difference between the 3rd gen and the current, 4th gen versions?
  12. Mark Driscoll John Piper Matt Chandler Joshua Harris CJ Mahaney D. A. Carson Wayne Grudem Jimmy Evans (of Trinity Fellowship in Amarillo - this is our home church) Grudem has a 117ish part podcast on iTunes (free) where he teaches through his Systematic Theology book.
  13. I'm sorry everybody, could we move on though? I seriously had no idea that posting a link expressing a standard tenet of Christian orthodoxy (that tenet being that non-Christians won't go to heaven without believing in Christ first), in a thread marked CC, would cause ANY strife. I have removed it from the OP, and would appreciate it if this thread died.
  14. nm, didn't realize John Piper was a controversial figure around here.
  15. My wife can't stand that he makes money off of people that are struggling with money. I mostly like him, except his investing advice. Also, this story rubbed me the wrong way. http://www.adisgruntledrepublican.com/2011/05/dave-ramsey-gets-matt-collins-fired.html?m=1
  16. I am the one that does all the research, picks the curriculum, and provides the financial support and encouragement. She is the one that actually teaches it (I do teach it some days myself too.)
  17. I have lived in Maine, North Carolina, and Texas. And I have spent a significant amount of time in Rhode Island. People are nice all over. Probably the least nice in North Carolina.
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