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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. So, we ended up getting a 2004 Honda Odyssey EX-L with 67k miles for $8500.
  2. I saw this response to it I thought was pretty good. http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/kevindeyoung/2012/01/13/does-jesus-hate-religion-kinda-sorta-not-really/
  3. Well, she used to be in the 2nd percentile for her weight and had to be on an appetite stimulant for a long while, so we sometimes have to make her eat when she doesn't want to. But most of the time is she just eats Sooo Slow. Like, she will be at the table an hour or so longer than everyone else. But anyway, it was just one example.
  4. We have some money in an online bank account (no branches locally) that we need to have in cash rather quickly. Any ideas how we would be able to do that? We considered writing ourselves a check, and cashing it at a local bank we do have an account with, and we considered doing an electronic transfer to the same local bank. However, with either of those, the cash would probably not be available for a few days, as far as I know. :confused:
  5. Not sure, but sometimes we just say "eat quickly" instead of giving a time frame. Or we set a timer, and if she doesn't finish by the time it beeps, then... And it isn't just with timing stuff. Often it is a "if you do this, then that will happen" and she will say how she does want "that to happen."
  6. At what age do children understand if-then statements? Example: If we said something similar to that to my dd5, she would say something like, She doesn't seem to put the fact that she may miss it on her (lack of) actions...is this normal? When do they grow out of it?
  7. I agree with everyone expressing sympathies and urging your husband to talk to a professional. Am I the only one who finds it a bit suspicious that this banker just happened to be hit by a truck the one day he walks instead of taking the train or whatever? Maybe it's too many movies or conspiracy theories or something...
  8. Alright. I go back in 3 weeks. I hope I will know by then if it is working.
  9. In fact, they are the same Douglas Wilson. The video from those debates is called Collision, I think.
  10. Ok. I haven't really noticed any side effects... I had a pretty bad headache the first day, but it could have been caused by a number of factors... Thanks though! I will definitely be asking those around me.
  11. How long does it take to notice a difference, to take effect? I have read everything from 10 minutes to one month.
  12. They ended up prescribing me Concerta, been taking it 2 days. I can't tell yet that it isn't really a placebo lol.
  13. I rooted dw's Nook Color, so she could install the Kindle app and any other app from the Google Market. However, she missed the animation of the pages she had with the stock version, and made me switch it back. :glare:
  14. http://www.2012presidentialelectionnews.com/2012-debate-schedule/2011-2012-primary-debate-schedule/ There is a link next to the debate that says "Live Stream" The other way is, usually whoever is hosting the debate (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or whoever) will live stream it on their website.
  15. http://www.amazon.com/Reason-God-Belief-Age-Skepticism/dp/0525950494/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism
  16. I am unsure how you would say anyone is the "most" influential or iconic, if you take out the most common responses. I understand trying to think outside the box, but if someone is supposed to be the most influential, it would stand to reason that many people would agree with that. It's like having a popularity contest and choosing the least popular person...or maybe I just don't get it. :)
  17. Upon further research, it may be only available for the computer...not the Wii...
  18. We like Rada, and Pampered Chef. We also have a Victorinox Chef's knife that was a great value. http://www.amazon.com/Victorinox-40520-Fibrox-8-Inch-Chefs/dp/B000638D32
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