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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. I agree with all those who said expository. Now, what if you feel strongly one way on this issue, and your spouse felt strongly the other way?? What do you do?
  2. Thanks everyone (including all those who pm'd me). It seemed to go well last night. It is definitely a different perspective being in the driver's seat, so to speak. I have been forewarned that I will probably be leading sometime later this spring for our full group (men and women, and it is more of a sermon than a guided discussion...). Yikes!
  3. I read the first one, and somewhat enjoyed it. I have heard the second one is better, as far as the writing goes. I liked the story (big fan of dystopian, rise up against the government type stories), but felt maybe they would have been better had someone else written them from an outline Collins created. As far as gruesome-ness, it wasn't terrible from my POV, but I probably would hesitate to let a 10 yr old read them. Maybe 12, if they aren't very sensitive. If you want a solid review of the trilogy that I mostly agree with, check out http://dorkmanscott.wordpress.com/2011/03/19/book-series-review-the-hunger-games-trilogy/
  4. As far as soteriology goes, Calvinism is monergistic, meaning 100% initiated, caused, etc by God alone. Arminianism is synergistic, meaning some combination of God and man working together is necessary for salvation. There is more to it than just soteriology of course.
  5. Upon studying the tenses you referred to, I came up with this : reconciled is past tense because Paul is writing to believers, referring to their individual reconciliation, which had already occurred (while they were enemies of God).
  6. I got a 93.94% got the question about FDR and the Supreme Court wrong, and why a flood control levee is a public good.
  7. Good stuff, I hope you were all blessed a little digging into it!
  8. Lol! We are going through Romans as a group, and I was asked to lead a week, so... Yeah, it was a doozy of a chapter! Thanks for having your husband look at it. Just to be clear, these aren't gender specific questions, even though I came up with them for a men's Bible study. All the ladies of the Hive are encouraged to answer as well. :)
  9. Oh, I meant to say, you can either pm me your answers or post them in this thread. :)
  10. I am part of a men's Bible Study group that meets weekly, and this week I am in charge of leading the study. We are studying through Romans, at a chapter per week. Every week we are emailed 4-6 questions to answer when we read through that week's questions. I have written my questions, and am curious as to the various answers I would get from other people. This is my first time ever leading a group Bible study, so I am frankly a little nervous (I will be teaching it on Monday night, if you want to offer a special prayer for me ;)). But please, I am very interested in any constructive criticism you have to offer (it is nearly impossible to offend me, so be blunt if they are terrible questions!) Anyway, I thought I would share the questions I came up with here, and see if anyone was interested in reading through Romans 5 a couple times and answering them. I had a lot more questions I wanted to go more in depth on, especially the latter part of the chapter.
  11. :bigear: What is the cost of living like there? There is a job that I may be interested in taking in Charlottesville as well.
  12. Mine is in my signature. Politics, theology, homeschooling, life in general.
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