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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. You can drag and drop PDFs into a Kindle, I do it all the time. The files it supports include "Kindle (AZW), TXT, PDF, unprotected MOBI, PRC natively; HTML, DOC, DOCX, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP through conversion."
  2. http://www.amazon.com/Kindle-eReader-eBook-Reader-e-Reader-Special-Offers/dp/B0051QVESA/ref=amb_link_359624142_2?ie=UTF8&nav_sdd=aps&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-1&pf_rd_r=080PC2FRAR524DW4G92Y&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1348324942&pf_rd_i=507846 :D
  3. It is symbolic, not practical, I am sure. Appears to be a fortress. Take that for what you want.
  4. So, I took the Concerta for a few weeks, but couldn't stand the side effects (sweating, flushing, overheating etc while working out - much more than normal) and the fact that I couldn't see much, if any, improvement in my symptoms. I stopped for a couple weeks and they went away. So today is my first day on Adderall XR. Here's hoping it goes better!
  5. Of course Han shot first. It establishes him as a scoundrel.
  6. Could someone explain makes a book a living book? Thanks!
  7. Did anyone watch Titanic not knowing what was going to happen?
  8. Very interesting idea in here...what do you think? http://www.nomachetejuggling.com/2011/11/11/the-star-wars-saga-suggested-viewing-order/ I unfortunately already started with my older two, and they watched IV, then I. They liked both of them.
  9. But aren't the schools gun-free zones? How was there a shooting?
  10. ^Correct. The Gospel was not a "Plan B" for God, it was part of His plan all along.
  11. Do you own either of these? What do you think? Pros and cons? How is the picture quality? I would use it for wirelessly streaming Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Amazon Instant Video, and that is probably it. I would use 1080p HDMI connection only. :lurk5:
  12. about boys/girls? Several threads have mentioned stories, like girls fighting over boys, or boys looking up pictures of girls on the Internet, etc. I keep seeing shocked parents on here surprised that 10, 11 or 12 year old kids had "feelings" or whatever for the opposite sex. So, how old were you? How old was your spouse? Did you ever go through a "girls are yucky" phase (adjust for your preferred gender!) Personally, I was always interested in girls, but usually one specific girl at a time. I remember being on the soccer team in Kindergarten with a girl, and I "liked" this girl for 5 years. I never went through a phase where I thought girls had cooties or anything like that. :lurk5:
  13. Gyroscopic Investing Forums Ron Paul Forums Air Force Enlisted Forums
  14. I read this review, and was wondering what the Hive thought of this curriculum. Has anyone used it? How does it compare to SOTW or MOH? http://homeschoolconvention.com/reviews/music-review/ancient-civilizations-and-the-bible/
  15. Well, we decided to homeschool because the schools here are quite bad, and we don't want her to be behind when we get to wherever we are going next. I would love to homeschool through 12th grade, but it is just not something she (dw) is passionate about (learning /education that is). Once we move somewhere with decent schools she plans to stop homeschooling. I am passionate about education and learning, on the other hand, and I want my kids to have the best education I can reasonably provide, and I am convinced that a classical style education is probably the best way to go with that.
  16. Sure, it is possible, anything is possible. But the terms you are choosing to use to describe yourself show a bigger issue than a messy house or being overweight. Your use of terms like "disgustingly" make me think that is more of a thing with your own self-worth or self-image or something. Please please please talk to a professional. Talk to your doctor.
  17. I am trying to set up a GTD style system using Google Calendar, Google Tasks, and GQueues.com, all of which I can access from home. We will see how it goes.
  18. Well, in the long run, electronic based learning should be a lot cheaper. Cuts down on printing costs, shipping costs, storing costs, etc. Easier to upgrade texts every year or when changes are needed. Less money spent on school supplies.
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