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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. I was diagnosed with: "skin rash undetermined cause" :tongue_smilie:
  2. This is something a couple of my friends did, and I think it is hilarious. Baby got Front - a parody of Baby got back for pregnant women.
  3. So, I am off work for the next couple weeks and am going to be working with my daughters on some school stuff and getting them to follow our rules a little better. The two oldest are 4 and almost 6. They are generally good kids, especially when other adults are around (we got compliments often about them being so well behaved!), but they have been whiny and disobedient and started lying lately, so I am working on drafting up some house rules so that our expectations are very clear. Have you done anything like this? What rules do you have for your kids around that age? Here is what I have so far, what do you think?
  4. This morning I woke up with a headache. I took 1 Advil. Not long after that my elbows and knees started itching again. :glare: My elbows were starting to show some red marks. After I took the meds they gave me, it stopped. It was only the second day of five days of treatment, so I am not terribly worried yet.
  5. Meh. I have seen funnier videos on there. Thanks for sharing though.
  6. Congratulations to you! I admire your sense of humor and perspective about this. I think manywives would get jealous and hateful in such a situation. FWIW, I got a lot more attention from women AFTER I was married (and wearing a ring). Maybe it is a subconcious confidence that married men have, or maybe I seemed less "threatening" since I was obviously attached, or maybe they realized I was a catch since some woman had obviously thought highly enough of me to marry me. DW has been known to get free drinks from time to time if she goes out with some girl friends. Doesn't bother me in the slightest.
  7. :iagree: and good on you for offering to pay for it, btw. You are demonstrating responsibility and integrity for your ds.
  8. Are you also planning on doing a year (or more?) on the US as a whole? I think some states could easily take less than a week, and some could easily take more. I do like the idea though. I guess it depends on the balance you seek between a US focus and a world focus...
  9. My wife used to sell Mary Kay, and now mostly uses Bare Minerals, I think. If you know someone who sells Mary Kay, I imagine she could be a good choice for a group of girls to get some makeup lessons from. If it is just for your daughter alone, I don't know that a MK sales person would be the best choice. I think having someone you know that uses what you consider an appropriate amount of makeup teach your daughter might be a good choice. Maybe even an older teenager could do it, if you know one that seems to know what she is doing. 13 is kind of a big birthday, and I definitely understand the tight budget thing, but it may be worth it to save a little from another part of your budget and splurge a little and go to Dillaird's or Macy's. Look for a person who has the type of makeup look you are looking for for your daughter. Has she expressed interest in even wearing makeup? That may be important to consider as well. Maybe flip through some magazines together and talk about what looks good and age-appropriate with her, so that she understands what your expectations regarding that are. //ramble
  10. No itching or rash or swelling today! Got to wear my wedding ring...good thing too, it was her birthday. :001_smile:
  11. For the record, video games often tend to idealize the male form in a similar fashion. Also, if you find that picture to be soft porn-ish, I recommend not watching the X-Men movies that include the Mystique character. :-P
  12. They are giving me several drugs to treat it, and hopefully it goes away in a couple days.
  13. In the ER waiting room now. Time to wait. No, I don't regularly take Tylenol. I do regularly take Adderall XR, Claritin, and sometimes sudafed. If I have pain I normally take Advil. It seemed to subside for a few hours when I took Benadryl this morning, but when that wore off is when the hives started. I have had no swelling of the throat. I took another Benadryl this afternoon and then ate a yogurt. After that it seemed to get worse instead of better So, I headed to the hospital. It's on my face, the back of my neck, my arms, and most annoying, the palms of my hands.
  14. So now there is a bit of a rash and it's breaking out on my face and behind my ears. I think there is probably a DR visit in my near future.
  15. Looking for suggestions on what could be wrong with me... Thursday evening I went out to eat, and by Thursday night I began itching. I had a headache before I went out, so I took a little bit of Tylenol. It seemed to start on the backside of my upper legs, and when I woke up, my arms and legs (knees and elbows especially)itchy. I have noticed my feet and hands seem swollen (can't fit my wedding ring). There is slight redness on my skin, like a super-mild sunburn, but no rash. No itchiness on my torso area at all. I took some Benadryl this morning (over 24 hours after first noticing symptoms), and after a while it seemed to help a bit. Now it feels like the itchiness is starting to come back. Except it is my back that is starting to itch now, too. Which happens for me from time, and I think it is probably mostly in my head. I have no food or other allergies as far as I know. (I ate 4 cheese ravioli at California Pizza Kitchen if that helps). We had changed our sheets Thursday night, but we have used the same detergent for several months. This is kinda driving me crazy, and was wondering if any of you have suggestions for what it might be. :confused:
  16. Fair enough, but there are multiple churches, with different customs and traditions of worship, represented by those organizations.
  17. None of the churches listed on there could be considered liturgical? "Liturgy (Greek: Λειτουργία) is the customary public worship done by a specific religious group, according to its particular traditions" Those links are affiliated with many different churches, with varying traditions of customary public worship. :confused:
  18. Last week I got a compliment from a guy that had been training a couple of us on some new skills for our jobs. He trained us for about two weeks, and this was the end of training, and he was critiquing us. He said my strong points included being: Organized Focused Steady and On-task. I guess the Adderall is working, eh? :party::hurray::party::hurray::cheers2:
  19. Check out NCFIC.org http://www.ncfic.org/directorymodule/view_churchdetail/id/2758/src/@left/ National Center for Family Integrated Churches or http://familyintegratedchurch.com/ They both have links to churches that keep the families together during services. :)
  20. Make sure they register for Selective Service and to vote!
  21. You attach the lens to your camera, switch to video mode, and hit record. You have to manual focus, but I prefer to use manual focus anyway. You probably wouldn't use it to film an event, but for filmmaking.
  22. Between the Nikkor and the Olympus manual focus lenses, which did you like better? Which seemed better built?
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