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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. I did A Beka in high school...I thought I learned science well enough, but I learned quickly how wrong I was. It did teach me to set up straw men and tear them down, particularly with evolution. I will never use a Bela for science for my kids. I can't speak to Apologia though.
  2. Well, we wouldn't be using the math or anything, just the Spelling & Vocabulary. Is it challenging?
  3. Actually, there are benefits to drinking. Beer, for example, can help with bone density, and can help nursing mothers produce more milk. Red wine is good for your heart.
  4. Not purchasing yet, but trying to figure out what we want.
  5. Occasionally. I may go a year between drinks, or a day. Usually just one, but rarely 2, and a couple times three (over several hours). I have never ever been drunk.
  6. Do me a favor. This week, I want you to do a few things. 1. Create three goals. What is something you can do to improve yourself? It could be mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, whatever. Just something that is an attainable goal. What is something you can do to improve the lives of the people you arrested closest to...family or close friends. What is something you can do to help the world be a better place? 2.Do one thing in each of those three areas to move just a little closer to your goal. 3. Post about it in here to motivate yourself and others. Share only as much as you are comfortable sharing. If this seems overwhelming, try just focusing on two or even only one of the three categories.
  7. Total Money Makeover Millionaire Next Door Tightwad Gazette
  8. :iagree: The same issue exists because of things like DARE. They teach how drugs affect people, and then kids try marijuana and learned they were lied to. Next thing you know, you've got people hooked on meth and heroin because they were lied to. It's the authority (parent, teacher, cop, etc) who cried wolf, and now look where we are.
  9. If I trusted the parents' judgment to take my kids to dinner, then I would trust their judgment to know how much they can drink and still keep my (an their own) children safe. One drink wouldn't be an issue, especially with a meal.
  10. dd5 only does a few subjects, but she rarely does them all the same day, and we only push her to do as much as she wants until she gets bored. That usually comes out to 2-4 pages in math, or 5-7 lessons in OPGTR. Maybe half a page or 1 page in handwriting. It's going slow, but she is doing well, and her reading is impressing me.
  11. Has anyone here used this? Thoughts? I am looking at this (for first grade), Spelling Workout, and possibly Sequential Spelling... What would you recommend? My daughter is a good speller, I guess she would be considered a natural speller?
  12. hmmm... now I am trying to choose between the Seek and Find Bible, and the ESV Childrens Bible.
  13. Well, only 41% of 2010 Federal revenues were from personal income tax.
  14. Could you talk about taxation being theft and therefore immoral? Why is it legal for the government to take some of your money, but not legal for you to take someone else's money? That if we could get government spending down to the levels we had in the late 90's, an income tax wouldn't even be necessary.
  15. We are young earth Creationists, however we do intend to teach our kids about evolution in depth. I was very disappointed in my own education in this area. I thought I could argue for YEC competently, but learned I truly had minimal understanding of what I was opposed to. My high school and middle school just taught these straw man theories and said they were evolution, and here is how they are wrong. As far as dinosaurs...what is the question? Do some people believe they didn't exist or something?
  16. Cumberland Presbyterian are not, surprisingly enough, Calvinist. They split off from PCUSA over the doctrine of election.
  17. If they allow for both types of baptism, I am fine with that. Thanks!
  18. That's fine with me, regarding cessationalism. I am pretty sure EV-Free Churches are dispensationalist though.
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