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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Not sure about Muslims, but I have an Orthodox Jewish co-worker, and he has similar concepts of modesty. He has said he does not expect non-Jews to conform to his standards of modesty. It may be the same for Muslims.
  2. The only concern to me would be if you had milk sit in the cup for a few hours before you rinse it out.
  3. So I have flat feet and am a severe overpronater. I usually have to use motion control shoes when I run. I started out in Asics, and moved on to Brooks for more support. I decided to try something different, based on multiple recommendations. I got a pair of Nike Free 3.0 v2. These have very thin, flexible soles-pretty much the opposite of my stiff MC shoes. So far I am loving them! My legs are definitely sore the day after a run, due to my using muscles I haven't worked in a while. I would recommend these shoes to someone who likes the concepts of barefoot or minimalist running, but aren't quite there. These shoes pretty much force me to not heel strike. What running shoes do you prefer?
  4. Bummer. I guess I will just err on the side of caution and go with the Grand Caravan.
  5. I am concerned that no one has pointed out the Africa isn't a country to a few of the earlier posters... :tongue_smilie: But that irritation was erased by somebody else posting a West Wing reference...that made me happy again.
  6. Next week we will be traveling in Texas, and we are going to rent a car. My two older girls are in Graco High Back Turbo Booster seats, and the newborn is in a Graco Snugride 22. Do you know if these would fit in either a Chevy Impala, or a Buick Lucerne? Or are we better off with the Caravan? And how is the trunk size? Thanks in advance!
  7. Nice. We just got a refurbed Nook Color from Overstock last week for $179...still a good deal though. And not to start a political discussion, but I like buying from Overstock because I like the politics of the CEO. :tongue_smilie: Lame reason I know, but I figure if people buy from companies that somehow represent their values, then so can I!
  8. To me, yes, it is worse if it is a woman. I am not sure why I feel this way. LOL :D And just to clarify, in the OP, I wasn't listing choices, I was just listing my feelings on the subject. Not really sure why I numbered the list.
  9. Try Target, they have jeans and pants in multiple styles or fits for each size. For example, you could get 8short, 8medium, or 8long, each in Fit 1, Fit 2, Fit 3, Fit 4, etc.
  10. What are your thoughts on profanity? Me: 1. They are just words. Words have appropriate and inappropriate times and places to be used. Using an expletive in a situation that warrants it is ok. Riddling your speech with it shows ignorance to me. 2. IMO, that time and place is not around children, and generally not around ladies. And it bugs me when others use it in those situations. 3. A female that uses excessive profanity isn't classy, or "lady-like" to me. 4. Heck, crap, darn, etc don't really count in my view. I do understand why some have a problem with them. 5. The only word that offends me is G**d***, unless used in a literal sense of eternal ****ation.
  11. I call it "baby-making music" How about something by Marvin Gaye?
  12. My girls say excuse me when they burp or toot. And that is what they call them.
  13. Charge-Coupled Device - a type of sensor used in digital cameras Also, here is a list of more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CCD
  14. MSNBC.com should have the whole video. They did last night.
  15. A GOP Presidential debate is on tonight, 8pm ET on MSNBC. It could be a fun experience watching with your children, you could teach them about the primary process. Rick Perry Mitt Romney Ron Paul Michele Bachmann Newt Gingrich Herman Cain Rick Santorum Jon Huntsman My 5 year old watched a good chunk of the Jim DeMint forum the other day, lol.
  16. Wired Popular Science Christianity Today Relevant World Reason Forbes Money Kiplinger's Runner's World Running Times Men's Health Muscles & Fitness Maximum PC Mental Floss I am kind of a magazine junkie. All of these I have had subscription to in the past year. A bunch of them have expired now. My wife receives : Real Simple Military Spouse Everyday with Rachel Ray Woman's Health Outdoor Photography Taste of Home
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