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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Here is a Facebook page setup for him, if you are inclined to follow the updates and offer words of encouragement... http://www.facebook.com/pages/Prayers-for-Austin-Westbrook/111482728958718?sk=wall
  2. Okay, they are at Cooks. So, FW, not Dallas. ‎"He has an MRI at 8:45. Then some decisions will be made about what kind of procedure to do to drain the blood from his brain and release pressure. He is at risk for seizures now, and that risk will increase during the procedure. It may be long term. He has remained stable through the night and when his sedation begins to wear off he kicks and grimaces and is responsive which is a good sign. " ‎"They are going to do an EEG to monitor for any non visible seizure activity before they do and surgery. Waiting for rounds, and to talk to case workers."
  3. IE from work, Firefox from home, but mostly the Android browser.
  4. According to the trailer, it is PG-13 for strong language. I don't know for sure, but I would probably expect to hear the F word a couple times.
  5. Thank you all for the prayers. Last I heard is that he is getting an MRI so they can figure out what to do next. They say he has a high risk of seizure, possibly for the long term. I saw a picture, and besides the medical stuff (tubes and what not) he actually looked pretty good to me.
  6. If that the same as Cooks? Also, he is 3 months old... Just a little older than our baby. :(
  7. My wife and I are one, so anything someone tells one of us they should expect that the other one will know. I can't think of a valid reason where someone would tell me some and ask me not to tell my wife. We don't keep secrets, except obvious things like birthday gifts, etc.
  8. Our friend's baby was flown by helicopter to a hospital in Dallas due to fluid on the brain. He is severely injured. Turns out his babysitter shook him. Repeatedly. She is in jail now. Please pray.
  9. Ann Caron sounds too much like Anchor Inn to me. (an-kerin)
  10. To me, it is all about intent. Am I searching out things to be visually stimulated, or is it incidental? I think searching out things to be visually stimulated by is wrong, no matter the level of undress. It would be the same for anything, not just the Internet. If I am at a store, and see a scantily clad woman while I am picking up a gallon of milk, that is different than if I were to go to a strip club, or even a bar, to look at scantily clad women. It doesn't have anything to do with a certain number of times per year or anything like that.
  11. Do you want answers from a male perspective, or is this one of those threads I should just pretend doesn't exist?
  12. I had two. The top one was semi-permanent, and the bottom was removable like a retainer. They were a little uncomfortable, but not too bad.
  13. I have heard it explained as the equivalent of circumcision among the Jews.
  14. I am a Calvinist, but am not a paedobaptist and do not believe baptism is regenerative.
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