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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. http://www.aomin.org/aoblog/index.php?itemid=3018
  2. These are some of the various options I am looking at to educate myself more on US history. I am wondering if anyone has used any of these, and what you thought of them. I posted this in the self-education subforum...but that place gets very little traffic lol. http://www.amazon.com/Basic-History-United-States-Set/dp/B001TI7T9M/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1319258142&sr=8-1-spell A Basic History of the United States (5 volumes) by Clarence B. Carson http://www.amazon.com/Conceived-Liberty-Set-Murray-Rothbard/dp/0945466269 Conceived in Liberty (4 Volumes) by Murray Rothbard http://www.amazon.com/History-American-People-Paul-Johnson/dp/0060930349/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1319258491&sr=1-1 A History of the American People by Paul Johnson http://www.amazon.com/Great-Republic-History-America/dp/037550320X/ref=tmm_hrd_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1319258538&sr=1-2 The Great Republic: A History of America by Winston Churchill http://www.amazon.com/Theological-Interpretation-American-History/dp/1599252236/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1319258607&sr=1-1 A Theological Interpretation of American History by C. Gregg Singer
  3. These are some of the various options I am looking at to educate myself more on US history. I am wondering if anyone has used any of these, and what you thought of them. http://www.amazon.com/Basic-History-United-States-Set/dp/B001TI7T9M/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1319258142&sr=8-1-spell A Basic History of the United States (5 volumes) by Clarence B. Carson http://www.amazon.com/Conceived-Liberty-Set-Murray-Rothbard/dp/0945466269 Conceived in Liberty (4 Volumes) by Murray Rothbard http://www.amazon.com/History-American-People-Paul-Johnson/dp/0060930349/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1319258491&sr=1-1 A History of the American People by Paul Johnson http://www.amazon.com/Great-Republic-History-America/dp/037550320X/ref=tmm_hrd_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1319258538&sr=1-2 The Great Republic: A History of America by Winston Churchill http://www.amazon.com/Theological-Interpretation-American-History/dp/1599252236/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1319258607&sr=1-1 A Theological Interpretation of American History by C. Gregg Singer
  4. I bought a clearance copy of Bible Explorer 4, Basic Edition at Lifeway ($10). It has 14 Bible versions and 119 references. Well, when I installed it, it allowed me somehow to install WordSearch 9 for free... and use all the same books that came with BE. Does anyone use either Bible Explorer 4 or Wordsearch 9? They seem to have a lot of similarity, with just some differences in the interface. Do you use a different Bible software? Share your favorites in here!
  5. I do like this schedule, I think..
  6. I like the idea of the 4 year WTM history cycle, but I would also like to dedicate a full year in elementary - middle school for American History, as well as a full year in high school. What grades do you think would be the best to do that in? What kind of schedule or cycle would allow me to do this? And, what textbook would you reccomend to use as a spine for this subject?
  7. What are the differences between them? Which have you found more beneficial? Do you expect them to be available for half price soon? Do you have a better recommendation?
  8. :iagree: BUT would also include the miracle where everyone present heard the apostles in their own language.
  9. Well, I was kinda turned off by a book they sold at the church called "The dark side of Calvinism" which included a foreword or something by Chuck Smith.
  10. Yeah, I am a big fan of Acts 29 as well, but unfortunately they don't have anything in CO Springs yet. :( We attended a CC for a while, but they are actually anti-Calvinist. Not sure about CMA, I will check more into them. Haha, will do! Glad to play my little part in that!
  11. We are actually part of a Cadence International group currently, and we really like it.
  12. Thanks for the info! Let me know if you pick it back up... :001_smile:
  13. I agree with what you are saying. Some Assembly of God and Pentecostal churches do teach it the other way though. In Texas, we went to a charismatic non-denominational that did not teach it was necessary. I think it's mostly semantics.
  14. :thumbup1: Yep, basically that covers it. The important things for me are: 1. The belief that God chooses who will be saved completely through his grace, not by any action of ours. 2. Believer's baptism, as opposed to infant baptism. 3. Christians remain on earth through the Tribulation. (this isn't necessarily a dealbreaker, but a church that pushes dispensational theology isn't what I want. In this case, what the church doesn't teach is more important than what it does) 4. Non-cessationist could also be called continuationist. It is often confused with charismatic. It would be distinct in that many charismatic types believe you HAVE to speak in tongues, as an evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I don't believe that.
  15. That looks really great, but no, there are none near me (Hawaii) and there are none near where I intend to live (Colorado Springs)... great stuff though!
  16. Yeah, I didn't have too much luck before, lol. Different criteria this time. Different question, really!
  17. I am looking for a denomination that is Calvinist creedobaptist not dispensationalist - (historic premillenialism is preferred) non-cessationist Any ideas?
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