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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. http://www.amazon.com/Theological-Interpretation-American-History-Singer/dp/0875524265 I was wondering if any of you have read this, and what your thoughts were on it? It has good reviews on Amazon, but only a few reviews.
  2. http://www.amazon.com/Theological-Interpretation-American-History-Singer/dp/0875524265 I was wondering if any of you have read this, and what your thoughts were on it?
  3. The SBC has becomed more Reformed as of late. Al Mohler is the President of Southern Baptist Theologial Seminary, and he is a big Reformed guy. Also, I suggest checking into John Piper, he is another reformed Baptist. :)
  4. It's only funny because I am not Catholic. I suppose that would have been helpful to put in the OP.
  5. My dd5 is doing it and isn't having any issues yet. She will do a page or three at a time, whatever her attention span can handle. We just made sure she could do all the stuff listed for K at the MM sit, back in April or whenever, just before she turned 5 in May. It is going to depend on the kid. I recommend trying a few of the sample pages they offer and see how your kiddo does with it.
  6. I trudged through the Great Illustrated Classics version as a boy.
  7. I was told by a friend of mine that I am too smart to not be Catholic.:001_huh::lol: I prefer to think it was a compliment.:D
  8. Often, people used "reformed" as synonymous with Calvinist. There are reformed Baptists, Presbyterians, etc. There are also specific denominations that have the word "Reformed" in them. Now, you may often hear reformed or Calvinistic Christians talk about things being orthodox or unorthodox. They are usually using that saying a teaching is in line with historical orthodoxy of the Christian Church. Something considered heretical would be unorthodox. This is not to be confused with Greek Orthodox or Eastern Orthodox or Russian Orthodox Christianity. Those are branches of Christianity much like Protestant or Catholic. And yes, Reformed is taken from the Protestant Reformation.
  9. I am a Booksneeze reviewer, but wasn't familiar with the other options...I just now got an ebook of Joshua Harris' Dug Down Deep for free to review! Thanks for though.
  10. Great concept, it doesn't seem to work very well though. It lists only one book under MEN (it's a scifi), and none under Science Fiction...
  11. I loved the Song of Albion trilogy! Thanks for reminding me of those. I am looking for something set in a modern day though. I didn't really care for Peretti...
  12. Here is an interesting article regarding the NLT: http://www.bible-researcher.com/nlt2.html I had a NLT I used for personal study and Bible class in high school - this would be the first edition, by the way. So my concerns may have been rectified by the second edition. The one concern I particularly noticed was in Bible class, and we were reading alound, from various versions of the Bible, and it was in the New Testament, and there was a list of sins, that pretty much corresponded with the fruits of the Spirit, if I remember right. The NLT ommitted one of the sins (either witchcraft, or murder, or something like that, I don't recall which). I was bummed since I liked how readable the NLT was... But I decided after that to go with a more literal translation. I am a big fan of the ESV now. The NASB is also great, and I have heard good things about the accuracy of the NKJV. Like I said though, I am not familiar with the 2nd Edition of the NLT, so maybe it fixed some stuff. And I figure a paraphrase or less literal Bible that gets read is better than a perfectly accurate word for word translation that doesn't get read!
  13. http://www.crossway.org/bibles/esv-seek-and-find-bible-1372-hcj/ I was wondering if anyone here has this Bible, and what they think of it. We are looking for a real Bible for my oldest daughter. We saw it at the store, but Crossway tends to keep their Bibles wrapped in plastic, so we couldn't look inside it.
  14. I am looking for recommendations for some good quality Christian fiction - not romance. Anything you know of that a guy would probably like?
  15. Not that I can think of. I have just been reading about their government, laws, political parties, military, etc... seems like an almost ideal country.
  16. Has anybody lived or visited Switzerland? What is it like? From what I have read it seems like a really great country.
  17. Somebody on death row is more likely to die prior to execution by the state, I think the entire death penalty system needs to be revamped. Capital punishment in my system would have one shot at an appeal, require unanimous juries for both guilt determination and sentencing. After the only chance at appeal, the convicted is shot in the head. Quick and cheap. And it would be an available option for murder and most cases of rape. Also though, I would legalize or decriminalize most, if not all, drugs. Legalize prostitution, and get rid of gun control laws. Get rid of mandatory minimum sentences as well as mandatory three strikes laws.
  18. I think it says something when you see that the US incarcerates more than China, Iran, or North Korea.
  19. The thread about having prisoners assist firefighters got me thinking about this. From Wikipedia. What do you think about that? Is it a good thing? Why do you think there are so many Americans in prison? Too many criminals...or too many laws? What is your solution, if you consider this a problem?
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