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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. I am not a fan of cops, in general, due to knowing too many of them. I was only halfway through the police academy, and I didn't like myself and what I was becoming. Law enforcement tends to attract a certain type of personality. Add to that the paranoia that gets instilled in them and the fact that most of the time they are dealing with criminals and people lying to them, their attitude can be somewhat understandable. It helps me to remember two things: 1. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. 2. You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist.
  2. I'm from Bangor... I do miss it. I would choose Colorado Springs. I live in Hawaii now, and it's nice to visit, but living here isn't that fun for me.
  3. You have to realize that they deal with the worst parts of society.
  4. I don't like Rush. I hope everyone knows who Walter Williams is. Every human is biased.
  5. http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/williams120298.asp Walter Williams speaking in code, obviously.
  6. If a friend of mine believed in a faith that was exclusive, and didn't try to convert me, I would be offended.
  7. A church I really like is in Bellevue. That's all I've got, sorry.
  8. Christian Protestant Evangelical Somewhat Fundamentalist Calvinist -leaning Missional -leaning Credo-baptist Complimentarian
  9. My point is that if it were legal and regulated, it would be more difficult to get ahold of for minors.
  10. It is easier for minors to get ahold of marijuana than beer.
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naming_the_American_Civil_War Those who call it the War of Northern Aggression believe that the United States Army fought a sovereign nation. (The CSA) Those who call it the Civil War believe that the this war was fought in one country between two groups of people in that country. Those who call it the War Between the States believe that this war was between the Confederate States, and the United States. Of course, if you refer to it as anything other than The Civil War, you are obviously racist. :rolleyes: (Did I get it right?)
  12. I sent a relevant PM to some of you regarding this, I hope you don't mind.
  13. ...do you prefer them to coddle and reassure you, being supportive of you or tell you how they really feel about the situation, even if you disagree with it?
  14. Okay, thanks! I imagine the system here is fairly streamlined, and her diagnosis would get sent to my Primary Care Manager. (GP)
  15. Ahhh, "history." What a wonderful way for the winners to inform everyone what the losers really thought and were motivated by.
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