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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Oh yes, I forgot to include The Daily Show and the Colbert Report in my list!
  2. It is also a wonderful cure for insomnia. ;) Except Car Talk. Love that show.
  3. I think we are going to pass this year. It is going to cost way too much. At least $85 to meet only every other week.
  4. Msn.com Politico.com Drudgereport.com Yahoo.com Fark.com Twitter
  5. Apparently, it is pretty much required that you show symptoms prior to age 7 to get an ADHD diagnosis, according to what I have been reading... not sure if that fits me, I cant remember that far back with much clarity. Not sure what to do...
  6. For a while there, most people believed the world was flat. Just because something is fringe doesn't mean it is wrong. ;) But to each his own.
  7. I imagine Bill will say they are fringe propaganda. He doesn't believe in Austrian Economics.
  8. http://agentgenius.com/real-estate-news-events/texas-squatter-claims-330000-house-police-cant-remove-him/
  9. I keep offering my car keys to the girls and tell them they can go where they want, but they have to drive themselves. And not to forget their toothbrush.
  10. http://www.christianbook.com/whatever-happened-penny-candy-sixth-edition/richard-maybury/9780942617627/pd/258627 CBD says 9-12 years old...is that accurate?
  11. Sorry, I haven't figured out how to embed video...
  12. For a 5 year old/kindergartener? Looking on their website it doesn't seem like they do much until they are 6...
  13. Different stimulants act on the brain in different ways.
  14. I went to the clinic today and set up an appointment. I go in Monday to talk to the doctor. The tech or whatever seemed a little skeptical and said my problems are normal, but she set up the appointment anyway.
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