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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. I'm on there. goodwinproductions at gmail dot com. Feel free to add me to your circles, if you like. :)
  2. Thanks everyone! I will be checking all of these out (including Frederick!). Keep them coming!
  3. By regeneration I mean the heart change, being "born again."
  4. That Stone Soup one sounds good. Not so sure about Frederick.
  5. I am not familiar with that (those?)...could you tell me more about it/ them?
  6. For some reason, I thought the requirement to be fruitful and multiply came after they were banished from the Garden... I may be misremembering.
  7. Do you believe regeneration occurs prior to faith, or after? In other words, which is the cause, and which is the effect?
  8. You see Thidwick as promoting self-sacrifice for the greater good? Very interesting... I see the message as nearly the opposite of that lol!
  9. I believe in a YE situation with literal 24 hour days, but have no issue with whatever it is called that believes the "days" may be eras of millions of years or more. Very interesting question, OP!
  10. I am looking for more books with a similar message/theme/moral/values to what is in The Little Red Hen, and Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose. Similar reading level too. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!
  11. Since 1971 when Nixon ended Bretton Woods. ;) Ugh, fiat currency.
  12. I want to say it's $150. My wife is a Scentsy rep. :)
  13. Ben Bernanke just told Congress that gold isn't money and central banks keep it because of "tradition." :001_rolleyes:
  14. My 5 year old dd sometimes likes to play Call of Duty. I don't have a problem with it. I played a lot of violent computer games when I was a kid (Doom, Duke Nukem, Half-Life). I am not at all a violent person. I think violent games could bring out those tendencies in some kids, but those tendencies are already there.
  15. Looks like R.S.O. Wins by a landslide!
  16. I always look at the church website to make sure the doctrines/beliefs line up with mine. After that, we like bigger churches with a good children's program.
  17. Choose please! Think first grade life science or biology. We prefer an open-and-go, scripted, not too much hands on type of program. Don't want to do a lot of cut and paste, or need a lot of extra books. Prefer to do some reading, then answer some questions or do a worksheet type thing. An experiment every couple of weeks is fine. Which is the most scientifically sound with the most information?
  18. No need for a credit score... (Aka the I Love Debt score). Easier to just not start. :)
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