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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. It isn't, of course. However, you are creating a false parallel between slavery and the Confederate flag. I think that is called a Red Herring, according to previous posts in this very thread.
  2. What does everyone here use, if they choose (or are required) to do some kind of standardized testing? Is there a site or a thread or something that compares the various choices?
  3. Well, my spiritual perspective is... probably hard to define. It would fit into evangelical Calvinist Protestant I imagine.
  4. I am concerned that if after we talk for a few sessions, and she decides medication should be part of my treatment (which I suspect will be the case), do I have to go through all this again with someone qualified to prescribe stuff to me?
  5. Get your calendar ready. Wait for it... Wait for it... :iagree::iagree::iagree:
  6. I support the death penalty for murder and most instances of rape, and child molestation.
  7. Has anyone used Praise Factory? It's free. And I heard Desiring God has one also, any thoughts on that?
  8. Do you think it should be legalized/decriminalized throughout the US?
  9. If the musicians can't hear themselves, I suggest the church invest in some in ear monitors.
  10. A drunk driver will run a stop sign. A stoned driver will wait for it to turn green.
  11. Also, you may look into what paper and logging companies have to do with marijuana. ;) Btw, i have never tried marijuana, but I support legalizing it (and all drugs).
  12. I was wondering what Sunday School curriculum you have used and either liked or disliked, and why?
  13. 1. God made everything, including them. 2. God loves them. 3. Jesus died for them. 4.??? It's not anything formal.
  14. I believe He has no body or gender. Jesus was male while on Earth , and God is referred to as male throughout the Bible.
  15. "The enemy," retorted Yossarian with weighted precision, "is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on, and that includes Colonel Cathcart. And don't you forget that, because the longer you remember it, the longer you might live." Catch-22, Joseph Heller
  16. My question is more logistical... What does your husband do for a living? I would love to have a lot of kids, but don't see how to afford it. :)
  17. The best advice I can offer is the following: If you have a legitimate complaint about something, make sure you offer a solution as well. Example: You don't like the children's curriculum. Make a suggestion or 2 of what you would think may be a better choice. (check out http://www.praisefactory.org/ for one example. It teaches kids a Systematic Theology)
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