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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. You probably aren't going to find a whole lot of authentic western type stuff in the DFW area, since it is a pretty big city. Your best bet may be before you get there or after you leave. :(
  2. Awesome! I know there are some classical public charter schools in the Colorado Springs area too.
  3. Sweeet. (You know what is proof that God loves us? Dark chocolate Reese's peanut butter cups)
  4. lol. Not much of a tan...not sure about some of the rest, whereas some is right on.
  5. I too am going through a similar search. Raised dispensational, but I am pretty sure I don't believe that though.
  6. Dispensationalist and Reformed are not mutually exclusive. :001_smile:
  7. lol. I was like that growing up. My mom was studying to be a teacher, so I read all her books she had for English and what-not when I was in elementary school. She had to set a rule that she got to read the books before me, which irritated me since I was a faster reader!
  8. http://www.theroot.com/buzz/13-year-old-bronx-girl-heads-college/?gt1=38002 Very impressive
  9. It would look like the following: Math Saxon (K-12) Singapore (K-12) Math Mammoth (K-6) etc...
  10. I actually commented on here...but it disappeared... I suggested The Princess Bride, or Star Wars... though they may too old for you.
  11. Similar, but posted on this forum with links and a little more current and inclusive.
  12. Is there a Rosetta Stone or something similar for Latin (or Greek or Hebrew)? What are your thoughts on something like that?
  13. Is there a thread somewhere here that lists nearly all the curriculum, broken down by subject (and possibly grade level), with links to the websites? If not, is there a demand for this here? I would be willing to attempt putting one together, and keep it updated, if there is enough interest.
  14. I swear, when it's appropriate. Simon, the whole point of swearing is that it ain't appropriate!
  15. Anyone else? I think there are at least 4 categories...
  16. A Kindle takes up a lot less room than 1000's of books, especially useful if you travel or have a weight limit when you move, or if you have a wife that complains that all your books make the bedroom look too nerdy! :P
  17. Here is a great article about homeschooling with the Kindle. I personally think the Kindle is the standard when it comes to eReaders. http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/2011/04/value-of-kindles-in-homeschooling.html
  18. I say "frick" sometimes, probably because of Scrubs. In my opinion, words only have power when we allow them to have power. The only word that offends me personally is G--D--n. However, when I don't think it's classy or ladylike when I hear females using profanity (like the f-word, s-word, p-word, etc). There is a time and place for everything though. I don't generally consider "replacement" swears to be troublesome. To me, that is used by someone who is expressing a feeling or emotion in which they would use a different word, but are being sensitive to those around who may have a problem with such language. I also agree with others who have said it shows a lack of vocabulary.
  19. We also use the Jesus Storybook Bible, along with Big Truth's for Little Kids. We use both of those for Kindergarten though, not sure if it would work for you or not.
  20. As an update... It is going very well! All of the stuff we got seems to be well-liked and working. :party:
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