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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Of course not. It makes perfect sense. I meant "reality" in the context of the world of the ad.
  2. As I previously mentioned, Sleeping Beauty has always been portrayed as an adult. Where it is showing her and the prince as young children is the false reality.
  3. No. And I am not defending the ad. I am opposing those on here who seem to think it has something to do with pedophelia.
  4. Like I have already said, I think they are inappropriate, classless, and ineffective advertisements. I don't think they have anything to do with pedophilia and are not outrageously "disgusting". It is showing a similar incident from two different perspectives, two different comics that have been stitched together for "humorous" effect. The left side shows sweet innocence of a little girl and her teacher in a more innocent cartoon style, the right side is designed to be sensual and maybe even erotic. I don't have a problem with those calling it soft-core porn. But not child porn.
  5. Or an 18 year old? Or a 25 year old dressed up like that (I don't think that's what is going on here, it's just an example) for her husband? If you have an issue with the school girl fantasy concept in general, that is an entirely different matter. I thought we were talking about this ad.
  6. Wow. Mrs. Mungo, I am very disappointed in you here. You are usually amazing with your ability to debate using facts and logic. This collectivism is beneath you. I had female friends in high school who had crushes on our teachers. True story.
  7. This really did surprise me. Why is it that most of you in this thread seem to see an attack on little girls that may or may not exist? I agree, if it were an attack on little girls, I would think it's disgusting. As it is, I merely think it is inappropriate and not classy.
  8. Exactly. Thank you for understanding my point. However, if he broke the terms of his contract, he absolutely should face those consequences.
  9. I am amazed at the sexism I have been seeing here lately.
  10. Hasn't Sleeping Beauty usually been portrayed as an adult? Just one more thing showing the left side is the fantasy...
  11. And therein is the difference. He has consensual sex with a grown woman who happened to be a student in a completely different school district.
  12. No no no. Students in America. In general. It was in response to what I had quoted and bolded...
  13. It could easily be seen as students lusting after teachers...
  14. I saw it the opposite way. The left side was clearly a cartoon style, the left was more realistic. And the left side looks like a student much younger than high school, where the right side could easily be a college situation. I didn't see it say high school anywhere in the ad.
  15. Am I the only one that has a problem with this sentence? How could you possibly guess that? I think the advertisement is a little risque, but I don't see how it is disgusting or supposedly promotes pedophelia. It is in poor taste and ineffective as an ad, but I am not sure what the major complaint is... One side is portrayed as young and innocent, the other is mature and sensual. ??
  16. Out of curiousity, would you feel the same if it were a 50 year old woman and an 18 year old man?
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